As expected, Saturday Report by Hartmann delivers - thank you, Thom.
I appreciate the piss and vinegar of recent posts, not because I think it's the answer to everyday problems, but for the fact that it is a large part of the answer to our present. I hate clichés, but "If you're not angry, you're not paying attention" has never been more relevant.
great minds. For Musk, spending $250m to choose his own low-information boss, re-write pesky regulations, and set his own tax rate was an obvious bargain.
"Speaking of investments paying off, remember when the Koch brothers put up $650 million to help an allegedly rightwing tech billionaire buy TIME magazine? Yeah, that happened in 2017, and here comes Donald Trump on the magazine’s cover as Man of the Year."
In another venue, I discussed what I consider to be a "better" investment. Besides taking control of the Treasury, Trump "prints" his own "currency." What if the coin of the realm were Trump coins and World Liberty Financial Inc cryptocurrency.
A component of psy ops was devaluing the "enemy" currency. E.G. F. Castro accused Batista of stealing the entire Cuban treasury and accused the CIA of issuing counterfeit pesos.
I have advocated for months in these formats to focus critical attention on corporations, but the no-response, blithe ignoring has been almost 100%. I'm led to believe that a majority of people cannot simply fathom the dire reality of how inimical these massive foes have become. By extention, it mirrors the subconscious mommy/daddy
emotional regard we have for our local gro cery store--our provider, our protector, our survival savior. It is shameful to even entertain the idea to criticize them. We blame the billionaires for the steel in the stances of buoying up MAGA, but ignore the corporate powers who collectively are the true supporting skeleton of this oligarchic control over our lives. A most comprehensive summary of this cancer I found in this simple statement--'capitalism has been replaced by corporatism.' The assassination of the monster CEO of United Health Care Corporation, whose reign was high-lighted by tightening the coverage for infirm clients which resulted in the increased suffering and death of hundreds of thousands while filling their bags with massive cash for the corporation, was met with mute observation. This business construct, which was clearly oligarchic in nature, is celebrated as a model of gainful maneuvering in the overall corporate world. Moraless and predatory, it is simply Good Business. Many posters still hunker in their denial bunkers. Instead of recognizing that the assignation of such a reprehensible creature might light a bonfire of constructive reaction of the public long wronged by such vermin, many instead revert in reaction to the assignation by wallowing in the sanctimonious safe-harbor
emotional relief of "killing is, no matter the circumstances, just wrong." It is painfully reminiscent of the German population when Hitler became Dracula, simply not looking at reality, looking the other way, choosing the least disturbing reaction to the extant hell.
...Yes. Thom has written a lot about the history of corporations.
Another layer of business that also is prominent in the erosion of democracy is the "petty bourgeois". ( ). These are the often praised "small business entrepreneurs". But many of these "pillars of their communities" are ultra conservative because they attribute their success almost entirely to their own virtue, and look down on most others as deserving crummy lives for not being as hard working as them.
"it ... grows within the ranks of those who may be part of the working class, but view themselves as entrepreneurs, professionals, or intellectuals. It gains traction with some among sections of the working class with higher incomes, managerial roles, or that may work in isolated environments which separate them from other workers. ... The influence of male chauvinism and white supremacy especially encourages white and male workers to adopt a petty bourgeois outlook."
My father died in the hospital on a Saturday, instead of Monday. On Friday, one doctor said, "We will see how he does until Monday. Saturday morning, ANOTHER doctor said, "We need to 'pull the plug' NOW." Even though it was my decision, I was outvoted by family members and the new doctor, 4 to 1. When they removed the respirator, my dad woke up and waved his arms, but it was too late. I now know that there are two kinds of doctors: Those that "Give HOPE," and Those that "Take it away!" And yet, based upon all I have studied, I believe America still has the BEST -- NOT Perfect -- Healthcare in the World. And my middle daughter is a Doctor. If you don't believe that, go the Canada, or England, or wherever! It is my opinion that neither Government, not Insurance, should have any say in it at all. I don't trust either one.
This, really should be shocking but I have learned that when you have no bottom, well nothing happens. Thom the two traitors you talked about, they can walk away. No dance or anything this time. I like rules because you don’t have chaos. We are in a new day and time, and the corporations and billionaires are the only ones getting all the pie, Thom. Glad we still have Bernie Sanders , Bernie and democracy, sounds good to me. Medicare for All, yeah. Too late.
