Mr. Newman, you asked for proof. The media and the US security agencies both did the research on what the Russians were doing on Facebook to foment dissent during the elections and after. Putin wants to diminish our image politically to build his own. It's not that complicated when you read the facts, because he sure as hell used our far-right racists to do just that.

I'm passionate about this subject, because the man is a psychopathic murderer with nukes. I have read about him for years. Now the world is playing catch-up. We can't get into someone's head or heart, but you most certainly can judge by what they DO. Look at what he has done! He is a thief in every sense of the word.

The Russians have genuinely approved of him, because their lives were crap before the base of their economy changed. They will pay the price for his actions as well.

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"This American Life" did a podcast on 2/27 that factors in how Putin came to office and what is happening currently. PLEASE listen to this eye-opener:

763: The Other Mr. President.--Stories about Vladimir Putin. Did he come to power in 1999 by killing hundreds of innocent Russians?  How’s he really seen in his home country? This show is a mix of old and new stories we’ve done about him.

The Amanpour and Company show of the 28th has valuable information by people that have had to fight Putin after trying to deal with him. They know he is crazy and ruthless. They talk about the money and nukes. It may be a day before the episode is posted on PBS.

And on today's kerfuffle, who could be more racist than a psychopath? They do not attribute person-hood to anyone but themselves. They may look like they are fond of a pet or love their family, but it's because they take pride in OWNERSHIP. Right now Putin owns Russia and to him they are HIS nukes. He is not strong, he is not brilliant, he is a weak, small, isolated paranoid man. I can tell you what he is; TRAINED by the KGB!

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from Ruth Ben Ghiat on MSNBC website 2-26-22: in 2018, 3% of Russians held about 90% of the country's assets. Isn't it about the same in the U.S.? It would seem there is an argument that the fascist oligarchs have already taken the jernt over; quibbling over voting is merely a formality.

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pretty much

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Just call 'em what they are: FCKING TRAITORS !

"In a time of war, Republicans are giving aid and comfort to the enemy." - Dick Polman


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Thom, I have wondered at times why I love your work so much. Now I know it is because it reads like everything I have written on this same subject. You have repeated in this same article points I have made over and again in my work on Medium. It's like reading a mirror. For substack readers, I will begin posting numerous works of mine on my own page.

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One of Thom's mottos is that "Great minds think alike."

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Thom is a hero to so many of us. I guess i have been influenced by him and so many others who have spoken so well of these issues. Thank you. I am beginning the migration of my work from Medium to Substack--at least the political work.

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Thom I didn't realize you posted on Medium also. Why can't I Follow you there? Medium doesn't want to permit you more that 1500 Followers? You gotta know Thom, the site is screwing its writers. Here's my latest on the job Medium is doing on its 'creators.' https://medium.com/leftovers-again/weve-been-royally-fucked-e35d1d9bc939

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I wonder if it was self-immolation?

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Some have suggested he 'looks different' and i myself notice the puffiness. I wonder if he has liver failure or pancreatic cancer and knows his time is limited? This explains why he is so paranoid about COVID; he is immunocompromised, and even a simple infection could kill him. We'll see soon enough.

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Mar 1, 2022
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Great points, Brad B. If you haven't seen the documentary "Feels Good Man", please do. It's a perfect way to see how the layers of mythology and symbols come to exist these days.

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Too clever by half, self-awareness is not their strong suit. That's the thing about "tells" in poker and life: they reveal your soul when you are unaware. Nature and nurture, follow the leader over the cliff, ReTrumplicans' animal spirit is the lemming who just can't help playing the fool. It's their paranoid nature twisted by learned behavior, usually taught by bigoted and racist parents and peers before the age of reason, which is never fully realized.

Trump's only "genius" is exploiting the rubs for fun and profit. Literally. According to Michael Cohen, he makes fun of the Trumpy evangelicals behind their backs as well as the gullible marks who stupidly donate money to his main cause, which is himself. Cohen may be a convicted liar, he's the first to admit, but that sure rings true.

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Feb 28, 2022
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When you use racists to gain politically, what does that make you? Are you itching to say Putin is smart and our leaders are dumb?

