This is so scary! Thanks for bringing it to our attention. I hope he can be stopped and we cans stop the march towards a dictatorship here.

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Thanks for your insights always, Donald

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These Republicans and Orban may be enamored of each other, but it's more likely they come by their fascist nature early-on. By the time they are old enough to reach a position of power, their brain is already wired.

It seems there is no limit to their imagination, so I'm not sure they need a teacher. Once bullies get going they feed on encouragement from the crowd. It's easy to see how they would feel an affinity for each other. It's a mutual admiration society.

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Don't oversimplify this. For many of these people, "replacement" is a real, and current, risk. Roughly 75% of Americans are white. Roughly 15% of Americans are black. The most productive 85% of black people is about 13% of the population. The least productive 15% of white people is about 11% of the population.

Practically, there are more than enough higher productivity black people to replace the lowest productivity 15% of white people.

Employers certainly know this, and are recruiting constantly.

These folks aren't the high productivity whites, their jobs really are at risk.

As a society, we need our most productive people working where they can produce the most.

There is a simple solution, make sure every black worker has a job that a lower productivity white person would be OK with, then do a swap.

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