Whose job is it going to be to feed Trump’s paranoia and the paranoia of his cabinet members and the Republicans? Some carefully worded articles, accidentally in the hands of Trump and his minions could remind that everyone has their own ambitions; everyone wants to be favored or will assume they should be next in line to be the top authority to replace the incompetent, old and decrepit has-been, and most of these people have already gone on record with strong criticisms of Trump or have opposed him at some point. Trust is not one of their strong points. How do we plant and encourage the doubts, distrust, and paranoid delusions that will inevitably undermine their organization and stimulate them to attack each other and viciously compete with each other, quickly weakening them? Headlines such as “Who will stab Trump in the back first, or more likely, who will he stab in the back first” are sure to get some attention and stir some fresh fear or hostility. Let’s get cracking on some strategic and psych-based material to supply newspapers, podcasts, broadcasters, and others. Letters to the editor should ask the questions that alert their insecurity and irrational fears. We may be able to beat them at their own game.
PS: There is a Women’s March set for Jan 18th. Thom has mentioned a big day of protest on Jan 17th a number of times. Are both planned separately for consecutive days with no coordination? Why not a general strike to shut the country down for a few days?
...As for what you said near the end, about marches, protests, strikes, etc.:
I thought what needs to happen are once weekly million person demonstrations on the National Mall, with hundreds of millions of Americans encouraged to commit to attending these over the next four years.
But then I realized the DC government would not be able to deal with the security and expenses of perhaps 200 mass demonstrations in a row over four years.
Instead, it is going to need to be permanent presences in every city and town downtown, like Occupy was, in places where it worked well, such as Dayton, Ohio where I was involved.
The local progressives will rent a storefront, and make it a center for organizing, teach ins, and low key demonstrations without large signs consisting of persons walking through downtown from the storefront maybe twice per week, with matching tee shirts.
There will also be lectures, poetry slams, music, comedy, and other fun things held at the storefront. This will go on for the entire four years. That will be sustainable, because it will not just be resistance, but also fun and joyful.
Today, at our local weekly progressives solidarity get together, that we started after 11-5, we discussed the storefront idea. There are progressives who rent storefronts here in downtown DeLand, Florida, and the first step will be for one to rent at a reduced rate because he/she supports us. Then, let's say that would be $2000 per month. Well, if we could just get 40 of us to donate $50 per month for four years, we could make it happen!
Your ideas are admirable, if a bit pie-in-the-sky under present circumstances. There is a reason the marches are scheduled for a date prior to the inauguration. The Heritage fascists and Trump can be expected to start crushing any form of dissent on Jan. 21 without mercy or regard for the right to assemble. Heads will be bashed and limbs will probably be broken and do not be surprised if they use live ammo to break up any event which they see as a challenge to Trump's total authority to rule unfettered. I suspect you spent a lot of time in school and did very well there and enjoyed the experience. But the country you grew up in and learned about will not the country you live in after Jan. 20th in all likelihood. I sincerely hope my cynicism and fear are unwarranted. But we have plenty of comments on tape and in writing to show that very dark days are ahead. Part of the reason we have reached this point is because Americans are apathetic and naïve. Getting people to participate at the level you envision is a near impossibility until millions are destitute, homeless, and hungry. I do not mean to discourage anyone. But we have no choice but to be realistic and to prepare for the worst. Best of luck.
As for BEFORE or ON Jan 21, if they want to start their f***ing civil war right away, I say let's get it over with. The sooner the better, if they are determined to get violent and dive right in to attacking the rest of us.
(Just between you and me)... The REAL reason I am trying to bring progressives together locally is so that when the s**t hits the fan, they will have already re-learned to interact face to face, without any "media", because the media will be useless, until Radio Free US begins broadcasting from Canada and Mexico. If the locals want to sit and chat about who the county party is going to run for the special house seat election Jan 25, fine. At least they are deepening old school ways of interacting with each other, which will be all we will have when the cult comes after us as "the enemy within".
A word about that: You watch; although many good people will use AI for many admirable purposes going into the future, the ruthless billionaire class will use it to concentrate more and more wealth and power into the hands of the few at the expense of the many. It's inevitable.
Much like the internet, an invaluable tool that has changed society for good and ill, AI will grease the skids on our slide into full-blown authoritarian plutocracy/oligarchy/kleptocracy/kakistocracy.
Some say regulation will rein in the worst of the likely abuses. But who will pass and uphold those regulations — a right-wing Congress, Supreme Court, and presidency wholly owned by their wealthy benefactors who stand to benefit from those abuses!?
Yeah right! Ideal arguments rarely mirror reality. The last election might have been our last chance to pass anything resembling intelligent regulations for a long time, maybe too long.
