President Carter should have had another term. The conniving, treasonous Republicans robbed us of a better future that would have stalled or prevented climate change. He wants us to vote for Harris/Walz along with him. I am.

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Cassandra was condemned by the gods to always tell the truth and yet never be believed. It was Jimmy Carter who campaigned on the promise never to lie to the American people. Clearly we prefer to be lied to, or we wouldn't be in the pretty pass we find ourselves in today.

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All these Republicans (and even some Democrats) who revere Reagan have very faulty memories.

Hostage release skulduggery; Iran/Contra; 2 final years in office while suffering from Alzheimer's and his damned wife relying on an astrologer, AN ASTROLOGER to guide the ship of state. It is disgraceful and treasonous.

Last September at a Peter Gabriel concert at Madison Square Garden, Peter launched into a mini-biography of fellow rights-activist President Carter, whose 99th birthday was approaching, then asked about 15,000 of us to sing Happy Birthday. It was quite an emotional experience. I still tear up a bit thinking of the thousands of voices lifted in celebration of an honest and consequential man.

Republicans stink up this country really bad.

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Thom, thank you for a beautiful tribute to a very deserving man. President Carter is the definition of honor and decency in public life, both while holding office and after leaving it. I hope God spares his life to cast his vote in another month, and hopefully for as long after that as President Carter wants to stay.

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Well-said Mr. Hartmann. President Carter was indeed our finest president.

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Great article i was only a kid during president Carter's term and was unaware of many of his achievements and proposals. A truly great man, who has lived his ideals with dignity and grace.

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This recent NY Times account of Reagan's "October Surprise" to sabotage President Carter's re-election got zero traction: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/18/us/politics/jimmy-carter-october-surprise-iran-hostages.html?unlocked_article_code=1.O04.4n0f.HXdQBay0lWv6&smid=url-share.

Americans loved to believe Reagan's lies. Most prescient to me among his lies was in the 1980 debate when he said, "No negotiations with terrorists of any kind!" The world later learned that the liar Reagan had for years not only been negotiating and capitulating to terrorists, he was also supplying US military weapons to the Iranian terrorists while they chanted, "Death to America."

We would all be so much better off if Carter had been re-elected to a 2nd term in 1980.

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I was one of the people who was skeptical of Reagan, and I was not old enough to vote then.

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Simply put, yes, President Carter embodies all that is/was good about America, his successor, in hindsight, not so much…

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Karma is going to exact revenge for GOP treason. Jimmy Carter is a true example of a smart, compassionate patriot. We are all better for having him in our lives. He will be remembered fondly, and I hope, with some guilt, regarding how he was mistreated.

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If you want to wish this fine man a happy birthday, please go to the cartercenter.org and add your picture to the mosaic that is being built. It's a fun gesture and inspiring to see how many people care.

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Thank you so much for this glowing tribute to Jimmy Carter. Totally nonpolitical, I had the privilege of working for a stenographic company who was awarded the contract to cover the 1977-1979 WH, and transcribed President Carter's remarks. It is only now that I realize I was in the presence of a great man during that time.

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Truly underrated and unappreciated in his time.

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good one, mate

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I admired Jimmy Carter as President and have been in awe of his determination to make this world a better place for all. The treasonous activities of the Reagan Republicans should never be forgotten. Their spawn of bribe-takers and fact-deniers have brought us to this point in time where our democracy is at stake.

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I agree with everything you are saying about him. The only problem I had, though, was his arming the Mujahideen in Afghanistan trying to help them drive out the Russians but thereby creating the Taliban.

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Something very sick about Joe Biden running a close second to Jimmy Carter. But then today's liberals are just George W Bush Republicans, clamoring for Dick Cheney's endorsement, which Kamala Harris is so "proud" to receive, and ignoring the genocide and escalation towards World War III the Democratic Party has embraced to "beat Trump." Biden (and now Harris's) immigration bill is to the right of George W Bush, continuing the building of Trump's border wall and effectively (and illegally) shutting down the southern border to migrants seeking asylum from our sanctions and regime change wars. I believe that Jimmy Carter was a moral person. Biden and Harris are not. And I must add Jimmy Carter would have done what Reagan did and pick up the phone and tell Netanyahu (then Begin) to stop their genocide (Reagan called it a "holocaust" in regards to Begin's bombing of Beirut) and it would indeed stop. https://www.amnestyusa.org/press-releases/amnesty-international-reaction-to-biden-administration-asylum-decision/#:~:text=September%2030,%202024.%20Print.%20(Photo%20by

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