Aug 31Liked by Thom Hartmann

Please world, read the Hartmann Saturday Report. And be curious enough and serious enough about the topics to look further. We only ever have exactly one chance to avoid a catastrophic oversight in this life - do something.

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Aug 31Liked by Thom Hartmann

Thank you so much for calling out the AG for not charging trump and his cronies for the crimes committed by them at Arlington. It inspired me to become a paid subscriber. I'm so tired of trump breaking the law and others looking the other way.

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"Why aren’t the Department of Defense or the Department of Justice seeking criminal ... charges against the Trump staffers ...." who engaged in conspiracy to aid, abet Jan 6 and give comfort to insurrectionists? 5 year statute of limitations.

Dana Schwartz Bash is auditioning for Fox. Did the Trump campaign furnish the questions? No questions about current events, like the freeing of the Moslem held hostage by Hamas, the success of Ukraine policy, the success of the Dow making a top for the 24th time this year, etc. or give Walz a chance to say that Trump is nutsy koo koo and the media repeat his insanity.

Speaking of MAGA, in their guts they know he's nuts. His support is deteriorating:

1. MAGA grandmas for Kamela. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crMe-O10j9g

2. MAGA veterans against Trump. https://www.instagram.com/votevets/reel/C_TkxQ7g45g/

3. Haley voters for Harris. https://www.haleyvotersforharris.org/

4. Republicans against Trump: https://rvat.org/

5. I've been tracking the odds. According to the bookies, who have a better record than pollsters, Harris clings to a small lead. The aggregate polls have Harris up 3%. The University of Michigan's monthly Consumer Sentiment Index issued yesterday: "In July, 51% of consumers expected Trump to win the election versus 37% for Biden. In August, election expectations flipped; 36% expected Trump to win compared with 54% for Harris."

I belong to several data groups. According to the company the Democratic Party uses in Florida, the current trend of Republican women supports our abortion amendment.

Still time to create a blue tsunami. https://www.fieldteam6.org/all-volunteer-ops/volunteer

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Thank you, Thom, for alerting us about yet another version of this absolute bullsh*t by yet another version of “America first” bullsh*t. I really look forward to the day all this nonsense is dead and buried and has no more fuel in our world. Really appreciate your reports.

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Everything Thom posts here reduces to one single reality, which has hardened in me to the point that the alternative is totally unacceptable, but terrifyingly possible: November MUST be blue, everywhere, for every office, as much as is humanly possible. Our right to call ourselves Americans is at stake. If the fascists win, the reasons this country was created, with all its flaws, and the lives lost in our Civil War and both world wars, will have been in vain. We can continue to try to realize our aspirational values, incrementally as always, or utterly abandon them. It is that stark, that plain, that serious. Blue in November or America is an ember!

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In Arizona, the last two times I have tried to call the elections department to make sure I'm still registered, they are so busy no one is answering the phone?

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Perhaps a reader can help here, but in addition to your county election webpage, I believe there are also online sites that can help determine if voters are still registered.

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Try Google-ing: Arizona Dashboard, Arizona.Vote

It's part of the Secretary of State's Voter Portal.

There are other national organizations that have a way to check, but you will end-up on their mailing list. Sucks that you can't get anyone on the phone, because your county clerk's staff should be there to serve you; lord knows you are paying them!

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I have talked to them before they are pretty sweet old ladies maybe young? This is not normal, maybe things will go back to normal next week I'll kind of let you know if they're getting swamped, thanks for the legit website 👍

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That link works---you just need to hit the YOUR VOTER INFO button and then the top button that says VOTER REGISTRATION STATUS

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Took couple extra steps to get where I sent Robert, but at least it doesn't put you on a mailing list, so that is a good one, Daniel.

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I would be interested in knowing more about Trump's proposed cuts to SS and Medicare. Having verified bits of info that are easy to copy and paste would help people respond to Trumpers on social media and win the water cooler wars. Thanks for all you do Thom!

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This used to be my subject. For starters, the Republicans long have asked to "sunset" all benefits. That "all" includes stuff like Medicare, VA, Black Lung, food stamps, etc , The Republicans are in denial that SS is not part of the budget. You have to understand SS is NOT a retirement program although there is a retirement trust fund that will "default" in 2033 according to the trustees. Ever wage earner who is fully and currently insured also has disability coverage that is on average worth about $ 1 MM. If the programs were sunsetted, they'd have to be renewed on an annual basis, and given politics, would die .

In a 2000 book he co-wrote called “The America We Deserve,” Trump called Social Security a “huge Ponzi scheme” that American workers are forced to pay into. He added that for future retirees under 40 at the time, “we can also raise the age for receipt of full Social Security benefits to seventy,” because “we’re living longer.”

In December 2004, just before a Republican push to partially privatize the program, Trump was asked on MSNBC’s “Hardball” whether he’d support individual retirement accounts and answered: “I sort of think I would. Something has to be done. Social Security is a huge problem right now, funding it.”

