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I can’t hardly get proficient enough with technology to do this social media stuff, and post comments. But I thought I would try today. I do try and read most all of yours, Thom and the other subscribers.

Thom Hartmann, you may well be right. Today, just like any other day, when you bring ideas, facts, and hard choices before us listeners and readers.

A strategy would be great, to help us. Help us to believe that hope is still there for us to recuperate. Get the right-wing media out of our faces, out of our ears. And more importantly, out of the faces and ears of our friends, family, and those we may only slightly know who are being poisoned, numbed into complacency, and incited to believe and act in ways that surely are killing us all hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month, and so on.

There is a little poem in the new issue of The Atlantic (October) that comes again to my mind. Maybe some of you have read it? It is “Ode to a Squirrel.” The guy writing it, he is asking the yammering chattering little jumping all over the place critter, what’s with you? Why you keep yammering at me? As if the little crazed nut gatherer is trying to convey some urgent message, or doling out a harsh criticism.

I loved that little piece. I read it over and over. We have such a resident in our yard. Just as I imagine that maybe each of us may also.

My silly daydreamer mind inside of me, takes that poem, puts it to this real live squirrel that I know. He seems to delight in jumping tree to tree, just to get closer to me. Last week, he stole a whole bucket of apples we’d picked from our tree. I ask our backyard SQ all of the questions we who listen to Thom Hartmann are all asking ourselves. What can we do to get things back on track?

The Democrats are worried, weary, and have plenty of trouble, reasonably so, in getting a good focus, and a strategy, to combat the campaign of terror, death, disingenuousness, and full bore cruelty. The Democrats are seeing reality, and it scares the Hell out of them. Of course, in this, I do mean, us. And the Republicans are scared, too, but about losing their being mostly a white country, and so on. I think that they see that their strategy to maintain power through obstruction, and rigging the system to take away democratic processes is going well, looking good. And by what I can tell, it seems true. Keep jumping from branches, confusing the opposition. Keep them off balance. Lie when you can, kill by letting the good deeds go undone.

And we want to get them to believe that it is like the tobacco? And maybe they will wake up, and stop listening to the beauty of glamorously deceiving lies on the FOX screens? Okay. Let’s do it. But aw, shucks. How in the Hell we going to do that?

We have to stuff away more nuts for even harder times. And we have to get a few tasers on the guilty ones, to stop the damage. So we can do triage on the wounded, the nearly lost souls who don’t want to hear one freaking word from us anymore.

A certain, warranted, harsh justice must be dealt. And it should strike fear. I am convinced that fear is what will win. After all, is that what is being dealt by the right, really?

Entertainment. Movie. Most citizens are just waiting to see the movie, when the next big thing is done. Just like the new book by Penny and Clinton. Trouble is. Reality is playing out in real time. When the movie is out, we will maybe be too damaged to recognize…

Fight with sureness of what is right. If no observable justice is seen by the insurrection, or by the legalities of this voting rights theft, we won’t convince too many to get the truth of matters.

I know. I need an Editor. Thanks for listening.

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