Considering that I am 85 and older than you. I don't think that people my age should be in that kind of position. Society changes, the mentality changes, and try as we might we don't keep up, and there really is such a thing as old age senility.
As far as focusing on the person, frankly the person in question (President Joseph R Biden) is evidencing a loss of mental faculties, evident in the interviews, evident in the debate.
The person in question had problems because of conditions caused by age.
While typing this I had to stop and search my mind for the word "debate"
The first thing to go with Alzheimers is nouns, long term memory stays pretty much intact, but short term memory.. not so much.
Except for accidents and rare genetic incidents, Alzheimers and dementia are AGEIST diseases.
Don't personalize the impersonal Pat, it doesn't look good, and it betrays you.
IT IS AGE BASHING when it is aimed at the age, and not the entrenched person.
Considering that I am 85 and older than you. I don't think that people my age should be in that kind of position. Society changes, the mentality changes, and try as we might we don't keep up, and there really is such a thing as old age senility.
As far as focusing on the person, frankly the person in question (President Joseph R Biden) is evidencing a loss of mental faculties, evident in the interviews, evident in the debate.
The person in question had problems because of conditions caused by age.
While typing this I had to stop and search my mind for the word "debate"
The first thing to go with Alzheimers is nouns, long term memory stays pretty much intact, but short term memory.. not so much.
Except for accidents and rare genetic incidents, Alzheimers and dementia are AGEIST diseases.
Don't personalize the impersonal Pat, it doesn't look good, and it betrays you.