Thom assumes that we can't "work together for a better nation and world... until the Republican Party stops exploiting racial and religious hatred for political purposes," and I can't agree more. I would also add that the Republican Party won't change until their oligarchic masters tell them to stop leveraging their best wedges, and that won't happen until we give them a corporate personhoodectomy.

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so true (truthful) American GOP and Corporate Democrats are to blame for this hell on earth policy

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I guess some folks don't know an old-fashion lynching when they see one. The former district attorney involved with trying to look the other way in the Arbery case will be doing some time herself. Friends don't ask friends to commit obstruction and misconduct for them; what WAS she thinking?

Elevating oneself by keeping someone else down is so ugly. I think Representative Omar did a stellar job of letting Boebert know just how ugly her actions were. Ilhan pretty much called Lauren a liar and a coward. That didn't keep the Republicans from voting for Trump, so Boebert's district will probably reelect her anyway. She's slim, attractive and has a big gun just like Sarah Palin. I think the Republicans are starting to have a "type". 

To those of us on the left, the racism is overt in everything the Republicans are doing. They act like they don't see it that way. Some may be naive, but the majority of them are willfully ignorant. The people pulling the strings are just evil, and they better quit praying for Jesus to return.

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I guess some folks don't know an old-fashion lynching when they see one. The former district attorney involved with trying to look the other way in the Arbery case will be doing some time herself. Friends don't ask friends to commit obstruction and misconduct for them; what WAS she thinking?

Elevating oneself by keeping someone else down is so ugly. I think Representative Omar did a stellar job of letting Boebert know just how ugly her actions were. Ilhan pretty much called Lauren a liar and a coward. That didn't keep the Republicans from voting for Trump, so Boebert's district will probably reelect her anyway. She's slim, attractive and has a big gun just like Sarah Palin. I think the Republicans are starting to have a "type". 

To those of us on the left, the racism is overt in everything the Republicans are doing. They act like they don't see it that way. Some may be naive, but the majority of them are willfully ignorant. The people pulling the strings are just evil, and they better quit praying for Jesus to return.

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