Please send this report to every NAACP group in the country. Any every known Latino group. What a shame I didn’t have this information…or this idea…before the election One of every five Black men voted for trump. 49% of Latino men also did. All of us readers can help spread this information.

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Linda Z: Would more information really have changed anything? Several years ago, some black repair people came to my house--I'm an old white lady--walked in and said they voted for Trump. Before I could stop myself, I asked. "Why?" "Because he lowered my taxes," they replied and then went to work repairing what needed repaired. I thought of all the black people who are constantly charging racism and these two voted for a well-known racist because their taxes were lowered! And now the stats from this election. What I think is too horrible to publish.

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My taxes weren’t lowered much. I wonder if theirs really were, or they were just told they were.

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I doubt that guy was telling you the truth. Independent workmen lost the ability to write off a lot of business expenses, state taxes, etc.

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Latino men openly said they would not vote for a woman. I already knew that. I had a Cuban boyfriend once. LOL. But it’s true.

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And Muslim Imams endorsed Trump and the Muslims who did't vote for Harris, voted for Trump and there were enough Muslim voters to have given Harris the election.

She has 226 electoral votes, Wi, MI, PA have 44, 226 plus 44 equals 270. the Muslims of Wi,MI, and PA were unhappy with Biden for supporting Israel and flipped Harris the bird.

And they feel justifiable in their actions, whatever the consequences as James Zogy said on PBS

That may be, but what a dawn awakes on Jan 21st when Bibi'sBFF and brother from another d mother drops the hammer on the Palestinians.

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Absolutely, those poor Palestinians abused by Hamas, abused by Bibi, & then here comes trump & baby faced Jared with the Saydi's $2 billion in hand! I'm sure you've seen or heard the comment from trump or Jared that the Gaza coast would make great resort property or something along those lines. You could hear them salivating of the prospect of getting some contracts.

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Absolutely, those poor Palestinians abused by Hamas, abused by Bibi, & then here comes trump & baby faced Jared with the Saydi's $2 billion in hand! I'm sure you've seen or heard the comment from trump or Jared that the Gaza coast would make great resort property or something along those lines. You could hear them salivating of the prospect of getting some contracts.

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Disgusting isn't it. I agree with you totally, and it just isn't Jared but there are real estate developers in Israel, that are selling land in Gaza. really do feel for those Gazans, but I also remember Mao, the revolution swims in the sea of the people.

The people elected HAMAS, and like 2024 and Germany 1933, it was the last election ever and the people tolerated it, just like America is going to tolerate Trump.

The Palestinians got the government they deserve the Israelis got the one they deserve and we got the one we deserve.

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In 2022 I invested several weeks while in college researching for a paper on voter suppression.

Because I wanted to write on how we can ensure secure elections without limiting legitimate voter participation, I purposefully sought out research from both liberal and conservative sources. I found ample well documented data to support a compelling case that supports Thom's claims that the voter suppression he writes about took place after Shelby v Holder and that this suppression did not improve election security.

If anyone has evidence to refute Thom's or my findings, please share links to those sources here.

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Nationwide you can say Kamala was robbed! And so was the country. I’ve been attributing the unexplained number inequalities to possible computer hacking, and in today’s AI environment I’m sure that has also been a factor. Now combined with gerrymandering and voter suppression, we will never again experience a free and fair election. Sadly, we’re not hearing that any of this is being addressed in the media or by the government. However, they have finely tuned how to beg for financial contributions.

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Psy ops. Russian involvement should be investigated ASAP. Same for Musk. The Philadelphia case should just be a start. https://phillyda.org/news/phila-das-office-statement-on-federal-judge-remanding-suit-against-america-pac-elon-musk-to-pa-state-court-in-philadelphia/

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Once again, Thom, thank you. I knew some of the details of the theft of Stacey Abrams' governorship from in time reading then, and Greg Palast reports. Your comprehensive list of new spurious - and dangerous - laws Rs put in place is revolting, but informative.

Writing here to again express wish/hope we can get Kamala to jump in before it's too late to turn this one around. Tho with each day, hope sinks a bit more. Meantime, came across Fred Guttenberg string on X. About re-taking a slot on AM radio space. Air America former host interested in funding. Wondering if this is of any interest at this time. I imagine you're aware, but sending in case not.


With highest regard,

Ina Hillebrandt

On Zoom Saturday 👏👏👏

Q was can we get Dems to stop everything and investigate. Now some trump voters are beginning to get it. Day 1. He's not kidding.

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So, we're being told that approximately 10 million Democrats that voted last time didn't vote this time, that they stayed home.

Question???? Did they stay home or were their names purged without them knowing & their ballots nullified?

