The fact that congress will take no action dose not mean they can't. That is the point. They have chosen not to. Impeachment is the bad taste medicine they don't want. But as it gets worse for all of us people need to know the option is there if their representative's are willing to act.
The fact that congress will take no action dose not mean they can't. That is the point. They have chosen not to. Impeachment is the bad taste medicine they don't want. But as it gets worse for all of us people need to know the option is there if their representative's are willing to act.
The fact that congress will take no action dose not mean they can't. That is the point. They have chosen not to. Impeachment is the bad taste medicine they don't want. But as it gets worse for all of us people need to know the option is there if their representative's are willing to act.
It doesn't have to be done that way. If Dems control the House, controlls the purse. This budget becomes a pumkin Oct. 1.
However IMHOI the key is national security, the military. Many House Republicans think they own those issues and Trump has ursurped their authority..
Totally agree John, There is, by my count, at most five spines in all of congress, both houses.