Louise Hartmann's poetry and lyrics are Politically Delicious. You and your public are lucky to have her in our lives 🙏💯👍

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Global climate killer CEOs, the growing malignant tumor of self-serving polluting corrupt monied interests in coop partnership with enabling “drill baby drill” GOP criminal power brokers are the kleptocratic crime-syndicate who own impending systemic failure.

Toxicity levels grow preventing optimum healthy societal function. Elevated poison levels continue flow into bloodstream of humanity. Prognosis post January 20: systemic failure.

Climate killer CEOs and GOP first degree murderers of planet earth.

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As I’m sitting here reading Thom’s important article (with the sound of my generator running in the background due to a mandatory power shutdown), I think back to all the wildfires I have witnessed or evacuated from in my lifetime in California and realize I am horrified but not surprised by the devastation of these current events. Living in a mountain community in SoCal has its own challenges, one of which is lack of rainfall. It doesn’t take a scientific genius to realize we are sitting ducks for catastrophic fire events in California due to drought cycles. Climate deniers can spout their BS all they want but they bury their heads in the sand at our peril. We do aggressive fire mitigation where I live, brush clearing, tree trimming, weed abatement, etc but we almost lost our community in September, so my heart goes out to all fellow SoCal residents who lost their homes or are currently evacuated. Watching these neighborhoods burn was excruciating because my family used to go look at Christmas lights in those Pasadena neighborhoods and I grew up near there. I don’t know at this point how we can change the trajectory of climate change when many Americans are lemmings for a criminal president elect who is two stepping with fossil fuel CEOs and foreign governments who want to maintain the status quo of profit at all cost. Many Americans are too short sighted and grievance-filled to realize the harm greedy corporations have damaged our planet and therefore the future of generations to come. Dumbing down the electorate is working. We are seeing the results in real time, and those people who support the rapey felon’s lies are all around us.

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Thom I invite all your readers to read and listen to your interview with Jim Stewartson. here: https://www.mind-war.com/p/the-elon-discussion-with-thom-hartmann

I also subscribe to his Mindwar substack

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Music is such a potent form of communication. Ditto for comedy.

I gotta say these Louise lyrics are a behemoth. They're killer - no pun intended.

Thank you for sharing your gift with everyone. We need to utilize every channel of human perception - like music - to keep reality and truth real and true.

I'd love to see Body Count cover this song..

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Gross assumptions in this dity...

Try this one....…

Climate activists like to talk…. but wont be happy if we take the walk.

Plenty of virtuousness but no more heat, and not many places left to sleep.

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Louise, your talents are awe-inspiring, love your creativity!

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In the HydroeIectric industry, the internationaI HydroeIectric Association(IHA) is no different than the CEO's of fossiI FueI. They know what they are doing and have convinced /paid of a portion of the the scientific community. Strap on for the deep dive why

Unfortunately, there are scientists that bear some of the responsibilites

So simplicity seems to be hard to come by with the siloed scientists protecting the wholly grail of complexities around climate. What would it do to think of our planet as a being not unlike us humans and born with systems that maintain its' life and our longevity too? Science is too fixated on Co2 and fossil fuels and guards against down to Earth common sense If only the old scientific farts couId come down to Earth and follow the on the ground clues and evidence when it comes to climate.

There are very specific causes for human illness. We run a fever, the planet is running a fever too, and it is not stopping. And why is it not cooling down even with all the mitigation practices over the last decades? Because we are not treating a significant forcing factor which does have something to do with Co2 sequestration but it is only one portion of the many planetary spheres that continue to be mis-diagnosed by the Science"experts". Maybe it's time to look at our planet with the same lense we look at human health.

Our Planet: Person or Living Entity?

It’s time to consider our Earth as a living, breathing being possessing systems that keep it running smoothly and in good health. We now have to face the fact that the temperature of the planet is increasing. and as in other living beings this signals that something is happening out of the “normal functioning range”. Scientists and 75% of the population call this climate change. We can also say the earth has a fever, and its not going down. When we humans have a prolonged fever we see a doctor. We test our fluids, our breathing, our blood pressure and our blood for toxic and nutritional levels. Our cardiovascular system - heart, arteries, veins and capillaries - supply us with nutrients, circulate oxygen from our lungs, and cleanse our kidneys and liver. In short, this system keeps us alive.