Artificial intelligence cannot (yet) distinguish between right and wrong; it still needs a human mind to direct it. It's only as good (or bad) as the purpose we use it for. Do we use AI for good, like solving problems in science, improving medicine, and enhancing vehicle safety systems, etc., etc.? Or do we use it for evil, like lying to the public to elect a madman like Trump?
Coupled with the internet, we can use AI either as a powerful tool to benefit humankind or as an ungodly weapon of mass destruction against society and the environment. It's our choice.
Sadly, I hold out little hope about the path humanity will choose. History shows that Homo sapiens, while great at making toys and entertaining themselves, are highly delusional, destructive beings. Today, despite significant advances in the sciences and the arts, we're on the verge of ruining the entire planet and killing nearly every living thing on it.
That scenario sounds like some dystopian science fiction movie, but it's a possibility that's all too real. The big question is: Can the human brain evolve fast enough to avoid extinction by our own hands?
It makes one wonder how many other species on the zillion inhabitable planets likely to exist in the universe have succumbed, or will succumb, to the same fate. Or will some of them, if they haven't already, make the evolutionary leap to overcome their selfish, destructive natures and create veritable paradises?
With so many seeds blowing in the wind, nature ensures many will take root ... and many will not.
I get tired of pointing this out. This is all, all 100% the result of the tax cuts initiated by Reagan and continued through all presidencies up to now. We're through as major power or as a democracy. Next step will be to default on servicing the $30 trillion national debt.
Mansion and Cinema are two of the worst "Democrats" in recent memory. In addition to the NLRB, she did not vote to approve the J6 Commission, they both voted down the voting rights act when combined with the Freedom to Vote act, both voted down minimum wage raises and the expanded child tax credit and I believe they both voted for the Trump tax cuts. It's hard to think of two "Democrats" who hate working people more. Bums, both of them.
As expected, Saturday Report by Hartmann delivers - thank you, Thom.
I appreciate the piss and vinegar of recent posts, not because I think it's the answer to everyday problems, but for the fact that it is a large part of the answer to our present. I hate clichés, but "If you're not angry, you're not paying attention" has never been more relevant.
Your goodbye to Sinema & Manchin is polite, considering the damage they have done. They illustrate what Democrat sellouts look like.
great minds. For Musk, spending $250m to choose his own low-information boss, re-write pesky regulations, and set his own tax rate was an obvious bargain.
If he can stay out of jail, a hell of a bargain.
"Speaking of investments paying off, remember when the Koch brothers put up $650 million to help an allegedly rightwing tech billionaire buy TIME magazine? Yeah, that happened in 2017, and here comes Donald Trump on the magazine’s cover as Man of the Year."
In another venue, I discussed what I consider to be a "better" investment. Besides taking control of the Treasury, Trump "prints" his own "currency." What if the coin of the realm were Trump coins and World Liberty Financial Inc cryptocurrency.
A component of psy ops was devaluing the "enemy" currency. E.G. F. Castro accused Batista of stealing the entire Cuban treasury and accused the CIA of issuing counterfeit pesos.
Consider Russian psyops -- not just the election?
I have advocated for months in these formats to focus critical attention on corporations, but the no-response, blithe ignoring has been almost 100%. I'm led to believe that a majority of people cannot simply fathom the dire reality of how inimical these massive foes have become. By extention, it mirrors the subconscious mommy/daddy
emotional regard we have for our local gro cery store--our provider, our protector, our survival savior. It is shameful to even entertain the idea to criticize them. We blame the billionaires for the steel in the stances of buoying up MAGA, but ignore the corporate powers who collectively are the true supporting skeleton of this oligarchic control over our lives. A most comprehensive summary of this cancer I found in this simple statement--'capitalism has been replaced by corporatism.' The assassination of the monster CEO of United Health Care Corporation, whose reign was high-lighted by tightening the coverage for infirm clients which resulted in the increased suffering and death of hundreds of thousands while filling their bags with massive cash for the corporation, was met with mute observation. This business construct, which was clearly oligarchic in nature, is celebrated as a model of gainful maneuvering in the overall corporate world. Moraless and predatory, it is simply Good Business. Many posters still hunker in their denial bunkers. Instead of recognizing that the assignation of such a reprehensible creature might light a bonfire of constructive reaction of the public long wronged by such vermin, many instead revert in reaction to the assignation by wallowing in the sanctimonious safe-harbor
emotional relief of "killing is, no matter the circumstances, just wrong." It is painfully reminiscent of the German population when Hitler became Dracula, simply not looking at reality, looking the other way, choosing the least disturbing reaction to the extant hell.
