Great food for thought in this Report. You can speak two languages, write successful books, and be considered an intellectual and still die broke using every system you railed against.
Intelligence has nothing to do with emotional maturity and mental health. My take-away from that Rand interview with Mike Wallace was that she thought of…
Great food for thought in this Report. You can speak two languages, write successful books, and be considered an intellectual and still die broke using every system you railed against.
Intelligence has nothing to do with emotional maturity and mental health. My take-away from that Rand interview with Mike Wallace was that she thought of herself as "the world". I guess that left the rest of us in the real world the "objects" in her objectivism. Talk about having limited vision. Talk about arrested development. She looked crazy and she was, so does Trump and so did Hitler. Cultists like crazy.
This battle against insanity and Libertarian-ism might not be like Normandy, but it is just as important that the allies win it!
Great food for thought in this Report. You can speak two languages, write successful books, and be considered an intellectual and still die broke using every system you railed against.
Intelligence has nothing to do with emotional maturity and mental health. My take-away from that Rand interview with Mike Wallace was that she thought of herself as "the world". I guess that left the rest of us in the real world the "objects" in her objectivism. Talk about having limited vision. Talk about arrested development. She looked crazy and she was, so does Trump and so did Hitler. Cultists like crazy.
This battle against insanity and Libertarian-ism might not be like Normandy, but it is just as important that the allies win it!