Earth, as a living, breathing being, has a similar cardiovascular system in play - a system that is not functioning within “normal range”. In the Earth’s cardiovascular system, we can think of the oceans and atmosphere as its heart and lungs, large rivers its arteries, smaller rivers and streams, wetlands and bogs its veins and capillaries sending nutrients to its extremities. Terrestrial ecosystem provide sustenance: nutrition, oxygen, and a home to living beings.

Land is connected to the waterways providing food and life to aquatic species that travel, breed and participate in the lifecycle of the Earth. and those avenues of support are severely clogged, (similar to cardiovascular disease in humans) by large hydroelectric dams: mega-dams. Mega-dams are creating clots in the world’s circulatory system, not only retaining water for electricity generation, But prohibiting passage of the nutrients which the marine ecosystem needs to live and thrive.

The damming of rivers is one of mankind’s most significant modifications to the worlds' cardiovascular system impacting the flow of water and associated materials from land to sea. Included in these nutrients are nutritional elements like nitrogen and phosphorus, required by all life on Earth, and silicon, which is required by diatoms, the plankton that account for the largest percentage of biological productivity in the oceans. Is the damming of rivers starving our oceans?

Diatoms in the oceans sequester more Co2 than all the rainforests of the planet Prior to the mid 20th century many of the larger rivers had been functioning normally. Rivers have always been the main nutritional delivery system for the smallest microscopic living things in the oceans: diatoms (plankton), which feed the largest of marine mammals the Blue Whale.

For milenia Earth Sediments (nutrients) are delivered by rivers feeding estuaries, bays, and onto the oceans continental Shelf. Each spring and during stormy periods. Many of the largest rivers in the Northern Hemispheres' North delivered these nutrients.

Through the late 1950s into the 1980s many of the major rivers and waterways that emptied into the Northern Hemisphere oceans had large hydroelectric dams constructed that obstructed the natural flows containing much of the nutritional requirements of marine life. Dams and flow regulation on rivers weaken the force of these upwelling ocean currents so fewer nutrients are available.

The marine food chain is dependent on diatoms, and their populations are declining rapidly; the world’s ocean fisheries are also in decline. NASA has indicated diatom populations are diminishing by about one percent per year. This equates to a significant increase in CO2 levels, because CO2 removal by diatoms is not occurring at the same rate as before dams.

The model of strict flow regulation is forced on these rivers by hydroelectric dams in the subarctic regions: Here many of the Northern Hemisphere's largest rivers used to exist but now 95% of the water stagnates in sea-size impoundments for 6 months of the summer and continues melting the permafrost. long hours in the sun has led to excessive heat and humidity and melting permafrost adds greater amounts of methane rich fresh water to these sea-size dam reservoir impoundments. This also insures a much much larger volume of and now warmer water to be discharged only all winter-long. This is not only warming these regions in the winter but sending this much larger volume and warmer fresh water into the bays and Arctic Ocean region.

This is occurring with many of the former rivers from Siberia to labrador. Many other species, also important for carbon sequestration, are starving because of the nutrients withheld by these river impoundments. River obstruction and impoundment cuts off much of the nutrient flow to all marine life, stockpiling it behind dams than decomposing (emitting methane) and accelerating global warming. Clearly out of the historical normal range, the planet’s coronary arteries are now severely compromised. Like cardiovascular disease in humans, deprivation of this ‘blood supply’ results in the starvation of aquatic life and with it the decline of livable terrestrial habitat.

Unfortunately the earth does not have a primary care physician who would recommend surgery to remove these blockages, freeing up the blood supply allowing the patient to recover. It is up to us, the tenants, to take the helm and choose not to invest in damming up its' cardiovascular system. We need to live with, not on, the earth and allow it to recover from our antiquated energy generation practices, which are doing what may be irreparable harm. Divest from mega-dams. Remove the blockages that are continuing to damage our climate by preventing nutritional flow, thawing the permafrost and destroying habitats for all living things, land and sea. Let’s allow the Earth to heal itself by freeing up the natural flow of river waters.

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Marvelous poem; thank you!

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Glory, Glory Hallelujah,

Glory, Glory Hallelujah,

Glory, Glory Hallelujah,

Their lies will just keep on.

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