...Yes. Thom has written a lot about the history of corporations.
Another layer of business that also is prominent in the erosion of democracy is the "petty bourgeois". ( ). These are the often praised "small business entrepreneurs". But many of these "pillars of their communities" are ultra conservative because they attribute their success almost entirely to their own virtue, and look down on most others as deserving crummy lives for not being as hard working as them.
A good critique of the petty bourgeois is here: .
Here is a quote:
"it ... grows within the ranks of those who may be part of the working class, but view themselves as entrepreneurs, professionals, or intellectuals. It gains traction with some among sections of the working class with higher incomes, managerial roles, or that may work in isolated environments which separate them from other workers. ... The influence of male chauvinism and white supremacy especially encourages white and male workers to adopt a petty bourgeois outlook."
Hot Topics All this morning ☕ Thom,and good you posted the number for Congress Too. Great piece, Thank You and will reStack ASAP 💯👍❄️🎄☃️
Thank you for your courageous snd exact reports.
My father died in the hospital on a Saturday, instead of Monday. On Friday, one doctor said, "We will see how he does until Monday. Saturday morning, ANOTHER doctor said, "We need to 'pull the plug' NOW." Even though it was my decision, I was outvoted by family members and the new doctor, 4 to 1. When they removed the respirator, my dad woke up and waved his arms, but it was too late. I now know that there are two kinds of doctors: Those that "Give HOPE," and Those that "Take it away!" And yet, based upon all I have studied, I believe America still has the BEST -- NOT Perfect -- Healthcare in the World. And my middle daughter is a Doctor. If you don't believe that, go the Canada, or England, or wherever! It is my opinion that neither Government, not Insurance, should have any say in it at all. I don't trust either one.
Actually compared to other industrialized countries, US has the most expensive and the worst outcomes.
This, really should be shocking but I have learned that when you have no bottom, well nothing happens. Thom the two traitors you talked about, they can walk away. No dance or anything this time. I like rules because you don’t have chaos. We are in a new day and time, and the corporations and billionaires are the only ones getting all the pie, Thom. Glad we still have Bernie Sanders , Bernie and democracy, sounds good to me. Medicare for All, yeah. Too late.
Whose job is it going to be to feed Trump’s paranoia and the paranoia of his cabinet members and the Republicans? Some carefully worded articles, accidentally in the hands of Trump and his minions could remind that everyone has their own ambitions; everyone wants to be favored or will assume they should be next in line to be the top authority to replace the incompetent, old and decrepit has-been, and most of these people have already gone on record with strong criticisms of Trump or have opposed him at some point. Trust is not one of their strong points. How do we plant and encourage the doubts, distrust, and paranoid delusions that will inevitably undermine their organization and stimulate them to attack each other and viciously compete with each other, quickly weakening them? Headlines such as “Who will stab Trump in the back first, or more likely, who will he stab in the back first” are sure to get some attention and stir some fresh fear or hostility. Let’s get cracking on some strategic and psych-based material to supply newspapers, podcasts, broadcasters, and others. Letters to the editor should ask the questions that alert their insecurity and irrational fears. We may be able to beat them at their own game.
PS: There is a Women’s March set for Jan 18th. Thom has mentioned a big day of protest on Jan 17th a number of times. Are both planned separately for consecutive days with no coordination? Why not a general strike to shut the country down for a few days?
...As for what you said near the end, about marches, protests, strikes, etc.:
I thought what needs to happen are once weekly million person demonstrations on the National Mall, with hundreds of millions of Americans encouraged to commit to attending these over the next four years.
But then I realized the DC government would not be able to deal with the security and expenses of perhaps 200 mass demonstrations in a row over four years.
Instead, it is going to need to be permanent presences in every city and town downtown, like Occupy was, in places where it worked well, such as Dayton, Ohio where I was involved.
The local progressives will rent a storefront, and make it a center for organizing, teach ins, and low key demonstrations without large signs consisting of persons walking through downtown from the storefront maybe twice per week, with matching tee shirts.
There will also be lectures, poetry slams, music, comedy, and other fun things held at the storefront. This will go on for the entire four years. That will be sustainable, because it will not just be resistance, but also fun and joyful.
Today, at our local weekly progressives solidarity get together, that we started after 11-5, we discussed the storefront idea. There are progressives who rent storefronts here in downtown DeLand, Florida, and the first step will be for one to rent at a reduced rate because he/she supports us. Then, let's say that would be $2000 per month. Well, if we could just get 40 of us to donate $50 per month for four years, we could make it happen!