In 2012, Trump praised proposals by Ryan, then the Republican vice presidential nominee, to convert Medicare into a “premium support” system that would cap spending for future retirees and give them vouchers to buy insurance plans.

“I think Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney will save Medicare. I know they will. And people are starting to understand it. They’re going to be very happy with what’s going on, but they’re going to be very, very unhappy if Obama gets in,” Trump told Fox News at the time, reflecting on the 2012 presidential race. “I think actually if Obama gets in and if Obamacare isn’t ended, I really think Medicare will be a thing of the past.” (President Barack Obama ran against the Ryan plan and won re-election; seven years after he left office, Obamacare and Medicare still exist.)

By 2015, when Trump ran for president, he sought to position himself in the Republican field as the rare candidate who wouldn’t cut those programs. “I’m not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican, and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid,” he said as he was launching his campaign.

By 2020, it was clear Trump was trying to break the system. He offered a "payroll tax cut" designed to result in significant revenue losses for Social Security, but also to eliminate employee payroll taxes for good. That would kill both the retirement and disability programs.


Trump’s fiscal 2021 budget endorsed Social Security cuts to the tune of billions of dollars for disabled seniors. His budget would have made changes to Social Security Disability Insurance, slashing the maximum amount of retroactive benefits for disabled workers from 12 months to six. According to the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, that could lead to a $7,500 average cut for a worker injured in a car crash. The budget also called for reducing Supplemental Security Income benefits for those who live with other SSI recipients.

Republicans encouraged slashing all benefits and the Republicans tried to kill the disability fund. https://digitalcommons.pepperdine.edu/naalj/vol36/iss1/4/

Trump wanted to kill the child's portion of SSI, which comes from the general funds, i.e. the budget. As president, Trump tried and failed to cut benefits drastically. Some Republicans wanted to replace the entire system. See. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Trump, House Republican Cuts to SSI Would Harm Children With Disabilities, Sept. 18, 2017, Kathleen Romig and Guillermo Herrera. https://www.cbpp.org/research/social-security/trump-house-republican-cuts-to-ssi-would-harm-children-with-disabilities

“The Trump proposal would cut SSI by more than $8 billion over the next decade, shrinking benefits for roughly a quarter of a million children with disabilities by between 38 and 66 percent. It would also increase SSI’s administrative costs and improper payments”.

The next year, they asked CBO to score a program "Eliminate Supplemental Security Income Benefits for Disabled Children." https://www.cbo.gov/budget-options/54742 (2018)


The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program provides cash assistance to people who are disabled, aged, or both and who have low income and few assets. In 2018, 15 percent of SSI recipients, or 1.2 million people, are projected to be disabled children under age 18, receiving an average monthly benefit of $686. To receive benefits, those children must have marked, severe functional limitations and usually must live in a household with low income and few assets.


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Thank you for taking time to explain more details and showing us the vulnerable it will affect, Daniel.

Trump will say anything and he will DO anything on a whim, on the day when the decision is due. If it hurts innocent people, he is going to like that. He could double-cross the People or his confederates. Sometimes psychopaths mellow as they age. Not Don"old". He is a real and present danger right now and the proof is he tanked the border legislation.

The work you are doing with this and voter registration could not be more important!

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His ads in Baghdad By the Sea say he wants to eliminate taxes on Social Security benefits. People who buy that would sell future benefits for a couple of bucks. Eat the hen that lays golden eggs.

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It astounds me that the increasing #s of senior SS recipients don't expend the effort to learn who's threatening their checks and who's trying to preserve them. FCOL, people, this is your INCOME!!

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It seems somehow quaint to be disappointed in M$M “coverage” of today’s political landscape. Dana Bash made a fool of herself and took CNN with her. And yes, I’m hopeful that the Harris Administration will include and actual AG.

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Kamala Harris needs to publicly ask Joe Biden to replace Garland NOW!

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Fun fact: The AG doesn't need a law license, or even a JD degree (same goes for SCOTUS justices.)

Given this, Malcolm Nance would make a stellar AG.

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CNN is owned by Warner Brothers Discovery, which is owned by Advance Publications (which also owns the likes of the New Yorker and Conde Nast), which is owned by the Newhouse Family


The stars of CNN are Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, and above all they are looking to protect their own careers and souce of income, not to mention promotions. Like all careerists they hedge their bets on what they perceive as the winning side, however I don't think that they come up with the list of questions, but are handed the questions, have an ear bud linked to the producer in the control room.

The producers are hand picked by the CEO, The current CEO is Mark Thompson, and he has not fired the producers hand picked by his predecessor Chris Licht, who was fired because he purged the staff of people who were not sufficiently sympathetic to the right wing.

It is all about market segmentation. Fox has a lip lock on the hard right, MSNBC on the iffy left, both markets are elderly, younger markets get their news from the internet Face Book You tube, Tik Tok, etc.

ABC,,CBS, NBC, lean towards right wing middle America.

CNN's CEO is under compulsion to grow the market, to attract advertisers, which are their source of financing. The instructions are to carve off those on the right, that aren't members of the cult, and the MSNBC watchers who are tired of the repetitive, three topic, hosts.

