There was a definitive rebellion going on in the Fifties and Sixties. It was about the picture that Leave It To Beaver and Father Knows Best painted. We knew that was not what was going on in OUR homes.

That's why it is ridiculous to think we can go back to a time that didn't really exist. The tuned-in and hooked-up youth of today are going to tell them to shove it. I know I did!

Never married and or no kids is a choice no one will be giving up. Just like picking marriage or creating a family is a choice. And then there is the choice to have autonomy over your body to have the proper health care Amanda needed to save her life. She and her husband must have been terrified and so damn angry---her doctor as well.

There is no tradwife heaven for most of us, and a whole lot of folks wouldn't choose it if they could. It takes a team, a village, or one bad-ass mom or dad to get it done.

Abortion IS health care. Voters will demand that option at the polls. It has already started.

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Lots of women I know who were widowed didn't remarry, including my grandmothers, who lived their lives independently. One woman even told me she didn't want another man to have to look after.

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19

An Italian neuroscience group at the University of Padova did a study---widows were somewhat happier and healthier than their married peers.

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I believe that, "The Merry Widow". But that was after women's suffrage

Before the modern era, a woman could not own property in her own name, sign contracts (indentures), forget voting.

As a woman or an heiress, she was prey, and to safeguard her inheritance she had to have a husband, thus many widows and heiresses wasted no time finding a husband, if she didn't then a needy husand would find her.

This involves my 9th great grandmother, the pastor that buried her, after the funeral grabbed her hand and betrothed himself to her, she broke the so called promise, by marrying my 9th great grandfather my namesake https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecily_Jordan_v._Greville_Pooley_dispute

19th and 18th century indentures of land (real estate sales) have clauses in them where the wife gives up her dower claims.

The Ken Burns documentary "Not for Ourselves Alone" mentions seven heiress, who could not sell or use their own property, who came together, formed a non profit corporation and established a woman's college. I wish I could remember the name, i is one of the "Seven Sisters"

If married, and women were forced to marriage for self protection, the man became her owner, and owned her wages and the property she brought to the marriage.

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Off topic, but oh so timely

Here is what worries me. In 1968 protesters disrupted the Democratic National Convention, and in doing so, smeared the Democratic party, the middle class reacted and voted for Nixon.

I had recently returned from Vietnam, and was then a conservative, I also lived with the Vietnamese and spoke their language. I was told we were going to lose the war, because there were more communists in the states, than in Vietnam and they pointed to the Democrat's" who controlled the Senate and Presidency, hearing Senate Hearing, 90th Congress - Submission of the Vietnam conflict to the United Nations: hearings before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Ninetieth Congress, first session, on S. Con. Res. 44, providing that it is the sense of the Congress that the President should submit a resolution to the United Nations for final and binding improvement of peace in Southeast Asia in accordance with the appropriate article of the United Nations charter, [and]S. Res. 180, a sense of the Senate Resolution seeking United States initiative to assure United Nations Security Council consideration of Vietnam Conflict. October 26, 27, and November 2, 1967..

The Saigon post followed American politics and Congressional hearings assiduously, better than Americans.

The real effect of the 68 protests in Chicago, was to piss off middle America and elect Nixon.

The Protesters are doing the work of Bibi and the Israeli right wing, they should have been outside the Republican convention, not the Democrats.

We will see, but protesting the Democrats only benefits the Republicans, and if Trump is elected then the Muslims, the leftists, the campus idiots have only themselves to blame, when Trump starts rounding them up., and doubles down on support for Bibi.

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Chicago is no longer the stomping grounds for the likes of a Daily. Take a look at Mayor Brandon Johnson's background and the kinda person Governor Pritzker is. My hope is that if they keep the peace properly, the Dems can welcome them and maybe even get some votes from that crowd. We want that ceasefire and the hostages returned.

It's always about the provocateurs and anarchists that are there to break windows and steal stuff. Fingers crossed about the discipline within the police department and the moderate weather forecast holding.

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I guess things improved since that asshole Rahm Emanuel left.