Mr. Monett,
Your ideas are admirable, if a bit pie-in-the-sky under present circumstances. There is a reason the marches are scheduled for a date prior to the inauguration. The Heritage fascists and Trump can be expected to start crushing any form of dissent on Jan. 21 without mercy or regard for the right to assemble. Heads will be bashed and limbs will probably be broken and do not be surprised if they use live ammo to break up any event which they see as a challenge to Trump's total authority to rule unfettered. I suspect you spent a lot of time in school and did very well there and enjoyed the experience. But the country you grew up in and learned about will not the country you live in after Jan. 20th in all likelihood. I sincerely hope my cynicism and fear are unwarranted. But we have plenty of comments on tape and in writing to show that very dark days are ahead. Part of the reason we have reached this point is because Americans are apathetic and naïve. Getting people to participate at the level you envision is a near impossibility until millions are destitute, homeless, and hungry. I do not mean to discourage anyone. But we have no choice but to be realistic and to prepare for the worst. Best of luck.
I totally agree, Robert.
As for BEFORE or ON Jan 21, if they want to start their f***ing civil war right away, I say let's get it over with. The sooner the better, if they are determined to get violent and dive right in to attacking the rest of us.
(Just between you and me)... The REAL reason I am trying to bring progressives together locally is so that when the s**t hits the fan, they will have already re-learned to interact face to face, without any "media", because the media will be useless, until Radio Free US begins broadcasting from Canada and Mexico. If the locals want to sit and chat about who the county party is going to run for the special house seat election Jan 25, fine. At least they are deepening old school ways of interacting with each other, which will be all we will have when the cult comes after us as "the enemy within".
Health insurance companies are now using artificial intelligence programs to deny claims.
A word about that: You watch; although many good people will use AI for many admirable purposes going into the future, the ruthless billionaire class will use it to concentrate more and more wealth and power into the hands of the few at the expense of the many. It's inevitable.
Much like the internet, an invaluable tool that has changed society for good and ill, AI will grease the skids on our slide into full-blown authoritarian plutocracy/oligarchy/kleptocracy/kakistocracy.
Some say regulation will rein in the worst of the likely abuses. But who will pass and uphold those regulations — a right-wing Congress, Supreme Court, and presidency wholly owned by their wealthy benefactors who stand to benefit from those abuses!?
Yeah right! Ideal arguments rarely mirror reality. The last election might have been our last chance to pass anything resembling intelligent regulations for a long time, maybe too long.
Artificial intelligence cannot (yet) distinguish between right and wrong; it still needs a human mind to direct it. It's only as good (or bad) as the purpose we use it for. Do we use AI for good, like solving problems in science, improving medicine, and enhancing vehicle safety systems, etc., etc.? Or do we use it for evil, like lying to the public to elect a madman like Trump?
Coupled with the internet, we can use AI either as a powerful tool to benefit humankind or as an ungodly weapon of mass destruction against society and the environment. It's our choice.
Sadly, I hold out little hope about the path humanity will choose. History shows that Homo sapiens, while great at making toys and entertaining themselves, are highly delusional, destructive beings. Today, despite significant advances in the sciences and the arts, we're on the verge of ruining the entire planet and killing nearly every living thing on it.
That scenario sounds like some dystopian science fiction movie, but it's a possibility that's all too real. The big question is: Can the human brain evolve fast enough to avoid extinction by our own hands?
It makes one wonder how many other species on the zillion inhabitable planets likely to exist in the universe have succumbed, or will succumb, to the same fate. Or will some of them, if they haven't already, make the evolutionary leap to overcome their selfish, destructive natures and create veritable paradises?
With so many seeds blowing in the wind, nature ensures many will take root ... and many will not.
Big Brother? Sure, it's none of their business! But, let them tap my phones and read my emails: I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO HIDE!
Please HELP One Another and RESIST the fascists!
I get tired of pointing this out. This is all, all 100% the result of the tax cuts initiated by Reagan and continued through all presidencies up to now. We're through as major power or as a democracy. Next step will be to default on servicing the $30 trillion national debt.
Mansion and Cinema are two of the worst "Democrats" in recent memory. In addition to the NLRB, she did not vote to approve the J6 Commission, they both voted down the voting rights act when combined with the Freedom to Vote act, both voted down minimum wage raises and the expanded child tax credit and I believe they both voted for the Trump tax cuts. It's hard to think of two "Democrats" who hate working people more. Bums, both of them.