It's a pretty corrupt situation with this multi-prong assault on the poor and (remaining) middle class. Force lower wages and remove ACA, Medicare and Social Security. The fascists know well that without higher wages, there are NO individual savings. Most have essentially no savings already and would have a hard time scrapping together $500 for an emergency.

The elimination of corporate pensions was the first step with the false promises of IRAs. What a windfall that was -- for the banks. And when the banks need a bail out, they get it as 'too big to fail'. Individual workers with zero safety nets are basically 'too small to succeed'.

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How is it that progressive news is absent from both the 'classic' network style outlets and decreasingly present in supposedly liberal public radio and tv? We depend on Thom H, Heather Cox Richardson and the few local radio stations around us that are committed to compassionate truth. And they, like independent local newspapers, struggle to survive.

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Racism trumps common sense every time, that's why you see people who should know better vote against programs that benefit them.

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It is the myopic, and tragically so, that reduce everything to racism, while racism is one hell of a problem, it is only a subset of the real problem.. classism the disparity between the ruling class, (the shareholders in USA Inc) and the rest of us, and that disparity is growing larger

What about homophobia, transphobia, misogyny which incidentally are more embedded in the ADOS community,or is it only racism that is the sin and problem?

Racial fears, anger, angst are simply one tool in the tool box of these powers that be, their real objective, the real product, is to secure there position from challenge. Just like the nobility of old (or today, we have a new nobility, one that doesn't wear ermine and have titles..except in England.

Bernie Sanders knows this, alas he didn't play to the myopia of American Descendants of Slaves, who (justifiably, but wrongly) see the world through the tunnel vision (myopia) of race.

Sanders, a civil rights champion that actually put himself on the line, was defeated by a fraud, but one who had the backing of myopic primary voters in SC who are now lined up to repeat the same mistake and install, forever as an unintended consequence) a racist fascist dictatorship.

The culture war, including race, is a subset of the real fight the Class War, but as Warren Buffet said"There is a class war and ,my class is winning". It is winning because the many subsets believe that their cause and only their cause is the most important.

Incidentally there is a difference between a problem and a difficulty. One can solve problems, trying to solve a difficulty only exasperates the problem.

What is the liberal solution to problems like racism ? We know what the "conservative" solution , it is elimination and/or subjugation.

Both are impossible without a major societal disruption, and eventually a violent one, we are on the cusp of such a disruption,

Firefights have broken out on the periphery over everything from police brutality to gender politics and racism, in what is called a culture war.

Class war, culture war racism is America. From the ethnic cleansing campaigns of the Puritans and Virginia colonists, to the religious supremacy and intolerance of the Puritans.

It waxes and it wanes, depending on outside distractions at the time, distractions which the ruling class use to further enrich themselves and consolidate their power.. the external threat.

There was an ascendant American NAZI party that came close to taking over the country, and probably would have were it not for the "yellow" peril that bombed Pearl Harbor.

The war has always been, but marked by fire fights on the periphery,everything from evolution to race and women's suffrage.

That which distinguishes today from the yesterdays is that, thanks to an increasingly mobilized confederation of Christians, nationalists and racists they were able to put into the highest office in the land, an avatar, the nemesis of every boogey man that keeps them awake at night, and causes them to soil their underwear. The cat is now out of the bag, the toothpaste out of the tube and it isn't going back in.. we are now at war, and no matter how much effort the panty waists put into trying to put out the fire, it is not going to work, we are back at 1860 and the election of Lincoln,only this time there is more than economics, racism, slavery at hand, there is Christian (Dominist, Opus Dei), authoritarian, Talibanic, fascism on the verge of taking complete control of the levers of power. They already own the Supreme Court, and much of the Federal courts, and their minions, thanks to Trump, are deeply embedded in the justice department, FBI, DoD,, NHS, NSA and especially the Secret Service. Not to mention most of the states.


There are only 16 states with Democratic legislatures and some swing states, like Arizona and Georgia in 2020, have Republican legislatures

Based on the above link and this one: https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/allocation I count 188 Democratic electoral votes in 2024, and if SCOTUS rules in favor if the Independent State Legislature , then there are no swing states. So SC will actually elect the next Republican president, just as they did in 2016 - unintended consequence of myopia.