HAMAS doesn't want a ceasefire, first I think that there are a lot less fewer hostages still alive, but if they are release Yahya Sinwar has a limited life span. Besides HAMAS is on a holy Jihad to rid the land of the Jews.

Arabia is considered sacred Muslim soil, and kaffirs are not permitted to live there, but the Saudis need the technical expertise and labor of the infidel, so the mufti of Mecca has desacralized the compound in which the infidels can live (walled communities, where they can walk around in shorts, drink alcohol and party)

Israelis also sacred Muslim soil, especially Jerusalem which is the site of Islams third most holy site, the Dome of the rock, Haram al Sharif, which has the footprint of a dinosaur, Muslims think it is the chimera beast (body of a horse, head of woman, wings of an eagle) that picked up Muhammad at midnite in Mecca and flew faster than the speed of sound to Jerusalem, where it stepped on the rock and carried Muhammad up through seven levels of heaven where he met the prophets and finally Allah, which he dickered down from 500 prayers a day to 50 then 5 with the help of Abraham,. I'm not making this shsit up, it is in the Quran.

Anyway Jews have profaned sacred Muslim soil, and must be cleansed, thus there can be no peace so long as there are Jews on sacred Muslim soil.

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Hamas has said it would agree to a ceasefire several times actually. Its Netanyahu whom has refused, preferring instead to commit a mass ethnic cleamsing/genocide so he can avoid prison.

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Give up the propaganda ploy. HAMAS has refused the last couple of officers and has refused to send a representative.

Ethnic cleaning/genocide, you diminish the words, render them nothing but useless epithets.

10 Million Jews, and how many Arab Muslims? A billion, Israelis a minnow swimming in a pool of jacks, lionshish, eels and sharks.

Yeh, ethnic cleansing/genocide

I will tell you who has to worry about etnic cleansing/genocide: The Jews, thats who. From the Quran, and hadiths to the HAMAS Covenant.

Genocide of Jews is a fundamental obligation of the religion.

Quranic verses 33:26-27 and 33:9-10

Verses 1295-06,book 56, hadith 139 al Bukhari

Preamble and article 7 HAMAS covenent.

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Oh please. Netanyahu has killed the hostages himself by bombing them. He can blame Hamas all he wants but it’s clear who is doing the bombing and where. Hamas wants the land back stolen by Isreal. they have offered a ceasefire in exchange for a Palestinian state which is beyond fair. Hamas wants that land to be Palestinian, as it was. And like the 5 armies invasion, the accusation is that Isreal violated every agreement with their immigration numbers and took the best land for themselves, and then took the country from what was planned to be a jointly governed land with equal representation, to one wholly populated by Jews who then proceeded to commit ethnic cleansing to get even more for themselves. Read the letters and you’ll see this was admitted entirely.https://www.palestineremembered.com/David_Ben_Gurion_To_His_Son_Amos_Written_OCT_5th_1937.html

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Lesley, Bibi is a criminal, and worse, as are his right wing, and the settlers. He even knew that something was in the offing, and saw it as an advantage to take the public attention away from his legal troubles and solidify support

This isn't about Bibi or what HAMAS wants it is about cold blooded rape and murder by HAMAS and Islamic Jihad, and the cowardly leadership hiding behind women and children and hostages to use as human shields.

The death of every innocent civilian lies squarely in the lap of HAMAS, every one of them.

As regards the land stolen. If it weren't for the Arabs trying to annihilate the new state of Israel, recognized by the UN on May 1948, on Nov 1948, the Arabs would not have lost one inch of land.

Israel has a population of 10 million Jews and 2 million Arabs (Muslim, Christian and Druze)

Arabs have full citizenship rights, they vote and even had representatives in the Knesset.

You show me on Arab or Muslim state that has a Jewish population with equal rights and access, there are none, Most Muslims states have no Jews, those that do have maybe 100 to 200 Jews, Egypt has three, Iran has about 5,000 and they have no civil rights at all.

As I said if the Arabs had not invaded Israel and tried to annihilate her (which is genoicde) there would not have been a nagba.

The HAMAS covenant, which has not been repudiated, calls for the genocide of Jews as does their sacred text.

