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Excellent assessment & explanation. This needs to be explained to voters by Biden & democratic candidates, in empirical terms.

A powerful argument in favor of Biden and down ballot Democrats, would be, if President Biden were to promise (& then implement) that with sufficient majorities, he will do everything in his power to neutralize the extreme partisanship, presently on full display within the Supreme Court. And, that he and a Democratic Congress will pass tough anti-corruption laws, that will rein in the Supreme Court and all those involved in bribing them and other public officials, through corporate personhood, separation clause disrespect, deceptive trusts, endowments, and other quasi-think tank types of indoctrination schemes. (Teddy Roosevelt proposed a solution to such corruption well over 100 years ago-the public financing of elections.)

Some argue against such court balancing schemes, they say Republicans will only retaliate with similar Court altering schemes. These arguments are moot, because, at the Court's present velocity and direction, we will rapidly descend, the rest of the way into autocratic oligarchy and a fascist government only pandering to the rich with peonage for everyone else. On our present trajectory, this election may very well be our last opportunity to get a handle on this right wing initiated corruption, a cancer eating away at our democracy, for far too long.

Vote blue, like your future and life depends on it, because it does.

By the way Thom, I also agree with your of assessment Julian Assange. In my view he is a journalist in the same contorted vein that one sided talking heads like Tucker Carlson are, only Assange benefits, thru aiding of espionage against the one-sided destruction of one type of ideology he is unhappy with. He saws off the branch that he clings to, that is responsible for his existence, for the benefit of ideologies that punish & repress journalism.

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Richard, here is the problem I have with the Assange affair.

You might not remember but the first thing wikileaks was to leak documents pertaining to the national security state of big brother and for that he was lauded as a hero by liberals. Then he leaked the videos of the senseless murder of Iraqi's and other documents released by Chelsea Manning, who has since been pardoned by Biden. The whole invasion of Iraq was a war crime promoted by Bush for political means, Cheney to get the oil, Israel and Saudi Arabia because Saddam was claiming to be Nebuchadnezzar reincarnated and the new Saladin, which threatened the hegemony of Saudi King in the Arab world, and the safety of Israel.

Dubya went after Assange with a vengeance and the left championed his cause, until Hillary as Secretary of State wanted to burnish her credentials and have an in with the PTB and made it her priority to extradite and prosecute Assange.

Then Hillary ran for President.

Assange in retaliation was happy to play conduit for Russian intelligence,and release the emails they hacked from Hillary's server. (Shame on her for using and unsecured personal server) and handing Putin a tool.

At that point, the left flipped and overnight he went from feted hero to world class villain.

I am or consider myself progressive, but I remain consistent. Assange did us a service exposing the Orwellian national security state, but thanks to the media, and short memories, the left, liberals, progressives have forgotten that, and forgotten that the PATRIOT Act, has empowered big brother.

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