Good morning and welcome to the new “reign of terror trump” monarchy. I feel betrayed, and disgusted rather than disappointed by fellow Americans who made their choice. I worry for my family (grandchildren and great grandchildren) who are going to be the victims of this oligarchic nightmare. I no longer feel safe with fellow Americans and their hatred of anyone not like them. I will not say the pledge of allegiance or sing God Bless America anymore. I can’t find any patriotic feelings in me at the moment, sadly.Seriously if I had the money I would become an ex-patriot and move to Canada or Portugal. God help us.

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Deeply saddened and stunned. Utter disbelief. Betrayed, yes, that's a good word.

I'm concerned that everything will be on the auction block starting with Ukraine, NATO, the Constitution, ad infinitum.

Take some time to gather ourselves up and face the challenges with strength and confidence.

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One major anomaly is that a majority of women supported abortion but many of them also voted for Trump.

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Women have always been on the auction block no matter their color, etc. Regrettably, women fail to recognize that fact along with their value and power.

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IF the election wasn’t tampered with. I suspect it was after reading Spoonamore’s Substack articles and agree with him we should have had a recount at least in some of the swing states.

He felt it was unheard of that Trump could win ALL the swing states with LESS than 50% of the vote. When has that ever happened? (That’s just one of many suspect items).

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What it suggests to me is that they aren't voting for Trump because of his policies (such as they are) and they may not be all that interested in them. The same goes for the young Latino men who voted for Trump. They've probably got it worked out that the Latinos/as who get harassed and/or deported will deserve it -- and that it will be clear to the harassers and deporters who deserves it and who doesn't. History suggests that they're deluding themselves about this.

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1. Fear. Baked into the amygdala. Fear of "the other". Trump's commercials invoked the Jungian collective subconscious. Most effective ad: girls' sports.

2, Salesmanship. Psyops can make an Alaskan buy snow water. 90% voted contrary to their own economic and physical health. Why would someone on SSI (or any government benefit) vote to cut it.? Hispanics and Moslems supported a guy who will deport them -- even if they are citizens. During his administration he was working on "denaturalization."

3 Maybe the proletariat are really "lumpen."

The data shows we should have won. The data was wrong.

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Where is Bagdad by the Sea and what does anomaly mean?

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I believe that I mentioned something like that would happen Daniel.

Never underestimate human nature,and the need of females for a protector and provider, Trump didn't that is why he announced I will be your protector. He grabbed them by the mons venus and they followed.

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I am not the only one who feels this way

From https://www.mind-war.com/

Mr. President,

In 1933, Weimar Germany voluntarily handed over power to Adolf Hitler. Speaking for myself, I feel abandoned by you and my government just as the people of Weimar must have. After 50 years of allegedly fighting for our democracy, you are capitulating to a Fourth Reich. They told us what they are going to do, and you are just letting them do it.

Franz von Papen, Adolf Hitler, 1933; Joe Biden 11/7/24

Are you really going to be the Franz von Papen of the 21st century, Joe?

You had the power to fix this. You should have had the information to understand the threat that we were facing. Instead you treated it like just another Democratic presidency, hoping that if the economy were good enough it would fix the problem with all the “MAGA extremists.”

You were wrong. You didn’t listen to those of us who told you who tried to steal the election from you in 2020. You let your DOJ and FBI drag their feet with the perfect timing to let Donald Trump and his co-conspirators go free. You prosecuted all the foot soldiers and never went after the “generals.” You prioritized “norms” and the “independence” of the DOJ over us. You failed to lead, to demand accountability — from Merrick Garland, Chris Wray and the others who let this happen on your watch.

I hear you talking now about “all that we accomplished” in your “historic administration” as if that will have any impact on the psychopaths who will destroy everything that you have done. You could have been the inflection point to preserve our world and make it better, instead you presided over a transition into an authoritarian global nightmare.