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I, personally, am reluctant to bash Dana, as she just asked the questions the producers handed her, as Mr Farrar states here.

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Basically Dana and Jake are AI's in the flesh, or rather sock puppets.

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Let’s get real. I wonder if any country ever has had a political campaign where one side’s tactic is to demonize all opponents. No matter what comes from our side the other side responds with vilification. A “debate” is coming. That would presume policy disagreements. Knowing we will not get rational arguments for Republican policy, it’s like lambs to slaughter. Given the corruption of the DNC we can’t expect them to act rationally, but if I were in charge I’d just sit the two candidates down – and same for the veep debate -- and have them talk. Wouldn’t that be refreshing?

Ok, that’s my rant. But there’s more to say. With Trump being such a monster, why does he have any support, let alone so much???? All the exposing we do of him is to the choir, and I’d think it would be more productive for the choir to try to get to the bottom of how this insanity can be. What is so fundamentally wrong with how we are proceeding that half our population is off the rails?

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Thom, to everything you wrote about on all this continues to let me know why these people really don’t have a bottom at all. The thing is we all know better than all this even If they don’t. I know and we know what we have to do vote! Hey, it’s the Kamala affect so let’s make it all count! When we fight we win! Let’s all lead with love place nothing else above just love. No hate, please!

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Governing has never been one of Trump's strong points. He is not a leader and he has other people and groups to do his thinking for him, he is just an entertainer who performs for them and their money.

We pretty much know what the right wing think tank agendas are, end unions, end immigration, which the illegal immigrants have been doing for 40 years? Happy labor day! I noticed all the cult government workers will take the weekend off.

Also the right oligarch agenda is to abolish the minimum wage, social security, overtime pay, the Democratic party, democracy, give the rich tax breaks, let the rich pollute more, deny global warming, ban abortion and all birth control. The right wingers don't come out and say this but they must plan on exterminating mass quantities of people who do not produce and that they cannot exploit and groups of people they do not like! With a dictatorship they will be able to do that. Eventually that society they create will self-destruct, they will turn on each other like animals!

The cult will start to figure this out the moment the rich hirer young healthy immigrants and kick them to the curb literally and then round them up for the camps, because the immigrants will work for less money.

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Need to roll out the members of his cabinet who said he was unfit to serve and asked for a 25th Amendment resolution. E,g, My former boss, Elaine Chao.

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

Good to know about the AFPI back-up plan in case all the copies of Project 2025 get lost. I bet the Democrats would lend them their HUGE copy they used at the convention.

Will the AFPI and the Project 2025 people play nice with one another? I hope not. They are both definitely in trouble with the unions---not who I would choose to piss-off this late in the election cycle. They don't call them "organized" labor for nothing. Networking and phone banking here they come!

Expecting JD to apologize is almost laughable, since disrespecting women was the whole point. Kamala is so much stronger than he is and so is Caitlin apparently. Gee whiz, I wonder if the topic of women will come-up when Walz and Vance debate.

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I have Dish, Veshi is on MSNBC ch 209. I am in the Pacific Time zone 11:45 EST is 14:45 PST. I checked the schedule on the TV to set to record. There is no Weekend Show or Veshi show at that time.

This is for Sunday, Sep 1st. At400 hrs (2:00p for U.S. civilians, there is politics nation with Al Sharpton.

A Velshi show is on right now and I am recording it, caught it at 1130 hrs PST, and he is on again tomorrow at 0700,0800,0900 and all set to record.

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It’s actually 8:45 AM Pacific time…

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Thanks, damn me, adding 3 hrs instead of substracting.. I actually know better, just another Wrong Way Corrigan.

Well it is set to record then.

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10:45 here. We will be watching.

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Fred Wellman was on the Katie Phang show.

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Happiness and time. My avatar's namesake is a Kerry Bog Pony on Inishmore in the Aran Islands off West Ireland. On a clear, moonless night, standing alone on a cliff surrounded on three sides by an immense, dark and sparkling sea, he stares deeply at the swirling Milky Way, stretching magnificently across an equally immense, dark and sparkling universe. It's one impossible whole with a barely discernable horizon between sky and water. Above and below, everything is so quiet and still ... and timeless. A warm summer breeze gently caressing the skin. Alive! The astounding miracle of it all that we are even here, looking, feeling ... being!

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To answer the question about the military and the AG; the military is 100% behind the Republican party and whoever they out forward as a candidate. The military industrial complex knows it is guaranteed all the money it needs for toys and promotions. They wouldn't dare bother Trump if he was dancing on tomb of the Unknown Soldier. He is after all above the law and has no respect for social norms whatsoever.

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Hope for the best; expect the worst. Does anyone have a good reference for what to do in case tRump wins? Open a Swiss bank account? Get a safe house on a remote fjord? I recently plugged into Mind the Gap, a progressive super-pac, at the recommendation of my very smart in-law. More to tune in to.

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