The first instance of ethnic cleansing, ever is related in the Quran , Quranic verses 33:26-27 and 33:9-10. Genocide of the Jews in verse 12195/1295, book 56, hadith 139 al Bukhari and also in the preamble and article 7 of the HAMAS covenant.

Pogroms of the Jews in Palestine before 1948 https://www.fondapol.org/en/study/pogroms-in-palestine-before-the-creation-of-the-state-of-israel-1830-1948/

And here is the kicker Leslie, I am by many, an antisemite.

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Wait hold up- let’s back that up to before 1948: had it not been for the those who decided to take the land occupied for 2000 years in the first place, there would not have been a 5 armies invasion.

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The Jews have lived in that wretched land for thousands of years, before and after the Romans occupied them, carried off their treasure to build the Coliseum and their people as slaves. Historyof pogroms in Palestine


After WWI, Theodore Herzl toured Europe to recruit families to move to "The Promised Land", and they bought land from the Arabs. but Arab soil is sacred to the Muslims, especially Jerusalem, the third holiest site in Islam after Mecca and Medina, and being in Jewish hands is considered a sacrilege. The only way a Christian or Jew (forget atheists and Hindus+) can life under Muslim rule is as a second class citizen, a dhimmi. Cjhristians and Jews, (Zoroastrians in Shia Islam) are considered Peoples of the Book, and are allowed to practice their religion,if they submit to dhimmi status.

Jerusalem houses two sacred Muslim sites, the Al Aqsa mosque, and Haram al Sharif, the Dome of the Rock, upon which Muhammads chimera steed (body of a horse, wings of an eagle and face of a human) launched it and Mo through the seven layers of heaven, for Mo to dicker with al Liihah, as to how many times a day the faithful should pray, on the way up he met the prophets like Abraham, Jacob, Jesus and it was Abtaham who had him dicker with al Lihah

There is a fossilized imprint of a dinsarus on the rock, and Muslims ware told it is the footprint of the chimera beast.

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Years back, family therapists were questioned by a national poll, asking them to select the one television program they believed was most harmful to the American family. Resoundingly, the response (then) was "The Brady Bunch". Depicting a happily prancing, always positive script for a typical family who always prevailed over their conflicts and ending in sing-song was enfused saccharhine propaganda to therapists who understood/understand real family dynamics. A very strong, growing doctrine among addiction therapists addresses the contribution to addiction by dysfunctional families' influence. The fight against all this has been strong and wrong-headed by corporations and the big pharms, and by the elected hirelings who man their front lines politically. Don't worry! Be happy! Feel real good!

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Reverend Thom. Evangelize the oxymoron women who would support a candidate like Mark Robinson of North Carolina, who would eliminate women's rights, including the right to vote, and to MAGAt women who support a molester for president.

Did Ivanna submit? Marla? Did Kellyanne submit to George?

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Seems there are a multitude of men that want to "submit" to the psychopath. Are they into him or his MONEY?

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Alis, that is because Trump is the vanguard of the patriarch, that demands submission of women.

Men realize that they can't be King of the Castle (society, the nation) but they have their own kingdom in which they can be king. A man's home is his castle, you've heard it, I've heard it.

AT the very heart of the patriarchy is the need for procreation, sex, for a male or rather some males, MAGAt males, Evangelical Males,Opus Dei males, to be able to erect and penetrate requires them to feel dominant and the woman submissive. Hence the popularity of Viagra and penis enlargement scams.

And by the way, genetics have just discovered that although it is the Y chromosome that makes a male, the size depends on the autosomal DNA from the mother.

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In most states, women were legally mere "chattel", personal property, until mid 19th century when married women's property rights acts were passed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Married_Women%27s_Property_Acts_in_the_United_States

However even after the acts were passed most religions required women to submit physically, economically, politically. Genesis 3:16 “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you.”

The only reason Amish farmers wrote wills was to cut out their wives and daughters. Common law dower was effective so that a widow had use of the house after her husband predeceased her.