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Mar 1, 2022
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When did he not?

Oh wait, I was thinking of Trump. Easy to mix-up twins.

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Mar 1, 2022
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You just proved both my points. Use racists and racism, you are one. That's Putin and a whole lot of other bad actors.

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...on the other hand...

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Feb 28, 2022
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Where is all YOUR evidence for your profound misreading of history and current events, oh great Putin whisperer?

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Feb 28, 2022
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Quotation marks?! That’s the big comeback?! 😒😂😂😂

Excusez-moi. So sue me. Call it the fog of war. Although, (last thread) the defendant did include two direct links (Exhibit #2) immediately after the cut & paste job, which was intended as merely a bullet-point synopsis of the Mueller report, a reference from the linked site obvious to most sentient beings had they perused the link (s).

Exhibit #1 in defense of a false allegation slanderously hurled about: Be it known that ye defendant did inform the good readers immediately beforehand that there’s a cut-and-paste job a-comin’. (And there were hardly any readers to offend anyway, whew! 😮‍💨) So, womp-womp, the plaintiff loses bigly and pays court costs. Drinks all around! Have you learned nothing from Master Trump, Little Grasshopper?

The salient subject of much harping (other than Putin is a great and wise leader) demanding worthy evidence while plaintiff does not:

The defendant in said thread has humbly pointed to the path of enlightenment as the antidote to the spells cast by the gods of darkness, enough to keep the average reader not sceered a studyin’ busy for weeks (And you’ll not get one digit further from me, your humble research monkey).

Sturm and drang for everyone else but only thin gruel in return seems to be the typical response from wingers who flood the zone with not-so-subtle, enemy-friendly propaganda in rapid-fire, obsequious pro-Putin screeds. (How many hundreds if not thousands of good guys have been snuffed out so far in just five days by Dear Leader, Sperm of Stalin, Vladimir the Impaler, or whatever title he goes by nowadays?)

Have trolls actually read the mythical Mueller Report of which they speak? And it’s attachments, etc., etc., etc.? The gaps in knowledge and blizzard of disingenuous diversions and projection onto others means that would be nope. Mein Gott! What rock? It’s been how many years now? All the dated issues being rehashed here...yawn...link to the ORIGNAL report that further links to the documented, irrefutable evidence that has passed through every vetting process imaginable sans the GRU (Спецслужбы to Russian trolls). It’s all there ad nauseam for dedicated truth-seekers. Hello? Anyone out there? Anyone at all?

Or have trolls read any of the accounts of the investigators? Or the cleared-eyed reporting from the broad spectrum of hardened investigative journalists on the frontline of battle, both figuratively and literally (Trump’s hated Lügenpresse)? Or the seemingly endless nonfiction (a strange concept for ReTrumplicans) books of firsthand accounts? Or the vast amount on video, audio, written, dead to rights, some by the perps themselves, for all to witness... if they only choose to look? Or the law? The codes of ethics? The oaths of office?

Or, really, is the aim here just to propagate rehashed nonsense from somewhere in winger land or at some Russian troll farm (in effect the same thing)?

So, to satisfy the unsatisfied, perhaps some other servile servant on some other blog somewhere else (Please!) could cut and paste the entire six-year Trump family crime spree of damning evidence for the exclusive viewing and convenience of the master? Because everyone knows that cherry-picking disinformation on the inter tubes and trying to see if it’ll fly on progressive social media counts for “research” for a regressive, nutball political party devolving into chaos and madness? Guess which one.

Other than for dime-dozen trolls, wouldn’t it be easier all around if people just did their assigned homework — from reliable sources — before coming to class?

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Hello, Newman. Time to play with the big boys, eh? Let me tell you something sir, your misconceived twallop demonstrates your bloviating tendencies, but I wonder? ...can he even tie his own shoelaces? Your utter buffoonery trumps even the Orange Clown and the Red Menace here: attacking the procreator of this masterwork diminishes him not: you, my friend with the embezzled brain need to learn manners. Grown ups speak; children listen.

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Gee, was it something I said?

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...or I?

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