Mar 16Liked by Thom Hartmann

I agree. As far as I’m concerned, Judge McAfee committed his own breach of ethics when he allowed the focus of the trial to diverted away from Trump and associates to become a mini trial of Willis and Wade.

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Mar 16Liked by Thom Hartmann

Thank you Thom. Every day when I think I can't appreciate life more, your work reminds me that I can. Having information distilled by a good faith truth teller is an absolute treasure - beyond words really, in times like these. I am aware that no one is entitled to the truth (unfortunately), and having access to it is a rarity made possible only through the relentless dedication of decent people such as yourself.

For those whom the truth is too much to shoulder, I understand. I am crippled by it. But I do not turn my back on it. The message is what it is, the messenger that is Thom Hartmann is not to blame.

I hope everyone, without exception, can find some measure of contentedness this weekend.

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McAfee could have handled his inquiry in chambers. Trump—a Rapist, a sexual predator who openly voices desires for sexual relations with his DAUGHTER, a serial adulterer, Fraud, Racist —leveled an attack against two, consenting, Black adults—and McAfee turned his courtroom into a circus on trump’s behalf.

McAfee has the ethics problem, here. McAfee, a self proclaimed “libertarian”—aka a right-wing fascist—should recuse himself.

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The issue of Fani Willis and Nathan Wade should never have been heard by a judge. He should have thrown it out of the court. If she isn’t allowed to have a private life for years because she is investigating tfg, there is something wrong in our society. It wasn’t her best choice in her life, but there shouldn’t have been a question of ‘conflict of interest’.

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Thanks, Thom. Every day when I think I can’t get more depressed, you remind me that I can. Reading this, my misanthropy is confirmed. I’d like to believe we will help Ukraine, that there will be a blue tsunami in November, that moderate and progressive media will have the reach and impact of toxic, cultist media, that reason, common sense, justice, fairness, dignity and compassion will again be in the ascendant. More fool me. Maybe a nuclear cleansing is in order, as our species, taken as a whole, has been a disaster for the planet and itself, despite fleeting bright spots along the way. Perhaps we should depart en masse, and let God sort us out. The plot waiting for me in our local cemetery looks better and better. Oh. And have a great weekend, everyone!

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Social media's manipulation of our perspective is a huge problem. If we move Tik Tok from Chinese billionaires to American billionaires there will be little or no benefit. We need some form of oversight. Maybe the algorithms should be public, or something akin to the fairness doctrine. Xitter should not reflect Elons whim.

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I thought it was I’ll advised of Fani and Wade to put themselves in this position. What I did not consider was that Fani had such limited choices. The two consenting adult matter should never have been allowed by the judge. It was a media event the judge needed and relished. What a piece of trash.

What enlightened me were the facts you presented about the judge. Thank you Thomm, once again, for this important insight.

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I have been saying all along I am neither disappointed in Fani Willis, nor surprised that this has happened. As long as they were cleared of illegal doings, which they were, she should not have been on trial. While she made Georgia look progressive, this judge has made Georgia look like a backwater of the Deepest Darkest South, which is apparently closer to the truth. Still I am in admiration that even after she has had the Treacherous-treasonous-traitor-Trump treatment she goes on. Now that is tenacious. More power to her. But, I have expected Trump to play dirty and it is not over until it is over. I hope in the end she is able to say, "Justice was served!"---------------As for the RNC. I am looking at Treacherous-treasonous-traitor-Trump taking it over, as being a further move to implode the party. Even MAGAs are getting fed up and quitting. See MAGA Ken Buck both leaving and sticking it to MAGA Mikey Johnson of Seven Mountain Mandate infamy.


I am glad Treacherous-treasonous-traitor-Trump will bleed his party dry and he won't be spending money on ads, it will be on his legal debts. I think the mob could be making money taking bets on who will quit next. I guess whomever is being threatened if they don't toe-the-line.----------------As for Social Security and Medicare. I truly wish they were on the ballot, along with abortion. Perhaps states should be running initiatives to protect it, like the question, do you support continuing Medicare and Social Security? That will get the reliable seniors who are living off of it to vote. Get the youth out with legalizing Marijuana, ending college debt, and enshrining abortion and fertility supports of all kinds into the constitution.--------------------------------------------------As for Right Wingers buying TikTok, I am hoping that the USA says no foreign ownership of American Media, which it would then be. Also, a platform that is based on a the youth market, which is not majority right wing might have some difficulty manipulating the platform in the way that Musk is manipulating Twitter with old folks on it. People who are not quick to change or they would no longer be on it. Youth is quick to change and let us hope someone would wisely come up with the next big thing. ------------------------------------