To hear this is just a “setback” is insulting. You are leaving your nation to the wolves and you won’t even be honest about it. I put myself in the crosshairs for this country, Joe Biden, as did many patriots who fought alongside me. Instead of hearing us, you are just letting them pull the trigger.

I have deep respect for you, Joe. I fought hard for you. But in this moment, as you gaslight us that it’s all going to be fine, my loyalty is shattered.

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Help ourselves. Unite. Become a force for the good. Draft Marianne Williamson to create the Beloved Community for real. "Let's do something already to turn the world around/How about the Beloved Community?" https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/lets-do-something-already-to-turn

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A group of women sitting cross legged on Afghan rug, rubbing crystal and singing paens o f love for all mankind is not going to save our bacon or change the world.

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Do you have any picture showing this?

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Do I need a picture for what we have all seen know. Maybe it isn't anAfghan rug,any rug will do.

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No, in a democracy we need documentation for contrary opinions.

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You lost me with "Marianne Williamson." She seems to have hijacked the concept "Beloved Community" from those who've tried to realize it for decades.

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You must not listen to her. Do that and then we can talk.

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I am super happy to be living in Costa Rica and have no intent on ever going back to the USA.

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Same here. Exactly.

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Maybe you are the photographer and can post the picture of this?

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Thanks Thom Hartmann for being the great American Voice for Democracy. I've been listening to you since the days of Air America and this is my very first comment. I'm a 78 year old Vietnam Veteran who is heartbroken and worried about our future and world peace. God Bless us all

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Democracy, moneycracy and now comes kleptocracy full force. The billionaires will gorge themselves with government money, overpriced contracts with the benediction of this old unhinged disgusting fake jesus my ass trump, who will cut his share along the way, as usual. Corruption will blossom. Putin rejoice. Damned!

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Good night, America. Franklin and many of the framers were right; the working class is pobably too bovine to govern themselves for long. We're about to get what we've asked for.

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Nah. Putin won. Used psyops. Intimidation. E.G. Bomb threats + .massive spending by his allies, like Musk ... Otherwise we would have won.

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Sadly. Fear is baked into the amygdala. Everything else was BS. The "economy" issue is a classic pretext for racism. So is the "border." Trump's ads go directly to the Jungian collective racist subconscious. They teach this stuff. This is what OUR CIA tried to do worldwide. They conned the media. Murdoch is a willing idiot, Thom.

We did this effectively starting in Europe post WWII. Kept the commies from taking over. Effective in Iran and Guatemala 1952 - 1953. Didn't work well in Cuba, southeast Asia. Putin has perfected it. I.e. Hungary, Slovakia.

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Don’t forget all the voter registrations that were purged close to the election. That was criminal! I think Biden should call for a REVOTE!

Outrageous you say? How outrageous has Trump been?

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Which comes first:

Nuclear annihilation or climate apocalypse

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Putin won without launching one missle. Hang on for the climate, next up.

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A radio talker once mused on whether well be done in by fire or water - wildfires or sea level rise / flooding. My vote is for neither of the above; tropical diseases will get us in the end.

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Everything you said is true but there's no getting away from the fact that given a choice the majority of voters chose fascism.

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They are the suckers who are born every minute. 90% vote contrary to their own economic and even physical health.

To quote myself in one of my novels" They no know wha' they no know."

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And many now feel deceived by Trump and some are asking if they can take their ballot back and change their vote.

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Actually something like an authoritarian figure is needed to really get serious about our changing climate. We're certainly moving way too slowly to be a step ahead of disasters. Of course as long as we remain a divided congress/citizenry an authoritarian King would be preferable.

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You believe science about climate change, correct? He's a denier, correct?

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I'm not thinking about a Trump- figure to do this job. Im thinking in order to move rapidly we need a strong figure with guts and backbone to force draconian changes in line with climate mitigation. All the stops impacts need to be addressed. But there are plenty of stops impacts that siloed scientists are refusing to deal with.

