For as many times Thom has discussed the 2 Santa Claus theory on-air, there is nothing that competes with a thorough and simple written explanation. To have documented this truth so elegantly gives us all a clearer understanding of how things came to be this way (Thank you, Daniel Quinn) which informs us as to what we can do about it (Thank you, Thom Hartman).

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We have a US Poet Laureate and other similar titles and dignitaries. Let's establish Thom as our official "Truth Teller and Genius Historian". How does anyone manage to compile, organize, or recall this much useful and accurate information in one lifetime? He should have a much bigger platform for educating many more people. This is gob-stopping good.

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What is needed is for the Democrats to play hardball and cut funding for the military. We have nothing to show for the $21 trillion spent since 9/11 and have created millions of enemies around the world and to cut this program of insanity would be a great first step. It is also time for the DNC "leadership" to call corrupt people like Joe Manchin to account for his pro-Republican stance on everything. Strip him of his committees and threaten to boot him out of the DNC entirely.

In all too many respects the DNC acts as a shill for the Republicans and puts up a mock defense of democracy but then always folds when push comes to shove. We saw this with Clinton and with Obama and now with Biden. It should be recognized that the party bosses give us a Hillary or a Biden instead of a Warren or a Sanders to vote for in presidential elections, just as they did in 1944 when they removed 3 term VP Henry Wallace from the ticket and forced FDR to replace him with the much less progressive Harry Truman.

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Virtually all of our wars since WW2 prove how incompetent our military is. We drop million dollar bombs on mud huts. What did we get for 2.7 Trillion in Afghanistan and what did they get?

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Déjà vu all over again. Didn't this warmongering empire have this same debate after the politicians and generals lied the whole time before losing Viet Nam -- but not after murdering countless human beings for no good reason?! The United States of America was an embarrassment back then and remains so now.

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It is so repetitive you would think that the media would notice it.

Mitch is willing to crash the market and then claim it is Biden's fault. The Chinese market is crashing today, so we may be in for an international market crash. This will be a real test on Sinema and Manchin.


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Well put, Thom, but how do we break the cycle?

For one, I think we talk every single day about Democratic job creation snd Republican job destruction. Bottom line—since 1920, over 100 years, Democratic Administrations have created over 60 million more jobs than Republican Administrations.

Here’s a link to an article on this I wrote last year:

Democratic Presidencies Create 300% More Jobs.


Beyond that, knowing this cycle is playing out again (and again and again and again), we need to be crafting an alternative narrative/ offensive response that speaks to Americans’ pocketbook and raw instincts.

What do you and the many great political thinkers on your show think that should be?

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Xi is steering the Chinese economy. Is it working, or will it fail for the same reason the Soviet Union failed? "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work". https://www.yahoo.com/news/xi-moving-china-economic-system-171146880.html

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