I am amazed at the lack of quality people that we nominate and elect to these positions. We should expect intelligent statements from Sinema and get none. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) Passed her GED (Summa Cum Lauda) test days before running for Congress. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA) is a nutcase. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is a pervert. The list goes on and on.

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Thanks, Thom, for your brilliant historical analysis and contemporary insights into our current political crisis and dilemmas. I'll keep trying not to be too cynical and disenchanted:).

The tragic irony of this situation is that Sinema and Manchin could emerge as historical and contemporary political heroes if they betrayed their overlords. The BBB Act is tailor-made for their constituents, and they have the power even to make it better.

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The 3.5 Trillion dollar infrastructure bill is paid for by enforcing 7 trillion in taxes that the 1% avoids paying. So 50 Republicans, Sinema and Manchin do not want to enforce our tax laws. https://www.yahoo.com/news/bidens-proposal-empower-irs-rattles-115009722.html

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At the risk of garnering some people's wrath, I have to point-out Senator Sinema is very accomplished (social worker, lawyer, senator, and marathoner at age 45). I also want to say she walked in the doors of the US Congress as a Blue Dog in 2013. Point being, I am wondering if anyone did have to buy her vote, maybe she is a natural a-hole. I know Senator Manchin is.

It's a shame she has not seen the light. I found her stance on the minimum wage offensive, and now this. Six years in the House-six years in the Senate and a big pile of leftover "contributions" upon leaving, then on to some highly paid corporate board(s). She won't have to spend the summer in Arizona when the climate crisis temps reach 125 degrees. She will leave the working poor to suffer that fate while they deal with a crappy electric grid unable to cool them off and the challenge of very little water.

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How many of Kyrsten Sinema's constituents want to pay 2.5 times for pharmaceuticals as other countries? Politics is a team sport. The Republicans understand this. If they need 50 out of 50 votes in the Senate for what Mitch McConnel wants, they will get 50 votes. Sinema will not vote partyline but also will not say what her demands are, or meet with her constituents. A true gone rogue. ihttps://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/oct/11/big-pharma-has-a-powerful-new-shill-kyrsten-sinema-fighting-drug-price-reform

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