I know Jack Phillips, the Masterpiece Cakeshop guy quite well. We've had several good conversations and let me tell you this; they are rock solid in their beliefs and you will never convince them otherwise. And that is what the law is for; to protect all people from discrimination. Cake is food; designing a cake is simply preparing a food dish. What's to stop discrimination against LGBTQ folks at restaurants because a plate of food is an artwork? A website is 'art'? Well then so is this comment; I designed it just for you! Southerners in the Jim Crow South really believed that Black people carried diseases, were sub-human. Disgusting? Yes. Will you ever convince them or their progeny otherwise? No. The law and the ADA, the public access laws are designed to prevent discrimination. As Jonathan Capehart said last night on the Newshour, the Supremes are just so wrong. Finally, law school 101 teaches you that 'standing' is required. Ms. Smith did NOT have standing (you're so right, Thom).

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I just read in another newsletter, that the GOP is going to pay for this mistake, it has so angered students that they will turn out in droves to oust the Republicans. Just like Dobbs is motivating females

The SCOTS six do not care, they are as Trad rad Catholics ideologically motivate and at the same time a bought commodity (examples: Paul Singer..Alito, Harlan Crowe..Thomas. Thomas is the one that really upsets me, he is the perfect modern example of the House Slave Stephen, drinking Brandy by the fireplace with his master, in Django Unchained. Then their is Ms Ladybugs Graham, and the Log Cabin Republicans.

It is true, it seems, money can buy anyone and anything, including loyalty There has to be exceptions l I hope there are.

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The Six fascist judges on the Supreme Court are redefining America as a mean and hateful place that arbitrarily decides who is worthy of goods and services . They are designating thug treatment of LGBTQ communities as well as securing a dismal college entry system where they enhance the already wealthy white s chances of entering their college of choice , while telling people of color to ‘ go elsewhere’ .

This is not the first time these fascists have identified groups that they cant be bothered with .

They clearly have no respect for women in their destruction of another established precedent, women’s choice .

Make no mistake these individuals are bought and paid for by their Heritage Foundation and other perpetrators of intolerant big shots .

The oil corporations , all of the people who stand in the way of any progress in climate change for our home on earth that they are happy to destroy . The Republicans and their henchmen are out to play games with peoples children’s lives . Their children’s lives.

Make no mistake they’ll have all the money they think will protect them selves and their families from ultimately dying due to the rapid heating of this God given planet . It will work for awhile maybe . But their unholy pact with the devil , will eventually destroy every gift that we’ve been given on this earth. And their perfect lives as well .

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Why not stage a lunch counter denying service to Black people? Just recruit a couple dozen minorities to mob a lunch counter and claim they were turned away due to race rather than no more seats. It would be as truthful as the sham legal case POTUS ruled on in the phony website wanting to turn away LGBTQ clients if they ever got one, would it not?

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They wouldn’t even have to GO to the lunch counter. They could just CLAIM they went there and were turned away, like the woman who was ‘thinking about designing a website’ and was concerned about what IF a gay couple asked her to design a wedding website.

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I find your writings to be informative; always worth my time.

I also think that the odds are pretty much nil that the DNC will learn how to cohesively fight as if our lives are on the line. I know it sounds too elevated, too "shrill", if you will, but it feels very much to me that real war is being waged against the majority, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. The country is being seized, and all we do is write angry notes to share among ourselves. We're being way too civilized. The assault is bad enough. The rope a dope in response is depressing as it can get.

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Peter, I begrudgingly admit that I share your frustration. It all looks hopelessly dire and Democratic party leaders seem as though they're operating under the illusion that the other side will come back to playing fair... eventually.

I mentioned in a thread on another Substack that you don't beat gangsters with strongly worded letters. It's time for Dems to deploy a political and verbal version of The Chicago Way. Republican reactionaries are pulling out all the stops and running loudly on constant lies. Dems across the board need to channel their inner Porter, AOC and Raskin, start going on offense and attacking Republicans and their hypocrisy by name. Calling out, by name, those bought by billionaire paymasters. Reading the list Thom began this post with, giving names of all the hypocrites who got loan forgiveness but couldn't abide students having $10k forgiven. They need to do this as tirelessly as the right-wing liars broadcast their fiction.

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The Supreme Court has just elevated religious "speech" above the right to fair and equal treatment. Takes your breathe away, but so does the concept that money is speech. One word answer to these business owners-boycott.

The student loan decision was very popular with people who don't want to help anyone, and those that have already paid their loans (just listen to Washington Journal). According to the website Verify, the president cannot do anything on a permanent basis, although for the poorest people, that 5% cap on discretionary income should really help.

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I, only am so angry Thom that I don’t have anything to say. I know all this bad has to bring some good. Enjoy your holiday. We will get through this because despair is not an option. Thom, I am just glad we have your brain is always working on all cylinders. Thom the brain that never shuts down and I am so grateful for that.

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Check this infographic for the "Top 10 Republican Moochers" who took advantage of millions in PPP Loans but voted to deny relief for students strugglin with debt.


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The current SCOTUS is beyond the pale.

Homey don't play this game.

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