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"programs that have become absolutely essential to our even having a [formerly] robust middle class".

Fixed it for ya.

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Pence paused from ‘suckling on the teat of federal benefits ‘ to rail against entitlements! Pathetic individual!

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Yup. any statement ending in "...private savings accounts." makes my hair stand on end. But the generation that remembers company retirement funds and medical benefits is mostly gone. The Milton Friedman/Ayn Rand/neoliberal grind that Thom explicates so well since Reagan has been grinding down The American Dream for a long time. People don't remember what's possible.

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Their greed just knows no bounds. Thank you for writing this.

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Those 109 Democrats weren't suckered into anything. They are conservaDems dependent on donor cash. There are at least 12 such in the Senate, that Sinema and Manchin have been giving cover such as the Senator from PhRMA Menendez of NJ, Masto of Colorado, and the two senators from Wall Street, Carper and Coons from Delaware.

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It's important to ID the donors, but you also need voters susceptible to knee-jerk "socialism, bad" propagandizing. There's real coercion in the set -up for such a magical, crystal-simple campaign sound-yip: "So-and-so loves Socialism!" cite: wouldn't vote against it, on the record, see? It's a version of the Loyalty Oath of the 50's. If you won't swear you love America, you're a traitor right there! Remember John Kerry trying to explain "voted for it before I ...." ? Does anybody remember the explanation? This socialism monstrosity is a brilliant "Gotcha!" If you won't vote against "Socialism," you're a jackboots commie right there. Maybe those 109 saved democracy by dodging the poison bullet, not feeding that slogan. Maybe I overthink stuff.

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America has had socialistic elements since 1785 when the Land Ordinance passed by the Confederation said, "There shall be reserved the lot No. 16, of every township, for the maintenance of public schools within the said township." Public land (or at least the money raised by selling it) was used to fund public schools. Today taxes are used for services that can help all, such as libraries, and departments of public health, police and fire. Giving basic medical care or making low cost higher education to all are simply further along the same spectrum of what government already does. But don't confuse those against "handouts" or who may have mixed up communism with socialism with such facts. And don't bother telling them that their hero, Reagan, opposed the Medicare they may often use because it was "socialized medicine." Likely as not they will just shut their minds down and repeat what they've been told on Fox.

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The gops believe that their cult followers will associate suppression of religion under Soviet communism when using the word socialism! It’s a sound bite like casting red meat to the cult!

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Good point. And they can load all sorts of other absurdities on it, like a "gay agenda", globalism and who knows what else...Anti-Semitism, perhaps, not that the Soviets were ever fond of Jews. (Again, logic has nothing to do with this.) It is a handy catchall word for everything that is, cough, "Unamerican."

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Friends, thirty five years ago EVERY Democrat would have voted for it! The fact that the Progressive Caucus has grown to almost half over these years is amazing. The Cold War hangover has not ended, but we are getting there. Everything is being re-defined; it's a bumpy ride. Bernie's ability to be heard in the media when and where he wants is all the affirmation needed for this sea change.

Forever grateful Thom gave all those hours to SENATOR Sanders, and Bernie gave them to us. Both of you have taught so many.

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"Overgrown wealth": the ultimate affirmative action program.

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Wow. The 1980 Koch platform is definitive and EPIC! I am slumguzzled by the comprehensive, detailed misanthropic Gospel of the opposite of anything good for anybody is - good! The only thing they left out was the Lord gettin' first dibs on your virgin daughter. Pretty much covered everything else.

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When are they going to denounce fascism? Don't hold your breath.

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America can Never Again privatize retirement benefits. That’s right, we’ve been there, done that:

We already tried that for several Hundred years. Left it all up to private citizens and banks.

And every iteration of “privatized retirement income” has been a catastrophic failure.

This is why FDR and the Democrats developed the Social Security system. It has succeeded for decades, and its genius dwarfs everything the GOP can conjure.

