Most of Texas has its own electrical grid and cannot draw from other States. Far western TX is not on the Texas grid. It has remained reliable. When a super hot or cold spell hits other states get electricity from areas that are not as affected by the heat or cold. Thus reliable electrical grid. When it hits TX they cannot draw from other states. This is so that they can remain from Government (FERC) Regulations. This cost them hundreds of lives last winter as people froze to death. Peak demand is a very real problem for any state, city or utility. You have to have backup plants and sources that are not usually used. These are expensive to maintain and operate. TX population is also growing but the supply is not. Feel sorry for those that lose their air conditioning this summer in TX. That is all though. Vote the Republicans out.

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Biden once called Putin a "killer," which is stating the obvious but which absolutely needs to be repeated without nuance or let up by the leaders of all Western democracies. Kudos to President Biden; now, he should be just as point-blank honest about the Republican Party:


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I have no idea how we can knock other countries for human rights. We killed millions in unnecessary wars. We are by far #1 in prison incarceration. We have C held prisoners in Guantanamo Bay for 20 years with no trial. Who are we?

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Sadness. All I feel is sadness for this beautiful improbability we call Life. A sadness for those whom I consider an adversary; while in objective reality they are simply my neighbor. A sadness for the unwitting humanoid repeaters operating on bandwidths of greed, only to be fed to the woodchipper when their usefulness wears thin. Sadness for the innocent, the vulnerable, and the multitude of incomprehensible lifeforms inhabiting this place.

And all this sadness is made possible by an exceedingly rare variant of the human mind: Sociopathy. Yet like all things, behavior replicates itself - whether or not it is natural in origin, or nurtured through culture. Like Dr Justin Frank says, we all have a seed of sociopathy within. Thom mentioned that roughly 1% of the population are genuine sociopaths. Unfortunately, that seems to be enough to infect a critical mass of our fellow humans - triggering that tiny seed and reducing its host to nothing more than an anti-social automaton, attuned only to messaging from those with the darkest of intentions.

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John, I totally agree that it is like an infection, but just remember we are animals. We are evolving. Getting to the bottom of this kind of brain dysfunction is a matter of science and that's a start. It's great that you are informed and most likely trying to pass-on what you know.

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Is it possible that being confined to a wheelchair caused Greg Abbott's psychopathy or do you think he's always been this way? This Texas puppet of oligarchy will be replaced by another psychopathic governor as long as money is speech and corporations are people.

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Thanks for this. I’m sitting, right now, in my home in Dallas wondering when the brownouts will happen.

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The nightly news had pics of Texans purchasing generators today. The residents have been drowned, baked and frozen; this is just the beginning of their climate crisis nightmares. Abbott will likely run again in 2022. He thinks he has the power to make everyone do what is necessary by restricting regulations and in some cases regulating as he damn please. Mother Nature will not comply, and the earth's rebellion is being televised. Texas needs another governor like Ann Richards. I don't think there will a play called "Greg".

I don't know if Abbott has a conscience or not. What it sounds like is that he is a right-wing, sanctimonious, overbearing Catholic that should listen to his pope about taking care of the planet and the poor.

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