As for Michelle Morrow, I am currently reading A Column of Fire: Kingsbridge 1558, by Ken Follett. In many ways, it is about the battle between Catholics and Protestants, and the lives that people led back then. It highlights the corruption of the monarchy, church, and nobility. Yet, the values and expectations of women and children sound pretty much like present day Evangelical Christians in America. Why throw off the shackles of monarchy so that people in the future can take on other shackles? An observation a character make early on is that the extremes of both religious groups are pretty much alike. I see this in our present day Supreme Court (Opus Dei) and Evangelical Christians (Protestants), and the ideas of putting people to death for their thoughts, not actions are pretty much what they are about. In this book, heretics are hung to death, drawn-and-quartered, put on the rack, hung so their arms break out of the sockets, burned alive etc.... This is what the MAGA Republican party under Treacherous-treasonous-traitor-Trump wants to take us back to. I would like to see Biden have Orbán kicked out of NATO, and the EU members kick him out of the EU, and his fellow Hungarians then kick him out of leadership and exile him to another continent, but not here.

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Thank you, Thom! I lost respect for McAfee when he refused to allow the charge against Our Mad King (wannabe) Donald for attempting to coerce Raffensperger into "just find 11,780 (+1)". The highlighting of the DAs affair with her lead prosecutor smeared more "poo poo" on his lily white arrogance than on Willis' courageous stance. Can't wait to see how Atlanta jurors react to that one. Also, I would like to recommend Liz Cheney's "Oath and Honor", again, especially pg. 171, where she recounts her conversation with historian Condi Rice, when she asked about "any historic examples of countries successfully throwing off cults of personality." Condi's reply: "Not without great violence and upheaval."

The cowardice of Meritless Garlic and Co. at the DOJ is allowing Trump's insurrection to continue unabated, leading us to civil war, and it could have been avoided, if Our Mad King (wannabe) had been arrested, charged, and jailed immediately after Jan.6 for inciting an insurrection. America has not been sustained as a constitutional Republic for 240 yrs. by the cowardice of our government officials, and their cowardice now will be our downfall.

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While I agree that what two consenting adults do is no one's business. Further that an affair between Fani and Nathan was no, in the wildest stretch a conflict of interest.. which should have been argued.

I do fault Fani for poor judgment, and she is an example of how sex is the ruin of people. male and female not just men. If it weren't for sex there would be no scandals.

No matter what Trump does, he will not lose his base. His base surely knows who he is, but they don't care, he is their ticket to restoration of the old order and a patriarchal Christian theocracy.

The Muslim, Black and far left idiots who will sit out the election because they are unhappy with Biden and the Dems might just as well vote for Trump,. But if they believe that their position will be improved by Trump, forget about it. he has already stated what he intends to do, and they are not going to be pleased, just the opposite. For one thing, Trump is closer to Netanyahu than Biden, after all it was he who moved the Embassy to Jerusalem.

When Musk bought Twitter, turned it into Xitter (pronounced Shitter) it went from bad to worse, imagine Tik Tok in the hands of Mnuchin, Trump's Secretary of the Treasurer.

In my not so humble opinion. If Putin takes Ukraine it will be because there are two factions in the west,including America. 1. The fascists who are ideologically and emotionally aligned with authoritarianism and see Putin and Orban, even Erdogan as role models and allies and weak kneed sob sisters who quake and foul their underwear when anyone waves their nuclear phallus., and of course they are either part of or sympathetic to the neo Marxists (or shall I say sentimental old line Marxists who still think of Russia as the USSR, meaning the 21st Century Tankies and their ilk https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tankie

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** Stares in Ginni Thomas**

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Anyone who has worked for a large corporation would know that having an affair with someone who reports to you, or to whom you report, is not allowed because of conflict of interest. I was surprised when I saw that Georgia law did not prohibit that. The solution in industry is simply to move to a position without that "apparent" conflict of interest. Therefore, I think the judge's decision was fair on that point. Not that I agree with everything else that was done to shame and humiliate Fani Willis.

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Why is anyone still on Twitter?

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Please do NOT take this to imply even the minutest degree of sympathy with trump's position. No doubt McAfee did go too far; I've heard / seen much analysis indicating that the mere appearance of impropriety has never been cause to remove a prosecutor in Georgia. However, maybe just because I'm "of a certain age," I think Willis should have applied the "Caesar's wife" standard before appointing Wade.

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According to right wingers, democrats are supposed to be perfect, rethuglicans can hate thy neighbor, bare false, be greedy, rape, lie and kill. What is so hard to understand about that?

I haven't ran into any far lefties who support Putin? Maybe some Russian trolls? Of course there aren't very many lefties in rural Arizona alive. Any human that supports a dictator is certifiably insane.

We can call ourselves a Christian, or a capitalist, or a leftist or a rightist or a communist...., The only thing that matters is what we are, not what we believe we are.

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When they are black working together to hold a racist white man accountable, especially when (& why!) said white man is leading the charge to destroy laws hard won simply granting equity (at least on paper if not practice) that the south’s racists despise!

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