I live in a Republican Neighborhood, in a Republican County and Republican Congressional District (Ken Buck R-CO, one of the worse idiots). Sometimes I just cannot believe the stands that they take. For 50 years my county has been part of a 3 county health Department called Tri County Health. The Counties share costs. When the Health Department mandated masks for teachers and unvaccinated children in school, they added a no opt out clause. They added the no opt out clause because my Counties 3 Commissioners had previously opted out on health department requirements for masks. In a pick up my marbles and go home vote, the 3 County Commissioners voted to leave Tri County Health and form our own County Health Department. This is so that they can overrule decisions that they do not like (such as protecting our unvaccinated children). None of the 3 have any health backgrounds. This will cost the county millions. No longer will we have the strength of size. Tri County will sue the Hell out of us. Plus the cost of reorganization. And because it is a Republican County they will get away with this stupidity. This type of stuff is happening all over this nation. I need a Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine cocktail. https://www.9news.com/article/news/health/dougco-tri-county-health-split/73-c99ab77a-bbc0-4cdf-b01f-ad1cb3564b79

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“Stupid is as stupid does.” -Forrest Gump

When someone arrives at stupid, does it really matter how they got there? Regardless of the reasons, the overall mass delusion suffered by the minority in the "United" States is an unfounded belief that the majority of people, certainly not themselves, suffer from mass delusion. Projection on steroids.

The running joke on the right (which is so far right it fell off the table) is that the unenlightened masses are dumb enough (dumbocrats) to believe Biden won a straight-up election, the cleanest of all time. And, surprise-surprise, the stupid sheeple say they have factual evidence as proof of no widespread voter fraud -- z-e-r-o, nothing, nada, diddly-squat affecting the outcome of no election nowhere, no way, no how. Just ...NO!

Hah! Fake news! What fools! No thanks; I'll stick to Fux News and manufactured evidence, and to what some guy said on the internet. Oh yeah, and besides, we hate Democrats (liberals/progressives/whatever) more than all our mortal enemies on planet Earth put together, which is everybody not like us, the chosen white ones.

Now hold your breath and turn blue til you die, like when a ventilator can no longer pump oxygen through the glue. Notwithstanding widespread REPUBLICAN election fraud, Ironically, it was a clean election primarily because of the ease, efficiency, and security of mail-in ballots due to the pandemic. Go figure, people naturally don't want to get sick and die.

Though let's not forget that the biggest reason Trump lost bigly is that most people absolutely can't stand the man personally -- his congenital dishonesty, arrogant egotism, and crude immorality. All that he has come to represent is also disgusting and repulsive: a carnival barker hawking irreligious, antidemocratic, unpatriotic, self-righteous, REPUBLICAN, policy concepts -- pure bullshit based on greed and selfishness with a huge dose of authoritarianism. It's all one big heap of lies ...oh forked-tongue white man.

Of course, that's the quiet part we're not supposed to say out loud in polite company. Our so-called "conservative" relatives, friends, neighbors, and colleagues, with whom we must share precious air, can't admit the damn truth to themselves. They just can't handle it. And we certainly don't want to hurt their delicate feelings and make them cry, now do we?

(Yes, we do; they need to feel the pain of their own making.)

What a country. The most "advanced" in the world? Now THAT is a mass delusion!

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LOVE of family, community, and country has not moved anti-vax Republicans. Maybe we should start talking about something closer to their hearts---MONEY! What their fear has cost this nation is staggering on every level one can research.

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Right Wing radio hosts are dropping like flies. Good thing that Thom is Left wing. https://www.yahoo.com/news/conservative-radio-hosts-anti-vaccine-die-from-covid-184420178.html

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Gov. Newsom defeated the recall in CA. Republicans declare massive voter fraud (it is getting old). Gov. Deathsentence poll #'s are plummeting in FL. When you have a large senior population and you are killing them, how long can you keep good poll #'s?



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...especially the uncountable lives lost to abject stupidity. To call it deliberate murder is not far off the mark. Evil incarnate!

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Is he aware that Washington mandated his troops take experimental smallpox variolation. Not to mention the dozen or so other vaccines that soldiers take to go to 3rd world countries. I use to work in 3rd world countries and have had many vaccines to prevent the diseases that spread in those countries. Also had a shot card that I carried in my passport. Cholera, Yellow Fever, Typhoid, Typhus, Hepatitis, Rabies etc. I was in the Peace Corps in Ethiopia in 1973 and 1974 where at least half of the volunteers (I was not) were in smallpox eradication. vaccinating the population in the last country where the disease spread. They use to take shots to demonstrate it was safe. And this soldier is afraid to take a vaccine that millions have taken. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/army-officer-resigns-biden-vaccine-mandate-marxist-takeover-military

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