Particularly the impacts that hundreds of Mega Hydroelectric projects in the Arctic/subarctic, which have led to years of warming that region and have not been addressed since commissioning started in the 1950s . And they are still warming those regions, affecting our weather patterns and increasing humidity and water vapor, and now is directly melting the polar region. Of course the Russians had this plan in order to get an Ice-free port on the Arctic Ocean but the FFF greedy Canadians Hydro Quebec corporations jumped in and now have even more mega dams than the Russians do in the Arctic

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They have unchecked power now. There will be not stopping them from redistricting, gerrymandering and manipulating voting rolls. Any future elections will be "pretend/sham" elections, ar least in my lifetime. (Vis a viz Hunagary).

I don't see a lot of hope. If they get rid of social security, I don't know what we will do.

Despair may not be an option, but I am there.

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Thom - totally brilliant and insightful thinking and writing - thanks so much - as what you said totally clarified and is consistent with all my thoughts & fears. The question is now what to do next?

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It's over.

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The central question of this election is why have the Dems lost the Hispanic vote. Not a majority, not yet, but more than enough to shatter the so-called Dem coalition. A close second is why do people continue to vote against their own economic interests. Inflation cost the Dems this election, but the kind of inflation that is coming when Trump implements across the board tariffs and mass deportations will dwarf what occurred post-Covid

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Richard: If you consider that the Hispanic culture is macho, paternalistic, and that democracy is feminine then your question as to the Hispanic vote answers itself. In fact it answers why Trump has swept the board,

The Patriarchy, that is male rule, male domination has been perceived as being under threat.

Power is a zero sum game. Either you have power or you are submissive, and submissive males are, in their minds eye, equivalent to females.

Trump voters, outside of the female camp followers, are in large part InCels and Viagra/Cialis users. They need drugs to erect and penetrate because social progress has mean that these poor creatures have lost control over women. The image of the virile black male, also propels them. The Hispanic culture is indelibly Catholic, and patriarchal as is Evangelical and Pentecostal cults.

The popularity and need for Viagra and Cialis, and the rise of the InCels, were red flags that were totally ignored and MAGA is the result.

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As usual Mr. Farrar your claim that yesterday's election result is a consequence of "InCels" and Viagra and Cialis, is itself, your usual imbecility.

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Not just incels Gerald, and pulling that phrase out of my response is a strawman fallacy. I can't help but take notice that you have difficulty with being contradicted.

So you are a Marxist, I take it, well Marxism is just another savior ideology, like Islam and Christianity, or Capitalism.

One thing about ideologies, that enable one to cloak themselves in self righteousness and obviate the need for self examination or critical thinking.

I have the solution, Jesus, Mark, Lenin, Mao, Adam Smith, Gerald f Dobbertin.

I don't have any solutions, but there are many causes,and the only way to find the root cause is to pound rocks into stones,stones into sand and sand into dust.

But the moment you do that, you find yourself at odds with someones idea of a savior and cause.

Makes life so simple doesn't it. Capitalism the cause, Marx the solution. Except it isn't.

Human nature, that which drives us, is the problem, and no ism is a solution.

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IMHO we were on the right track, Biden was a great president... then WHAMMO.

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We aren't on the same track Daniel,it has been derailed, and put on carriages of smaller gauge, like the transfer stations between France and Spain.

What was,was immaterial,what is and what will be is what concerns me.

apologies friend I don't mean to be rude and snide,least of all to you.

But Biden is a dead issue,What really concerns is how fast Kamala sanctified Trump's election, by conceding before even half of the votes were counted.

She should have never conceded,now she has, as leader of the Democratic party,, sanctified Trump.I will never vote again. Democrats have no justification,no cause for resisting Trump,as Harris, in a rush to save her own neck, sanctified Trump. From now on it is just a game to drain our energies and our pocketbooks.

EVen the hosts on MSNBC are crawling backwards,because they know they are in the sights of Trump's revenege squad.

