There's no shortage of playing the fear card on the Dems side either. The problem for the Dems is that they are reactive. The first to instil fear wins.
There's no shortage of playing the fear card on the Dems side either. The problem for the Dems is that they are reactive. The first to instil fear wins.
There's no shortage of playing the fear card on the Dems side either. The problem for the Dems is that they are reactive. The first to instil fear wins.
About the only fear card the Dems have played is fascism and that is amorphous, too general,not personal enouogh Dr Gilbert,
The Republicans have a whole suit of fear cards, and they are personal and they throw them out like the are playing 52 pick up.
There is a big difference between the Dems and Repubs when playing the fear card.