Corporations are people is the same thinking as embryos are persons.

I say if it can’t breathe it isn’t a person.

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Let alone FROZEN embryos!

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Concentrate on winning. Register more Democrats and save the world.


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These horrific cases are almost 100% in the Southern Bible Belt States, which says a lot. Depressing voters of color is about the best way to win an election if your party is one of dissent and racism. It turns out the SCOTUS is also one of dissent and racism, and that's just too damn bad for words. They all said they would follow precedent and not be strict Constructionists. Well, they lied.

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I remember watching their confirmation hearings. I wasn't convinced. I thought they were lying.

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Think about strategy. Are we falling into a trap?

Senator Durbin is being pressured into hauling the corrupt Justices into a committee while ultimately knowing Congress does not have enough Democrats to do what needs to be done when he proves the obvious. The end result: it makes Dems look weak and that encourages the Republicans to vote. It discourages the folks on the left and in the middle from voting, because they are right back to saying Democrats can't cure the cancer on our democracy, so why vote.

Durbin is damned if he does it and damned if he don't. He would also be giving the corrupt Justices a venue to defend their actions to the public. What do you think those news snip-its will be? Beware, it could all backfire. AND don't think for a minute that Durbin isn't thinking about consequences or what strategy is best.

 We need to secure the Senate and Presidency as well as take back the House first.

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Our only hope is DOJ. Until we sweep, Congressional action is BS.

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With 162 days until the election I have pretty much abandoned hope that the DOJ will be able to do anything. I wonder how many people from Project 2025 have infiltrated the DOJ.

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Stymied by the corrupt right again.

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Putin can do what he wants because he knows that America and the west are cowards. He waves his nuclear phallus, conducts tactical nuclear drills and the west and America trembles.

I do fault Biden for withholding f-16's and long range artillery from Ukraine, giving Putin the tactical advantage and a safe place from which to attack a smaller neighbor.

This will be a sore subject for many, but America did the same in Vietnam. The pilots were forbidden to to attack certain targets, like runways, because the Russians were the North Vietnamese pilots, they could fight them in the air but not on the ground.

Putin says nuke and Americans wet their pants., yet there is so much corruption in Russia, that the missiles haven't been maintained and chances are that they won't fly much less detonated.

The plutonium pit degrades over time, and America has lost the knowledge of how to make plutonium pits and are working to reinvent the wheel, does one think a corrupt Russia has kept up?

North Korea from time to time detonates and underground explosion and says it is a nuke. Do we really know it is a nuke and not a massive explosion of high grade explosives.

As regards Russia and Hillary. I have no doubt that Russian interference along with Comey's interfence cost Hillary votes, but she really lost the election in Swing states,. and there are two factors there.

Jill Stein siphoned off votes that made a difference in the electoral count in some states like Michigan and Pennsyltucky, and the swing states were once solid blue, until her husband signed the bills which exported their industries and jobs to Mexico and Asia, namely NAFTA and GATT and people don't forget.

So Hillary isn't Bill, but for the voters in the states that lost their jobs and standard of living she is a Clinton.

And the fact that the Democratic party, won't come to terms with that reality because they are staffed by neo liberals and portraitists, bodes ill for November, because the election will be won or lost in three states, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, Ohio, once blue now the state of J D Vance, is a lost cause

The states of GA, VA and NC that were once swing states, have been neutered by Republican legislatures and there voter suppression laws. We can only hope that there is a massive turnout by people willing to vote for Biden, in red states, like Florida, and I hope that the herculean effort by Field Team 6 pays off and the Floridian fascists are shown the door.

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I'm getting tired of the Arab sympathizers being called leftists! The left never wanted free trade or the trickle down either! The billionaires want chaos and a dictatorship!

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Bob: I don't think that the Arab sympathizers are actually sympathizers. I think that they are out to lunch, emotionally manipulated, not using critical thinking skills (emotions interfere with that quality). For instance a person sees a car and buys it based on emotion, and winds up with a lemon and a maintenance hog. There is also quite a bit of latent resentment, hatred and/or suspicion of Jews, which is known as antisemitism, and finally prestigious American universities have a substantial population of Arabs, whose parents are wealthy thanks to oil, in addition, these oil rich Arabs bestow their largess on university chairs and fellows, finally there still are professors and intellectuals tainted by old Marxist thinking and see the world myopically, and Manicheanaly as victim (good guy) or oppressor (bad guy)

Mani was a Greek priest of Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism is a cult of dualities, good and bad. Good god was Ahura Mazda, bad god was Ahriman.

A disciple of Mani is a Manichean, one such was deified by the cult of Rome as St Augustine, not his real name but a title, as Augustine means the Great one. He introduced the concept of good and evil, a good god and a bad god (Satan or Shaytan to the Muslims)

When Augustine watch Pope Leon the Great, throw Manicheans to the lions,he had a "coming to Jesus" moment, became a radical fanatic and used his influence and standing to introduce and embed Manichean concepts into this new cult.

Reverse Calvinism. Where poor is saintly and good and rich is evil and bad.

No shades of grey in the minds of so many.

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I am somewhat depressed after reading all of this. But I'll keep fighting and doing my part. Now I'll go read Simon Rosenberg to get some cheering up. Happy Memorial Day everyone and thanks to all our Vets and service members. Your service is invaluable and why I do what I do!! ❤️🇺🇸💙

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I think I'll self-identify as a "corporation" so that I might finally be treated as a "person" again.

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That'll show 'em.

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I look to the DOJ with hope, and close my eyes dispirited when I remember that atop that cake is the big unlit candle, Merrick Garland. I would doubt anybody can be found who knows what the hell this man stands for. Even trying to discover his political spirit leaves my mind with ominous darkenings--why am I even put to dwell about him? The head of the DOJ should represent law and order, even blinded, but when I look at Garland, I see emptiness more than justice. He should represent hope, not just revolving-door reticence.

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Garland stands for fair ticket prices at events to entertain the masses. A lot like the Greeks with the Roman Colosseum?

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From “Freedom and Government” an essay by Bertrand Russell

The first step in a fascist movement is the combination under an energetic leader of a number of men who possess more than the average share of leisure, brutality, and stupidity.

The next step is to fascinate fools and muzzle the intelligent, by emotional excitement on the one hand and terrorism on the other.


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I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one. Until then it's as absurd in its substance as it is on its face.

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“Can you imagine what would have happened if Hillary Clinton had claimed the election was stolen?”

Or can you further imagine if what we're learning from Stormy's lurid testimony in 2024 we had heard in 2016?

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Yes and yes. What a different reality it would be.

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"Fake elector alleged criminals in Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico have stepped forward saying they’ll do it all again."

Good luck getting that past Kamala and Joe, who'll be in control rather than Mike (Pence) and Donald.

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Great points David.

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Bananas and apples too, Thom.

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