We have become unable or unwilling to label or confront evil. The planet will take care of us in dramatic fashion since we have not taken care of it. We have been around a tiny percentage of the time the dinosaurs were. Our vaunted intelligence, decreasingly in evidence, and utterly defeated by greed, may lead to our self extinction soon…
We have become unable or unwilling to label or confront evil. The planet will take care of us in dramatic fashion since we have not taken care of it. We have been around a tiny percentage of the time the dinosaurs were. Our vaunted intelligence, decreasingly in evidence, and utterly defeated by greed, may lead to our self extinction sooner rather than later. I don’t know that we are amenable to any wake-up call, however profound. But as this last election here, and around the world, has demonstrated, progressive change is unlikely to come a sent a messy series of likely bloody revolutions and another terribly turbulent era of human history. While he is the center of the lives of my wife and me, adorable, smart, funny and affectionate, I wish our beloved grandson had not been born. I see a bleak future ahead, in which even with some decent resources as a grubstake, if you will, his life will be arduous and pretty unpleasant. Our kids, in late middle age, will struggle but manage. I will, quite happily, be gone soon. My wife will likely live beyond me for a few years. Limited as we are by physical and health issues, we will be fine too, except psychologically as we watch our world regress in too many ways from the one in which we have spent the bulk of our lives. For now, the morbidly rich and the ignorant, bigoted minions they have so successfully cultivated are in the ascendant, and I see little on our side capable of or prepared to do what is necessary to overcome them. I would love to be convinced otherwise.
We have become unable or unwilling to label or confront evil. The planet will take care of us in dramatic fashion since we have not taken care of it. We have been around a tiny percentage of the time the dinosaurs were. Our vaunted intelligence, decreasingly in evidence, and utterly defeated by greed, may lead to our self extinction sooner rather than later. I don’t know that we are amenable to any wake-up call, however profound. But as this last election here, and around the world, has demonstrated, progressive change is unlikely to come a sent a messy series of likely bloody revolutions and another terribly turbulent era of human history. While he is the center of the lives of my wife and me, adorable, smart, funny and affectionate, I wish our beloved grandson had not been born. I see a bleak future ahead, in which even with some decent resources as a grubstake, if you will, his life will be arduous and pretty unpleasant. Our kids, in late middle age, will struggle but manage. I will, quite happily, be gone soon. My wife will likely live beyond me for a few years. Limited as we are by physical and health issues, we will be fine too, except psychologically as we watch our world regress in too many ways from the one in which we have spent the bulk of our lives. For now, the morbidly rich and the ignorant, bigoted minions they have so successfully cultivated are in the ascendant, and I see little on our side capable of or prepared to do what is necessary to overcome them. I would love to be convinced otherwise.