The root of all evil is a lack of having a conscience. When babies are raised to love Faith and hate facts, they get detached from the common reality and invent their own realities, where narcissism is welcomed. Since most of the world is raised in violent religious societies, they get strength from one another's insanity. Not caring abo…
The root of all evil is a lack of having a conscience. When babies are raised to love Faith and hate facts, they get detached from the common reality and invent their own realities, where narcissism is welcomed. Since most of the world is raised in violent religious societies, they get strength from one another's insanity. Not caring about right or wrong, morals or immorality. But they are nuttier than fruit cakes. They become easy picking for rational thinking Nations, like "China". United we stand, divided we fall. The sane can not stand with the insane, or vice versa. The billionaire globalists see America as a juicy steak. The plutocrats have eaten the middle class alive the last 60 or so years and will turn her citizens over to the rational and intelligent thinking Chinese. Including making China the world reserve currency. This must have been planned back in the 1960s or '70s. Pre Carter and Reagan. Loot America and then torch her. Blame it on the hippies. Russia is killing off all of its undesirables with this Ukrainian war, being shot up with American arms. In the war with China, American undesirables will be sent to the front lines. That includes the intellectuals first. Anyone who spouts truth and reason and logic will be the first to go, after them, all of the takers, the criminals locked in prisons, the welfare recipients the churches will be glad to indoctrinate the children, and of course the homeless. Old people will just be left to starve or die of diseases, slowly and painfully. This is how greedy libertarians who are psychopaths think. So much for white supremacy. The libertarians are not racist. They like to torture all equally.
I love the line: "Blame it on the hippies." Code for "looters." But also shorthand for "undesirables," who are basically any creatives who question orthodoxy that supports supine conventionality. My Mom really hated "dirty, LAZY" hippies: bragged about she'd never give them a ride because she had EARNED her car. What you end up with is those who have the most to lose always being able to be manipulated into punching down.
The root of all evil is a lack of having a conscience. When babies are raised to love Faith and hate facts, they get detached from the common reality and invent their own realities, where narcissism is welcomed. Since most of the world is raised in violent religious societies, they get strength from one another's insanity. Not caring about right or wrong, morals or immorality. But they are nuttier than fruit cakes. They become easy picking for rational thinking Nations, like "China". United we stand, divided we fall. The sane can not stand with the insane, or vice versa. The billionaire globalists see America as a juicy steak. The plutocrats have eaten the middle class alive the last 60 or so years and will turn her citizens over to the rational and intelligent thinking Chinese. Including making China the world reserve currency. This must have been planned back in the 1960s or '70s. Pre Carter and Reagan. Loot America and then torch her. Blame it on the hippies. Russia is killing off all of its undesirables with this Ukrainian war, being shot up with American arms. In the war with China, American undesirables will be sent to the front lines. That includes the intellectuals first. Anyone who spouts truth and reason and logic will be the first to go, after them, all of the takers, the criminals locked in prisons, the welfare recipients the churches will be glad to indoctrinate the children, and of course the homeless. Old people will just be left to starve or die of diseases, slowly and painfully. This is how greedy libertarians who are psychopaths think. So much for white supremacy. The libertarians are not racist. They like to torture all equally.
I love the line: "Blame it on the hippies." Code for "looters." But also shorthand for "undesirables," who are basically any creatives who question orthodoxy that supports supine conventionality. My Mom really hated "dirty, LAZY" hippies: bragged about she'd never give them a ride because she had EARNED her car. What you end up with is those who have the most to lose always being able to be manipulated into punching down.