May 12Liked by Thom Hartmann

I was appalled watching “This Week With George Stephanopolous” (ABC) this morning that Martha failed to mention Reagan thwarted the hostages’ release prior to the election so he could win the election.

Martha simply reported that it was important to President Carter to get the hostages out, failed to do so and Reagan basically got the job done.

We should all write, email or call ABC and chastise them for omitting the TRUTH.

It was President Carter who negotiated the Iran hostage release. They WOULD have been released due Carter’s administration but Reagan BRIBED the Iran officials to release the hostages AFTER the presidential election (thereby ensuring he would win the election).

Isn’t this what you taught us Thom Hartmann in your newsletter? Perhaps you should repost so we can quote you!

This is important not just for history’s sake but because we are in another hostage crisis with a democratic president. It puts the wrong slant on the situation.

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Marlo I tried to tell the truth about Reagan and the hostages on Reagan's page on wikipedia, and I even used reliable secondary sources, as required by WP policy and guidelines, and it was reverted, I reverted the revert, and the hall monitor for Reagan's page, reverted the revert, If I had reverted his revert he would have taken me before the volunteer disciplinary board, and these committees are composed of a tight group of volunteers who attend conferences, drink beer and date each other. Each page has a watch list, and editors are volunteers, you can be an editor just acquaint yourself with the policies, guidelines and politics, before posting

The watch lists ae persons with a profound interest in an article, the moment that you post a change, they are notified, and will jump in to delete or revert it.

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It seems the truth is under attack. EVERYTHING, I recently tried to post on a so-called impartial news blog was omitted by censorship. Even non-political. I used no swear words, tried to be polite while other bloggers were lying and making fun of Brandon. I just asked the questions, if a dictator can take your guns, or if a dictator can hire cheaper undocumented workers, or if a dictator can starve you, or if it dictator can send you off to war, or if a dictator can torture you, or if a dictator can end the minimum wage and social security...

The right can't handle the truth, so they make up their own dishonest version of reality while turning our world into a giant cesspool!

I have read recently where Robert Reich and Thom hartmann are also being censored. We just crossed the six months before the election?

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Was that a site, like Mediaite, or a blog. What was it? Right wing fucktards had taken control of The Hill, and it had to stop allowing comments and moved to FB,, however it's mods are Trump humpers.

do not know of an impartial news blog, and in fact doubt that one even exists.

If I ran a news blog, I would trounce every right wing, Trump-Putin troll that reared it's head, not legit conservatives. have also a case against the me too chorus, and I don't mean the sex molestation me too, I mean the ones that jump in and waste band width and clutter substack, like Robert Reich's with inconsequential comments that amount to me too, and are completely devoid of info. I am often guilty, and will limit myself to likes.

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Maybe if Thom Hartmann contacted Wikipedia.

Not sure how to get a hold of “This Week”. I felt that was a terrible omission.

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Thom would be just one of the many luminaries who post on WP

Founded by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger on January 15, 2001, Wikipedia is hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation, an American nonprofit organization that employs a staff of over 700 people. However its editor and the various committees are all volunteers. Jimbo (as he is called there) has a hands off policy, unless it becomes legal or highly political

Check out the Trump page, it has innemberable sub pages, broken up by scandals and legal problems and it has editors that are obviously biased towards Trump or Republicans that no how to play the game of staying within policy and guidelines and challenging (reverting) content that they don't like.

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Yeah, but we have a safety net that didn't exist nationally until 1973. SSI, supplemental security income. Used to have "general assistance" in most states but in the red states it was killed by Clinton's "end of welfare as you knew it." Clinton had been governor of Arkansas, now a red state.

SSI takes some of the pressure off those who qualify -- anyone 65 or over who doesn't have much income or disabled folks who didn't have enough earnings to qualify for SSID- disability based on earnings records.

I've been working on a project to find SSI recipients who supported Trump and flip them. Lawyers, social workers, medical providers, care givers.

Here's my letter to the editor that papers won't publish.

To the editor:

Don’t slit your own throat.

As of 2023, 67,076,966 Americans received SSI. I’m sure more do now.

Republicans have threatened to kill it. Demean beneficiaries as “takers.”

Yet some SSI recipients are registered Republican!

It's ironic that some on SSI slit their own throats.

Every dime an SSI beneficiary gets is spent and proves that John Maynard Keynes was right -- causing a positive ripple effect. “Demand creates its own supply.”

Those benefits go into the hands of practically every business.

Daniel F. Solomon


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We cannot stamp out human nature, but we can stamp out immoral human behavior.

By keeping the bribery of our government legal, the rich are stamping out the middle class and the poor.

If any nation in society wants to be sustainable, there need to be limits on bad behavior, ungodly behavior, immoral behavior. Sure the rich will lust after more yachts, Islands, space rockets... Which is fine as long as they pay their fair share in taxes and they don't bribe the government!

Every time the left tries to do something constructive, the greedy right accuses the left of wanting to change human behavior! The left dreams of peace and prosperity for all, and the right dreams of more wealth, and power and fame for themselves. If the world Burns they will just live underground?

The left is not extremist and does not want a revolution, just some common sense and sanity sprinkled with a little truth and rational thought!

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I do wonder why the Democrats have done so little to undo Citizens United, which legalized political bribery by corporate (aka monopolist) America. I cannot recall ever hearing Biden complain on the record about how SCOTUS sold out democracy via Citizens United.

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They tried to with the “for the people act“ but Republicans in the Senate with help from Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin killed it.