When I say oxymoron, consider the term, "Republican woman." Considering the full implication of the biblical references, Mark Robinson has argued that women who abort should be executed. Women should not hold public office. Consider MTG, Bober, Marsha Blackburn, Katie Britt, et al theoretically should not hold public office under dominionism.

It turns out that Mark Robinson's wife had an abortion. He had said abortion was “murder” and “genocide,” comparing the anti-abortion movement to the efforts to end slavery, So far, he hasn't had her executed.

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What boggles my mind are Republican women, Mormon women, Eveangelical women, Catholic women. Stockholm syndrome, brainwashing and perceived self interest.

Same with Mark Robinson, Clarence Thomas et al.

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That's the "moron" aspect. It varies geographically. A lot of Republican women in Pa are "liberals." Same as Kentucky. Never met one in Florida.

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Strange, Kentucky is supposedly Ruby Red, Florida was purple, must be in the water.

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I don't think Don-old has so much money anymore.

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Now THAT would turn me on! Can't wait to see what happens with the fines, Jenn.

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Egypt is tapped out!

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One big difference between now and then is that there were actual decent wages (for men) and the highest tax rate was 90% so business(men) grew their businesses and paid those salaries instead of it all going to shareholders. Reagan pushed the ball downhill that led to Trump. As usual, a woman has to clean up the mess left behind

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Absolutely correct. And rental properties and homes were not businesses. The buying of homes and properties by investors and speculators has destroyed the real estate market.

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It requires blinders of incredible strength and the IQ of an amoeba for anyone to accept J.D. Vance as a grad wife champion. His wife may have helped raise three kids (probably with nanny help and all the other plutocratic aids) because until he became the nominee, she worked at a very high-powered, work intensive law firm I know well. She undoubtedly worked harder than he did and is smarter than he is. Pretty much the opposite of a grad wife.

Any woman voting for the fascist ticket is a self-hater and would doom other women to a Handmaid’s Tale existence. I have no respect for any woman who does, but a great deal of pity. Ironically, the women I know who are doing so are some of the strongest, most aggressive, most independent women imaginable, too affected by the hysteria over illegal immigration to see anything else, or to acknowledge the hypocrisy of the fascists in quashing a bill sponsored by one of their own that would have addressed a huge range of the issues they have raised, because their felonious mini-Fuehrer wanted to keep the issue alive for his campaign.

Me? I’m ready for Kamala-lot myself. Eager for it. And firmly believe if it doesn’t happen this country will die, not immediately but soon, and deservedly so. My view of humanity, already low, will sink to the irredeemable, except at the hands of God. He cannot be pleased at how we have abused the free will He gave us, for sure.

Blue in November or we will dismember.

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Phyllis Schafly, Roy. She single handedly stop the ratification of the ERA.

She and millions of other women, support the patriarchal status quo, because they perceive that it benefits them, They are not responsible for the welfare of the family, and the man is responsible for providing protection and livelihood.

Equal rights, means equal responsibility and is a threat to the status quo from which they benefit. Many women feel that way, until hubbie wants variety, or a younger model and dumps them, then it is too late.

Then there are the Quislings like Boebert, MTG, ACB, like black Quislings, Mark Robertson, Tim Scott, Ben Carson, Herschel Walker,Kanye by glomming onto and supporting the white male patriarchy they are like the Romora, the sucker fish that parasite onto sharks.

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Thanks for your thoughtful additions as always, Mr. Farrar. And to you others with likes and replies. A correction from me—auto “correct” obvious did not like my use of the phrase “trad wife” and changed it to “grad wife”. I had not realized there was a degree program for wives. But that auto “correct” has a conservatively-biased algorithm I can certainly believe.

Your observations on women who find the old role comforting, until it disappears, are trenchant. A trad wife hands all economic and other power to her husband, unless her parents have gifted her an independent, separate property trust, which is rare. In this age, more than ever, security is a myth. Which is why we made sure our daughters all had graduate degrees and careers giving them independence from any other partner of whatever gender identification (they all happen to be cis, but it wouldn’t matter). They deserve men who can appreciate that, and have found them when they so desired.

