The Trump Bible purchase is such an obvious scam and it smells like an illegal campaign contribution.

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I just really enjoy your writing Thom, insightful and to the point. That said, I would hope this obvious "Con" job on the school's would have some sort of oversight?! Addressing Corporate Media covering, Anything ,related to climate change and Fossil Fuel industries,expect to hear crickets 🦗! As far as MTG goes, I don't want to waste your or my time on the Traitorous,Spork toed,Wort Hog from Hell. Good article this morning ☕ Thom, Thank You 🌊

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Denial is a river in Egypt, no wait, it is now a river running through your house!

Media Matters has done the stats on how much less ABC, NBC, and CBS mentioned the climate crisis in 2023. PBS is hanging in there and reporting on a regular basis. It was amazing that the meteorologists finally won the battle to mention it all.

We have reached the stage where the thing speaks for itself, but once this election is over, Harris/Walz need to go to these horrible weather events and hammer home the truth. No more Republican "now is not the time". We can respect the dead, missing, and their families by praising how people have helped one another. Then President Harris or VP Walz can expand that to include the nation coming together to do our part for the United States, the planet, and future generations.

Leadership is what we need, not denial. The MSM will cover her words and the Republicans will be hateful---but hey, that's what sells the news these days.

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The depth to which the rot has reached the enablers

is "The fish rots from the head" 101 and never gets less sickening.

Even so pinocchio keeps upping the ante

04 Oct/24

"At a campaign event at a Michigan manufacturing plant

billed as an address by the Republican presidential candidate on the local economy"

pinocchio ranted about immigrant murderers.

"They grab young girls and slice them up right in front of their parents,"

A rehash of the exact same fear mongering he promoted in 2017

Which was treated by the media as "nothing here to look at"

" just regular political hyperbole"

In other words it got normalized.

Hence we sit here today.

If you want a trip down memory lane to know the dangerous of normalizing such rhetoric

watch the BBC series "The Rise of the Nazis"

It is chilling as to how it is in lock step with what the far right is doing today.

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Thanks for exposing the crypto grift. My suspicions were up when I saw the goofy NFT trading cards. Something just seemed odd.

Now, with your shining the light, we see the crypto grift as just the latest act in the criminal enterprise of a presidential campaign.

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Here is the real Jill Stein. Link is to Mother Jones and Jill Stein, Mike Flynn at dinner with Vladimir Putin.


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It has been so clear, as pointed out here, the Putin/Russian takeover of both the Green and the Republican parties!

Sitting at the table next to Putin brazenly!

And the poor average American doesn’t have a clue! It is utterly stunning where we are! We are in the cesspool up to our necks begging their speeding boat not to make waves!

The helplessness is shattering!

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Has anyone else noticed that the Trump Bible has eliminated Constitutional Amendments 17 - 21? How does the Oklahoma Governor explain that to the parents and school children of his state?

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Oklahoma is rightup ther with Texas and Florida. An acquaintance of mine from north central Saskatchewan, who believes Creation should be taught in school, moved his family to his wife's parents farm a few years ago. I messaged him saying that everything I learned about Oklahoma made me think he should be very happy there. The irony was lost on him, I am afraid

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Thanks, Thom some really spooky stuff. Democracy!

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I have to seriously disagree with the claim that 3rd parties, particularly Stein, cost Clinton the 2016 election. If you're going to assume that all Stein votes would have gone to Clinton were Stein not in the race (which is absurd on its face, because most Green voters wouldn't have voted at all were she not on the ballot), then you also have to assume that all Gary Johnson votes would have gone to Trump (which also is absurd, but more likely than Stein voters going for Clinton) - you can't just remove one 3rd party; you have to remove them all. Do that, and Trump's win in the swing states is even bigger, because Johnson got 3 times as many votes as Stein. Not only that, but several states that went for Clinton would be switched to Trump, including Maine, Minnesota, and Nevada (and depending on what you do with McMullin's votes potentially even more). So if you hypothetically remove 3rd parties, then Trump's win is even bigger.

Clinton lost for a number of reasons - blaming Stein belongs near the bottom of the list.

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Slumdog Millionaire!

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But I refuse to give in! If I have to swim in it to get out - Look out!

See great Indian Bollywood film about a boy Millionaire for lessons!

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