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Yes, but then they gave up. It is like, "Oh well, let's wait for the Blue wave." which might never appear thanks to Biden's impulsive rush to rescue Israel which now has made America a party to genocide (34 dead Palestinians for every 1 dead Israeli - plus we fended off Iran's retributive attack on Israel which they brought on themselves).

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Sad state of affairs we find ourselves in- so entrenched that only a God given miracle can set us free!

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No one will save us unless we decide to save ourselves.

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We have the capacity to sweep out the criminals. When we win, we can bring some equity.

To protect American democracy, reach out to millions of unregistered likely Democrats using a dedicated database using every outreach method possible (phone and text, postcard, email and targeted ad, and in-person too), where new Democratic voters will make the most impact – in the most flippable states and districts.


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Seems my every reaction to commentors these days comes to roost on the media as major enabler. Not so much what they say, more often what they choose not to say. What they do say is a midway of glaucous sideshow entertainment carefully calculated to capture attention by fondling, trivializing distractions. Too late now with the fatal election nearing to educate the masses about media's sedicious mendacities, but without bringing this to the mat eventually, real change will never happen. Same goes for major corporations who people fail to realize are fascist and inimical to middle class re-establishment. Your efforts to get out the blue vote are key to America's democratic survival. I urge all to embrace your efforts. It is the only real remedy to looming tyrany.

Hopefully, people will begin to grok MAGA's current, well calculated plans to subvert the elections by thuggist presence. Grow a pair locally and challenge these thugs. Bullys

are masques for cowards and throughout history are brought to bay by simply being challenged. Get local legal remedy beforehand to know what your options are. You can fight back. Stop wallowing and wage war. The war that already is.

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Place no hope in the corporate media Gerald. With the exception maybe of the NYT which is owned by the Ochs-Sulzberger family, they are all owned by corporations, that are owned by other corporations.

Edit Added: By mentioning NYT,all I meant that it wasn't corporate media, as far as I know, but is owned by the Ochs-Sulzberger Family, and it's editorial board dances to its tune, that is why they supported the Iraq war and why they support,or at least don't dig into an exposure of Trump.

Now that Trump has threatened revenge, everyone is afraid to dig into him, and are starting to back pedal.. Watch for it.

Do a superficial deep dive into any one Media, Google who owns MSNBC, CBS ABC, NBC, WAPO and then google their board of directors, and then google the corporations owned or chaired by the corporations, google the Major stockholders, and the major stockholders of those , and the major stockholders of the major stockholders.

I drilled down on some corporations and found that Vangard Group, Black Rock, State Street were the major stockholders not just of media, but health care, insurance, petro chemical, and even the chairman of the board was also the CEO of the company.

Now what do they all have in common? Profit, Profit is revenue, Revenue either from subscriptions or revenue from Ads, and Ads are placed by two or three companies, who use ratings companies, to place ads.

And ads are placed where viewers turn on the channel or click on a link.

And it is incestuous. I just googled who owns Pfizer: Its top three individual shareholders are Frank A. D'Amelio, Mikael Dolsten, and Albert Bourla. The top three institutional investors in Pfizer are Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street.

Here is one: MSNBC is owned by NBCUniversal, which is a subsidiary of ComCast (which is right wing) It's major individual investor and CEO is Brian L Roberts Roberts. It's CEO and largest individual shareholder, corporate shareholders include Vanguard Group Inc, BlackRock Inc., State Street Corp, VTSMX - Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares, Capital International Investors, Fmr Llc, Capital World Investors, Jpmorgan Chase & Co, VFINX - Vanguard 500 Index Fund Investor Shares, and AWSHX - WASHINGTON MUTUAL

Again we see at the top of the list, Vanguard, Black Rock and state street, this is who owns the U.S.A., Inc.

My Hospital/Medical Center is owned by the nuns of St Joseph, however they have contracted out all services to Black Rock, and there is a ghastly turn over of nurses, and PCP's, even specialists. The specialists that will work for Black Rock are not the best. I saw a pulmonologist two weeks ago, and in walked what appeared to be a home less person, unshaven, in an unwashed track suit., he was a pulmonologist.

My latest CT Scan showed a new ground glass nodule, so my oncologist ordered a PET Scan, the pulmonolgist and the committee that reviewed my case thought I should get a lung bioposy, which because of the location of the nodule could deflate my lung or nick a vein and I would bleed to death.

I got a second opinion from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center who treated my original cancer in 2017, the doctor thinks it is pre cancerous, and doesn't recommend a biopsy, but continued CT Scan monitoring and I get a CT Scan every 6 months, and I believe it will be collapsed now to every three months, to see if the nodule becomes a mass.

Hospitals are now profit centers, and apparently even non profits services are contracted out, and that means diminished health care.

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This is the one thing that my father stressed to us concerning conflict in the world. Every time there was a revolution in south America he would lament that a lack of a middle class was responsible.

When it came time for us (7 of us on the family farm) to register to vote if anyone said they were

independent, like most kids, he would admonish. In NY you can't vote in a primary without party registration but even more important, the GOP is "the party of big business and the Democratic party is for the regular citizens. It stuck, despite some going to Vietnam howerer, that set us up for hatred of

war with the philosophy that "you have to negotiate to end the conflict so why not just skip the war

and negotiate first". Oh ya, the profiteers who really run the world......

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I, can only say, Captain my Captain and so it goes and goes and goes to the haves not the have nots. Thank you very much.

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