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Good for you Roy, You are obviously comfortable in your own skin, should be more like you

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19

Thank you Thom, for another insightful essay. You are absolutely on point. I just yesterday finished a book by Tia Levings, called A Well Trained Wife, My Escape From Christian Patriarchy. I urge all women to read or listen to the book. It will shake you to the core. This is what the Christian Nationalists have in store for us. Tia was recruited into the Quiverfull movement, and the abuse was horrible, but the abuse is not limited to that movement, and encompasses almost all fundamentalist sects. Religious practice, in general, does have a positive impact in reducing domestic violence, but fundamentalism has the opposite effect. Men who attend church weekly wives seem not want their wives to show physical signs of abuse. This does not carry over to the fundamentalist sects.

"The greater the level of Christian fundanentalist beliefs among our respondents, the more likely they were to approve of violence and to use violent behavior in their intimate relationships. This lends support to Capps' (1992) and Nason-Clark's (2000) theoretical argument that a fundamentalist beliefs make family violence at least more tolerable if not more overtly likely." https://www.drjkoch.org/Soc%20of%20Religion/Readings/Oppression/Partner%20Violence%20Koch%20Ramirez.pdf

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One point of interest was the information about Josh Duggar (a son of the TV Quiverfull cult). We all know he got caught molesting some of the girl children, but what wasn't common knowledge was the violent, misogynist child pornography that he repeatedly viewed. Before being caught out with his sisters, he had a long history of abuse that was covered up by the family.

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Thom writes, "Some Republicans will openly say they just want to return America to the Leave It To Beaver world of June Cleaver, the happy homemaker of 1960s TV." I know quite a few Republicans who would prefer taking America back to Mayberry, that imaginary Southern town with no "Whites Only" signs, no Klan rallies, no lynchings, and no Black men in jail for trying to vote, because that little town had no "free Negroes", it was virtually "Negro-free." I don't recall seeing many Hispanics or Asians in Mayberry either...

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The blacks were shining shoes, tap dancing like Bo Jangles, wearing aprons and serving tea (The Help) and gardening in the estate, or laying out clothes for the master of the house.

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We used to travel to Canada, where is was like the 50s until recently.

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If you shot a 155mm howitzer from my house it would land in Canada. I turn on the furnace in the morning, but by the time I go to bed I have to make sure the windows are open rather please.

Winters are worse in Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, Georgia, the Carolinas than were I live.

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I’m convinced that Republican men are a special type of sociopath , who really do not like or respect women at all.

Their actions reflect ownership of ‘

their women’ not relationship .

And what of their daughters? Are they too supposed to be subservient to men ? Is this how we now groom our girls to learn that men are the boss, their alleged” betters”?

Now the Republicans in general have entered into a new fanaticism on so many levels.

The abortion thing is absurd . It’s none of their damn business.

It’s also another area of choice in women’s lives , education. Of course republicans have made destroying education their business. They’ve made destroying women their business .

They hold up these damaged people like Trump, to be their leaders . Of course the very stable Mr Putin is really in charge of Trump.

As you say if a woman makes a choice to stay at home with her kids or no kids , she has that choice .

We also have the choice to avoid wackos who have these demented ideas .

How can you tell ?

If they are Republicans , Maga or followers of the likes of Donald Trump , avoid them . They are the plague.

Also let’s show our daughters that this is not reasonable or acceptable .

A while back I remember talking with a therapist re marital problems ( serious problems) . I just could not allow myself to leave a verbally abusive husband .

Then she said the magic words. “ Do you want your daughters to grow believing this is normal acceptable behavior? “

I was able to hear this and soon was able to leave an abusive relationship( marriage) .

I think a majority of women who put up with male terrorists , “stay for the kids”

You are. doing the kids no favors .

I did re marry and avoided the shame and anger of feeling forced to accept The BS of ‘ ownership’ .

We are responsible for the quality of our lives . Do not buy into this abuse . They don’t own you . They cannot own you.

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Then of course, what of women who who want to remain single or queer women who are not cis (straight)? Oh, yeah. Queers. What would happen to us in the MAGA world? Pink triangles and death? Forced marriage and rape? Handmaid's Tale come to life? So that's why Trump wants his wall. Like heads on a pike, From Trump's wall shall we dangle? Helll no! Civil war, revolution, or will we become refugees and need to flee Nazis America to other countries?