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They say that such people are voting for their own perceived interests... to not let someone they look down on (e.g. a woman), take a position over them. It ruins their self-image of being the smartest person in the room.

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Joe Biden is still the President. He can still act as President and resign, making Kamala Harris the President. She will be immune based on the Supreme Court decision. She could order that Donald Trump be imprisoned along with his likes. People need to speak up.

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Wouldn’t that be a twist to the expected story 🤣

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Great Idea....One problem the Democratic Party has no guts or backbone to support something like this.

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Biden doesn't have to appoint Harris, he can do that himself, but he won't, for the same reason that he appointed an arch right winger as AG.

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A burning empire upon a landfill.

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We're on the clown train to tire-fire mountain.

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Thank You, Thom, for sharing your thoughts and insight this morning. I'm in mourning, and your all invited to the funeral on January 20th 2025. Looking towards the skyline for the Sunrise that always comes after a long dark night. Blessings to you All 🙏💔

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Thom, while I agree with everything in your article, remember that Trump told his followers at a rally that he didn’t want or need their votes. That it was all taken care of and it would be the last time they would have to vote? To me this says that our voting system itself has been tampered with and compromised. The one time he told the truth and we weren’t listening.

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I have not stopped wondering about this question. And, what exactly was his and Speaker Mike Johnson's secret? With intense work to lie, trick, and destroy all that is good, what has been done via AI, Putin, and Elon Musk? Let us not just roll over and say, okay.

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I tend to buy the assertion by several journalists that the election was less about billionaire political influence and more due to RURAL RAGE at America's economic inequality that has gotten out of control due mainly to Democrats dithering.

As a Boomer kid we used to label rich people "millionaires." Now you are not rich unless you are a billionaire. The sad irony is that if your net worth is around $6M, your standard of living is rich, but you are just in that top One Percent. Standard-of-livingwise, the distance between the 1% and the .01% is about the same as from the top 1% to the bottom 10%.

It is not as if people like Matt Stoller and Dean Baker haven't been warning us almost daily for many years about the "Rigged" system. It is that Democratic presidents dithered and lacked the motivation to raise taxes on the wealthy, fix social security, and bust some trusts.

Today's election was not a RED WAVE, it was a toxic RED TIDE that slowly bubbled up from below the infamous "poverty line" stimulated by Rural Rage at being abandoned by the "elites" who were benefitting from a perverted US economy. Because all red tides are toxic, the MAGAs will, ironically, suffer the most from their support for replacing democracy with billionaire autocracy - perhaps because they bought into the myth of Trickle-Down economics promoted by - the billionaire autocracy.

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Tomonthebeach, The Democrats sat on their hands as the richest, most powerful empire in history allowed millions of its citizens to fall into poverty, ill health, illiteracy, religious superstition, fear and despair. Meanwhile the biggest expenditure in the national budget since Dwight Eisenhower was allocated for nuclear aircraft carriers, fighter planes, rockets, nuclear submarines, 800 military bases around the world. And this was accompanied by tax breaks for the wealthiest people in history. All of this is the inevitable result of unconstrained capitalism. An economic system which has been busy searching for raw materials, labor supply, and markets everywhere in the world while abandoning our own domestic labor force and our own domestic industry and internal national interests. Is it a mystery why American voters fell for the false promises of the most dishonest president in our history?

Now we can look forward to the possibility of Elon Musk being appointed our government's "efficiency expert" who will shut down 2 trillion dollars in government expenditures; according to Musk's own words. This is exactly what Andrew Mellon told Herbert Hoover to do. And after Hoover did, the country plummeted into the worst depression in history. Again; is it a mystery why American voters fell for the false promises of the most dishonest president in our history? Just as they fell for Hoover's blathering about austerity at the end of the Gilded age. If you are not the kind of person who bends to the force high winds; then maybe it is time to read books by John Maynard Keynes and Karl Marx.

