I humbly submit the difference might be, is the harm "hands-on?" Trump's dirty work is always done by his worshippers. Nothing is more "hands-on" than Ayn Rand's inspirer.
By a standard suggested above, the distinction is fogged, because Trump obviously got a kick out of the mayhem on Jan. 6. But at a distance.
I humbly submit the difference might be, is the harm "hands-on?" Trump's dirty work is always done by his worshippers. Nothing is more "hands-on" than Ayn Rand's inspirer.
By a standard suggested above, the distinction is fogged, because Trump obviously got a kick out of the mayhem on Jan. 6. But at a distance.
I humbly submit the difference might be, is the harm "hands-on?" Trump's dirty work is always done by his worshippers. Nothing is more "hands-on" than Ayn Rand's inspirer.
By a standard suggested above, the distinction is fogged, because Trump obviously got a kick out of the mayhem on Jan. 6. But at a distance.