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Imagine being a black lesbian.

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The right wingers don't live in the real world. Their world is one of make-believe. The cult doesn't want to go back to the fifties, they want to go back to the 1850's, when land was plentiful and most Americans grew their own food, like the women while the men were suppose to help, (LOL). Help guzzle whiskey more like it.

There is no way this economy can create $150,000 a year jobs for women, so they can pay for child care, the mortgage, the car. Trump just said he will only send the bad immigrants back, meaning all the dead beats and criminals, just like I expected. The young healthy ones are welcome to keep taking the cults jobs and adding more cult members to the homeless crowd. Most children raised with little financial stability grow up to be mentally ill. The rightwingers economic plans will destroy America!

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19

Fundamentalist mormons are infamous for throwing out teenaged boys, so there will be more girls for the old men to "marry." These young men generally end up with failed lives - drugs, crime, lack of education and mental illness. And we call this "religious freedom."

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They Amish have Rumspringa, where they experiment with "English," outside, life. They lose about half the boys, a few girls. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumspringa

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My mother raised 4 boys, and she was a full time hospital nurse. When we hit high school, she became the high school nurse. She made it clear to me that I could do anything I set my mind to. Women should reject any man with this man-first attitude. Time to change the paradigm. Obviously the younger generation doesn’t buy this crap. There are more important problems, like living more harmoniously with nature. “Multiply and subdue the earth” is over.

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I am with you Doug. My wife is a Certified Building Official, a certified buiilding inspector,a journeyman plumber, electrician, carpenter,dry waller, she built her fathers home.

We are old now and have to hire help. Yesterday the help broke the anti freeze out door faucet, quite a complicated affair that reaches almost a food inside the wall. She looked at it, went to the hardware store, bought the parts and fixed it in an hour, but we had to tear out paneling, the help can at least do that.

She can even drive heavy equipment and fix automobiles and trucks, then make a shirt, and is a gourmet cook. I'm the luckiest dude i the world, all I have o do is balance the checkbook. Cause I sure can't do what she does.

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We,all of us AMERICANS, deserve to make our own decisions about our lives and how we choose to live them, without GOVERNMENT interference in telling us either directly or by legislation how “they” want us to live! That is what a FREE SOCIETY is based on.

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A government that can force a woman to bear a child when it suits them, can force a woman to have an abortion when it suits them. See China.

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Tim Walz said it best: "mind your own damn business!"

How many years will we have to fight this same battle? Forever, the MAGA Republicans , Fundamentalists, Christian hypocrites will keep coming for us.

How many times have people been swept up into cults?

We just have to stay strong, stay vigilant.

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It is just not the Christians Amy, well it is in America, the Abrahamic religions are all misogynist, Orthodox Jewish women, have to sit in the balcony in Synagogues.

Islam is worse of he lot, Bee Keeper suits (abaya, chador, niqab, burga). Women can't travel unless accompanied by a male, even if it is only a young son.

Woe to the women who gets raped in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and probably Saudi Arabia, .

Women can't testify in an Islamic court, and to prove rape she has o have 4 male witenesses.

Any male witnessing a rape is an accomplice.

The consequence for the female is being adjudged and adulteress, and in Iran and Afghanistan, for certain, the penalty for adultery is stoning.

The wrap the victim in a white sheet, tired around her waist and feet, bury her waist deep , and the crowd of enthusiasts ringer her in a drawn circle, and throw stones, If she is able to get out to the circle she is free. But theoritically there is always someone there to bash her with a stone.

The fat of queers is worse, get thrown off roofs, beheaded, burned alive. Iran is more humane, they force gay males to undergo sexual reassigment surgery.


