The worse lack of Democracy in our Government is lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court and other Judicial positions.

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I remember the filibuster being an issue when I was on my high school debate team in the late '50s. I decried it then, and still do. I hope the best for Biden's attempt to talk sense into the so-called "moderate" Democrats. And who the hell gave the President pro tempore' the right to bury everything the House passes? That. Must. END! Plus, all of those bills that were buried need to be exhumed, debated and voted on, all four years worth. Admittedly, probably only the most important could get the full treatment, but that would be so satisfying to most Americans, and Mitch McConnell can go chew his toenails.

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Re: abortion rights voters: I think there was complacency that the Supreme Court would hold the line. Boy, is that out the window!

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Subsidies for poorly run unprofitable nuclear power plants are nothing but subsidies for over paid managers and CEO's. https://www.yahoo.com/news/illinois-senate-approves-energy-overhaul-194000246.html

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Joe Manchin's state. He does not care as he parties on his Yacht in the harbor. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/571971-west-virginia-hits-record-for-daily-covid-19-cases

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I hope every article is correct about backlash on the Texas abortion law.

Gov. Abbott was a grad of Vanderbilt, a lawyer, judge, and law professor. He's a prime example of the Republican brain. The Texas law is cruel and rigid, making it a prime example of how they think. It has nothing to do with intelligence, however, what he said does. His claim they will eliminate rape, therefore the law doesn't need an exemption, is the stupidest thing I have ever heard on the subject of abortion. AND the lemmings behind him at the signing ceremony followed him right off that cliff!

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The joke is, this is temporary storage. It is currently in "temporary storage" at about 100 nuclear power plants. Thousands of casks. Then you are going to ship it TX for "temporary storage". Literally thousands of trucks converging on 1 spot. It will need to be stored, managed and secured for thousands of years. And they keep producing it. Is this a solution? https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/u-regulators-approve-texas-nuclear-213404663.html

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YES to DEMOCRACY! Here is how I put it locally last week with reference to another article on the subject of Democracy vs Filibuster:

US Senate and Its Rules are Undemocratic and A Fatal Threat to America!

A minority of legislators, especially if they represent a minority of the national population, should not be able to stop legislation wanted by the majority of the electorate, who elected a majority of Congress and the president. Democracy as majority rule is based on equally protecting and empowering all citizens. A working democracy with full voting rights doesn’t need a filibuster to inhibit it.

“41 Republican Senators representing states containing just 20.7% of the population will be able to stop 50 Democratic Senators (plus the VP) representing states containing 64.2% of the population from passing legislation.

“… That means the 42 Senators from the 21 smallest states representing just 11.22% of the country(36,961,175 people) can filibuster any legislation. … The 52 Senators from the 26 smallest states represent 57,863,040 people and just 17.56% of the country – but they would be enough to be a majority of the Senate. … The 60 Senators from the 30 smallest states represent only 79,467,673 people. That means you could create a filibuster-proof majority with Senators representing just 24.12% of the country. In other words, in this admittedly-extreme thought experiment, if 40 Senators representing 75% of the country wanted to stop legislation with the filibuster, they couldn’t.”

The above numbers game, is highly unlikely, but it demonstrates how undemocratic the Senate is. And adding procedural rules to amplify this abusive situation, is only contributing to the end of our democracy - we can’t pass legislation to protect and grow the citizen’s right to vote.

This undemocratic feature of our Senate structure, is getting worse as people migrate from rural to urban areas.

A filibuster is not only undemocratic as a rule, it amplifies the already undemocratic structure of the Senate.

Letting this cancer on our democracy kill democracy-saving legislation, leads to future wins by the GQP minority using these undemocratic tools.

Democrats must end the antiquated filibuster to ensure our heritage of a democratic government is maintained. If Democrats fail at implementing the people’s will, they will lose in 2022 and 2024 and soon there after the GQP cult will put the final nails in the coffin of our American experiment in self-governing.

In addition to killing the filibuster, we need to provide statehood to DC and Puerto Rico, and add justices to the anti-democratic SCOTUS.


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In HOA law they have "use" rules that can require a 100% vote, which is close to impossible to get. This rule is being challenged. But we have super majority votes requiring 67%. Right now if the Senate required 51% we would have a tough time getting it with Manchin and Sinema being paid shills. What we really need is Republicans that should be Democrats, voting for Democrats. As it is Republicans do nothing but obstruct (that is all) and block Democrats from getting anything done. That is the way that the super wealthy want it.

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