I find it hard to believe that 10 million Democrats or Independent voters sat this election out????

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Mr. Hartmann, there is no doubt in my mind that cheating in an election is an important activity which should be exposed to the voting public. But it seems to me there is a much more fundamental topic we should be concerned with when it comes to voting. That topic is bad Democratic Party policies.

The Democratic Party has failed over the last half century or more to advance policies which are of real concern to the American voter. Even if there were no substantial cheating by Republicans, the Democrats would continue to lose anyway. They would lose because no one in the Dem. Party has any idea what the average American cares about. Or they just are not interested in what the average American cares about. Harris's campaign was little more than a name calling contest. "Trump is evil" "Trump is a Fascist" This may be true.

I all too frequently read comments in your blog about how our fellow Americans are "stupid," "unsophisticated." One contributor often uses offensive vulgarity to describe voters, a couple of them constantly refer to the malfunctioning of the midbrains, the amygdala, of voters. This kind of thinking is Psychological and Biological Reductionism; which gets us nowhere because it blames the victims, not the Democratic Party.

But the real issue is, or should be: What has the Dem. Party done to make our lives better? When the Dems. under Obama held the White House and both houses of Congress; did they give us universal heath care? No, instead we got that sop to the insurance industry "Obama Care." Did they give us cheap, convenient mass transportation? No, but billions of dollars were given to a greedy immigrant form South Africa so he could build his space business with our tax dollars. Did the Dems. abolish "Charter schools" and give more dollars to public schools? No. I will not even discuss that slimy traitor Bill Clinton. The last Democratic administration to give us anything we need was Lyndon Johnson. And even he poisoned those gifts with VietNam. He even admitted it himself before he died.

Trump won the election not because working people were stupidly taken for a ride by a liar. They voted for him because at least his lies were about things they wanted. They voted for Trump because they finally stood up and rejected the Democratic party's half century of much more clever dishonesty.

It is time for the Democratic Party to examine itself and ask: Why do so many American voters reject us? How can we change our policies? If they do not; that party will go the way of the dinosaur. And I say good riddance. We need a new party for ordinary working people, a Labor Party.

The Trump administration is going to sink this county into the worst economic depression since Hoover. That will be the time for Labor to leap like a tiger and form a new political party.

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Democrats lose to voter suppression then the propaganda steps in and how out of step they are and how the Republicans are

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There you go again, for all I know all those words you wrote may actually be true! But, do I have to read through ALL of that to discover "what is your point?"

And would you please apply your expertise to, as Paul Harvey would say, "The Rest of The Story?"

As usual, California ( and maybe Michigan) had more votes than they do "citizens." HOW CAN THAT BE? Please don't be so one-sided. Although -- I don't learn nearly as much from those who already agree with me. Therefore, I will keep listening, or rather reading. And one of these days, I might actually have the time to do some "fact-checking!" And then, I will believe you.

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Just sayin … I am calling bullshit on your claim .. back it up with data or stop claiming .. the leaders in California, if this is true, would be on top of it!

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Also, I have a difficult time "judging" people's "Motives." Wouldn't want to be wrong about that one! They might judge "me too." (See Matthew 7:1,2): "JUDGE NOT, lest ye be judged . . . ye shall be judged."

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'California ( and maybe Michigan) had more votes than they do "citizens."'

The burden of proof is on you. That trope was bull in 2020.

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Good on Daniel! Brava:-)

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I just tried: current Population of California is 39,128,186; According to the Cal. Sec. of State, as of Jul 5, 2024, the number of registered voters is 22,171,899; But the number of votes cast, with only 66% reporting (how come?) is approximately 12,057,262, if I did the math right. Not even close. So, we'll see. I will certainly try to find out who told me that in the first place. Don't believe everything you hear!

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I admit, you may have caught me here, because I wanted to believe it, even though, I am not sure how to confirm it. I'll look into it and be more careful. THANK YOU for straightening me out. Again, I may be wrong on "the letter" of this one, but I still don't think I'm wrong in "the spirit." But I need to make sure. After all, I am a "perfectionist" and I hate being "wrong." THANK GOD, He doesn't let me stay that way very long. But sometimes, He has to "spank me" to get my attention.

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Votes are routinely stolen in the United States in a number of ways and the treason routinely goes unpunished.

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Old news,and Lincoln was killed by a conspiracy.

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The old refrain over and over again was making things harder for Black people to vote. It seems to be the same today too, Captain my Captain. Fascinating, facts on the Black legislators back in the day, Thom. I recollect you having an old copy of the Black legislators you speak about. I could be wrong I just remember it that way. Thom if possible please post it somewhere, for us to see. Again simply fascinating, facts. Thank you very much. I need to know this history Thom. Cool to know it happened.

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