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Mr. Hartmann, it can be tough going but things do change for the better if we hang in there. My wife and I began our classroom teaching in 1972. At that time our colleague Meg, with a PhD in Psychology was turned down at the bank for a home loan. The banker said "Come back with your husband Donald." I left town to attend graduate school several hundred miles away while my wife worked, paid bills and cared for our daughter. I was fired while attending grad school. But my wife and I carried on. After I finished my PhD our union, the MEA, won my grievance against my firing. The American Arbitration Association ruled that the school which had fired me must rehire me; plus, I must be awarded tenure. [a first such decision in the U.S.] My wife then went away to earn her PhD. The school fired her. My wife won her grievance and got her job back, plus; the Arbitrator ruled that the college must award her a year of back pay as well. Meg eventually got the bank mortgage, bought her house and became department chair. My wife subsequently became department chair. While all this was happening my wife earned her PhD. became a mother, helped organize the faculty union, was elected its president twice, and over the years was three times our chief faculty negotiator during our collective contract bargaining. It was a tough climb. But we eventually made it to the top of he hill; thanks to the support of our colleagues and the Michigan Education Association.

"The times they are a changing." Dylan sang it right. Let's keep climbing and elect Kamala Harris.

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As we go about dispelling myths…

I suspect I am among many contemporary women who happily chose to prioritize motherhood over career. I was very intentional about my “project” of child rearing and now that my children are grown, am supremely content with that decision.

BUT, it turns out that that it did not preclude me from providing years of unpaid labor in support of my husband’s career. (using my skills in graphics, web development etc)

Historically, of course, there are many examples of families (daughters, wives) being unpaid employees in family businesses.

My point is that the mythical “stay home mom” is largely A MYTH.

I suspect that the GOP version of the role that women should have at home would include all sorts of compulsory unpaid labor - as needed. NO THANKS!

💙 Vote blue 💙

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My take on this encompasses a broader perspective and historical precedent. My take goes as far back as the Egyptians and their ruthless institutionalization of the patriarchy. The rulers considered themselves "gods" and demanded adulation and subjugation. The institutional ruling patriarchy spread throughout the globe via colonialism. So, my take on "going back" actually is the unconscious attempt by the Republicans to fight against any ideas that jeopardize the patriarchal domination. Fortunately, the "cat is already out of the bag". Women are moving into positions of power all over the globe and will continue to do so regardless of these patriarchal authoritarians and their "it's all about me" ideology. The return of the feminine goddess and her soft power is going to sweep the globe and drive out the evil of this domination ideology.

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When the people the Egyptians called the Habiru, left Egypt, they carried with them the perfect tool for controlling the masses. Montheism, learned from Ahknaton.

Polytheism is expensive, lots of gods, requires lots of priests, lots of priests require lots of Temples. and lots of bribes o the priests.

With one god, you have one priesthood, which is dependent on the King for legitimacy and influence, not to mention income, and vice versa. Attila and the witch doctor, they need each other but are also suspicious and in a contant state of tension (to wit: Henry VIII)

Constantine solved that problem, and another one cause by hordes of "apostles" haranguing the public of the Roman empire, each in competition with the others for attention, adherents and silver of course.

He solved his problem by rounding them up and shipping them off to far off Nicea in Anatolia Greece, plied them with wine and young boys, set guards at the door, and told them they couldn't come out until they came up with a cohesive doctrine.

After weeks of beating each other up, pederasty and drunkenness hey rang the bell and came up with the Trinitarian doctrine.

(not a peep in the new Testament about buggery with young lads, and that is why Catholic Priests do what they do, have choir boys, and why the church would castrate them to service the priests. The Castrati served more than one function as choir boys.

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You have to remember that in the 50’s households became more mechanized and therefore less time consuming for the average housewife. Therefore there was a lot of pill popping, both anti-depressants and amphetamines aka diet pills. Always prescribed by male doctors. And cigarettes and alcohol were readily available. They were basically slaves. Thank god for the hippie movement which generated women’s lib. Adios Ward

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However, women also had the time to become involved in the PTO and women's organizations to improve the community. When people don't have to work so many hours, parents can again become involved in their communities and help make the world a better place. The question is whether one parent should work 40 hours to support the family or whether both parents can work 20 hours. As long as a 40-hour job is required to get health benefits if at all, we are limited in choices.

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