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Gerald, one exception to your comment. If it were not for this military industrial complex, you would not be making your self rightEous comments, nor would any of us probably be alive, well I would I was born before WWII but I can't imagine what kind of world I would be living in. Our navy and Air force protect the sea lanes and skies, that we can ship and recieve products and resources that we can't produce on our own., without a military industrial complex can you imagine what second language we would be speaking,or our descedants should they suvive the threatened catastophic end of the antrhopocene.

It is one thing to poitificate on ideological grounds, after all men have been doing that since Sumer (religion is just another ideology and it has it's pontificators as well

And all together a different thing to live in reality. The problem with ideologues is that they are so wound up and devoted,that they are incapable of considering the consequence of their beloved ideology.

And Marx, I know you take exception,but he was not at a socialist, that is misreading from ignorance perhaps willful. He was in fact a proto libertarian. But I've covered that ground already,.

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Mr. Farrar, you claim that you returned from Viet Nam in your youth and eventually changed. You did not. Your head is still in Viet Nam. You are still the failed soldier and husband of your youth. All your childish tough talk about violence and Viagra and sexual imagery is revealing to all. Grow up!

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You have no idea where my head is, but you just can't help trying to read my mind and telling me all about myself. I think that you have a problem, maybe a touch of savior complex.

From what I gather you are long in the tooth on belief and your self righteousness.

Maybe my "childish talk" about how the sales of Viagra and Cialis indicates the weakness of the current crop of males, they call men, strikes a little too close to home, Gerald.

What is that saying?. Oh yes Stuck pigs squeal.

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Are you ignoring that there have been many Republicans in Congress stopping Democrats moves to make the changes you suggest? (Maybe we can thank Mitch McConnell for orchestrating what he has wrought, and we all now face.)

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I do not think so. Voters do not get that subtle about federal policy making. Clinton loved monopolies and embraced Reaganomics which made big cities richer and rural areas poorer. A lot of rural areas lost manufacturing jobs when Clinton encouraged businesses to migrate overseas. Blaming Republican opposition ducks disinterest in rural economics. What did Obama do to raise taxes on the wealthy or go after monopolies when he had majorities in both houses? Not much.

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Tom, have you ever actually lived in rural America. I have, and they really don't get incensed over the economy, as certain people think.

It starts with the pulpit and the press, they are told what to think, what to prioritize in their lives, and who are the devil's spawn.

Take a trip through rural America, via Zillow and google, I mean the rural America you are talking about, like Crossett, Arkansas and Bastrop, LA. They aren't hauling in 90,000 dollars a year in income, but they aren't paying 500,000 for a home either.

If I didn't mind living with stifling bigots. I could sell my property,pocket the proceeds and move to rural America and live like a King

Check these prices: https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-search/Crossett_AR/beds-3-3

A 3 br 2 bath house for $45,000 brick ones for $145,000 to $150,00

Then check Redmond WA https://www.tollbrothers.com/luxury-homes/Redmond-WA?h_type=Condo&campaignid=16877818268&adgroupid=138506173809&targetid=kwd-489705524138&keyword=condos+redmond+wa&loc_interest=1027725&loc_physical=1014391&matchtype=p&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAxKy5BhBbEiwAYiW--wJ3NKzzZnO13esn2NmIasVv8Ni9olosCdnhOiZCLFH6vC4TdYoFiRoC4R8QAvD_BwE

Aslo, in rural America most homes are mortgage freem family heirlooms passed down from generation to generation.

There are virtually no family farms anymore, they have all been bought up or driven into bankruptcy, or virtual serfdom by Agribusiness

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Does growing up with a cornfield at the end of my back yard count?

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NUMB....how does one process what just happened?

How did he win the popular vote? How did 20 million who voted in 2020, not vote on top of the huge numbers of newly registered voters once Harris entered the race?

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Kimberley he got the insecure and easily threatened male vote,specially Gen X, the Viagra, Incel generation.

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Lewis Powell's dream comes true. TY SCOTUS

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