All I know is Gingrich is a sociopath; I know attorneys that worked in his office and the dude is really sick. I also know that Beerbong is an alcoholic. He was drunk at his hearings, went after Klobuchar (best defense is an offense) and the crying, hysterics - he was lit. Beerbong was hung over when her returned from a frat reunion weekend the morning of 9/11; he was a deputy chief of staff for W. During Beerbong's hearings, I was at an AA meeting in Georgia talking to an older black gal friend and I said, 'He was drunk, wasn't he....' She just said. 'uh hummm!' ...with that signature head shake, side to side.

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What should have been done months ago is tying the pay packets Congress receives to delivering this debt ceiling agreement. No Congress man or woman, or their staff, should be paid until it's done. Anyone else not doing their job wouldn't get paid -- do your job, folks. A bit late for that now, though.

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If the U.S. goes into default, that will be the end of US economic dominance, Nations will swap the Xuan for the US dollar, and the dollar will no longer be the currency against which all others are based.

The Republicans will have been the dog that caught the car. Their billionnaire culture war donors, will lose their fortunes.

Unintended consequences, maybe this is what is needed to take down the arrogant and greedy 1%

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While I have no doubt that you are correct in that Republicans would love to see a major recession of depression for their political advantage, the fact is that while the "numbers" look good we are in a great recession already. 48% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings, 49% of Americans have less savings (39%) or no savings (10%) compared to one year ago, household debt is at a record $17 trillion and many of my patients can no even pay their copays (admittedly the ACA has resulted in copays of $100 so this is understandable). So the wonders of the Biden economy are being felt by those who have the influence and voice to talk like pundits musing over how Democrats should message better but not by the working class and marginalized communities. The depression is likely coming anyway, but yes Republicans will do anything to make certain it arrives before the next election cycle.

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We should be alarmed, afraid and called to action by the continuing dismantling of our Democracy. But not surprised. The GOP has celebrated Fascism through their alliance with Orban and Hungary on public occasions. And that has not been a roadblock to their destruction. They have rallied their followers with the truth about their mission even though those followers will pay. How close are we to the Fascism and Antisemitism of 1932 and beyond. Our government was warned by Ambassador Dodd. But not until years later after Pearl Harbor did we move. History. Now it’s the Debt Ceiling. And continuing trumpism. And it’s not war against another country. This time it’s Civil. Are we repeating or sufficiently scared to act. And what will that look like? Blue vs Red?

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Gop/fascists WANT Americans to die -- by their own words. Death will come from Kevin McCarthy's hostage "demands." These are real threats. Lies of comfort, freedom, liberty, whatever flow from the other side of the mouth or some other orifice. Current politics (within gop/fascists, and a few weirdly sympathetic dems who've been bought) is unfathomable. How can regular repubs be so easily conned or WANT to believe lies? Stupidity? They surely aren't ALL truly evil. I believe (hope?) most Americans believe and work for better things. Gop/fascists are seriously screwing up any chance for FAIR elections. Some states, buttoned down by gop/fascists, seem already doomed. Doing away totally with elections and even having more people killed, are distinct possibilities. Thank you for helping us face reality, however repugnant and nauseous it is. Ruthie B.

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The argument could be made to those of the Republican mindset that if lowering taxes on the rich creates jobs, then conversely, raising taxes on the rich would lose jobs and thus lower inflation. And there would be enough money in Treasury to pay the bills. Kill 2 birds with one stone as it were.

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