All excellent points!

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Thanks for that discussion. I've thought for a while that part of the psychopathy that is elevated in our society it due to the failed drug war and the successful cartels infiltrating the mainstream business community. It's at least made the problem worse. I agree the primary culprit is the SCOTUS, but it all factors in to the problem of greed, racism and psychopathy in American society.

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Not an expert on psychopaths, but I have read much on this subject. Dr. Robert D. Hare created "the psychopath checklist" and his books are for anyone interested. He studied in the prisons. I feel his insight is invaluable to the average person. You need to know who you have social contact with at work and in your neighborhood. It's critical to know your family or who you are dating.

Here is another aspect of what we are seeing. In my lifetime, the population has doubled. The percentage of people with sociopathy or psychopathy hasn't changed, but the numbers have doubled. We are only objects to them, a means to get the end they desire. And boy do the ones in politics want the power to use us! Accountability is absolutely necessary and more and more cameras too!

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