(This loony proposal is really similar to their failure to “replace the ACA”.

Because no alternative exists Except single payer, public funding.

They never even offered a shred of an alternative.)

The GOP has failed to think through their truly ridiculous notion:

When anyone examines their ideas, the immutable facts prevent them from ever working, including:

- there is not enough wealth and money in the USA for each of 333,000,000 million people to save/invest to acquire the necessary funds to live on.

- wages are far too low for 333,000,000 million people to save enough to fund their own retirement.

- 333,000,000 people will require the savvy and knowledge to complete against Wall Street Pirates.

Never will happen. Yet the GOP basically demands everyone become a stock broker!

There really just ordering each of us to “Walk the plank!”

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Lamentably but predictably the corporate media is on board banging the drum to privatize Social Security and Medicare, by calling them entitlements and lying about their funding. The owners of these rags must be itching their greedy palms to get their hands on the trust fund and monthly deductions so they can stir the pot in the gambling den called Wall Street. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/02/05/social-security-medicare-entitlements-reform/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

And of course they are enjoined by the likes of the never Trumpers, who despite their veneer are as evil as ever.

Read down to We Still Have to Reform Entitlements, while at it catch the stilted and obfuscatory link to Hidden Trib es, Americas polarized landscape. I for one do not believe the polls, as the fascist right is more than 6% more like 30%, and their categorization of ideological proclivities is too ameliorative of the right. So...another piece of obfuscating b.s.

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In my opinion this is all been planned since the assassination of John f Kennedy 60 years ago roughly. First, loot then divide America. Default on the national debt so China can be the world reserve currency holder. While Americans are busy fighting each other, the autocrats will use China to rule the world, because, the Chinese are all United, they are pretty much One race, one

religion, very intelligent and they work cheap.

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It NEVER ceases to amaze me just how utterly and willfully STUPID the GQPTP politicians are, and/or think the American public is, in general. By using their phrase, “Congress denounces socialism in all its forms, and opposes the implementation of socialist policies in the United States of America,” they're denouncing just about everything that educates, governs and protects us.

They don't seem to realize that any form and level of government that utilizes even one (1) bureaucratic entity to maintain governmental organization(s) and efficiency is, by definition, "socialistic" in nature. in other words, by "...denouncing socialism in all its forms...," they're calling for the elimination of their own jobs, which includes any and all prestige, power and monetary attributes associated with their respective positions. In other words, they're looking to eliminate their own jobs. (Then, where would MTG go to complain about not making a larger enough salary to adequately compensate her for her total ineptness at doing the job she asked to be elected to do. Didn't she do any research before running for office to see what a Congressperson made? Seems to me, having some basic understanding of what the position pays might have allowed her to make a more informed decision BEFORE running for office, then complaining about it after she was elected, then being re-elected.).

By eliminating "government," they would eliminate the social programs they've deemed as "evil" since FDR implemented his New Deal, back in '33. (BTW: I'm a TVA retiree after 30+ plus years.) This would include Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the three biggest vestiges of "socialistic evil" in the government. However, as an "unintended consequence" of eliminating the "socialistic government," any and all government monies (a.k.a. "subsidies") going to help businesses, corporations and industries in the forms of tax breaks, quota/tariff protections, patient protections, etc. would have to be eliminated as well. Sorry 'bout that.

In addition to their denouncement of anything "socialistic," being a part of American government, I suppose they want to eliminate all public schools, colleges and universities. After all, they've only been around since the passing of the Northwest Ordinance, back in the late 1700's or early 1800's.

While we're eliminating socialism, let's eliminate all of our local, state and federaL police and sheriff's departments. Let's eliminate all of our fire departments. Ooo, now here's a real money-saver, let's eliminate all of our armed forces. Who needs them, anyway? Let's eliminate all of our community-owned hospitals and medical centers. As long as we're eliminating the government, there's no need for government-sponsored medical and scientific research. Right?

Since we need to eliminate our socialistic government and those agencies charged with protecting our safety and rights as citizens, let's eliminate all of our judiciary, local, state and federal; both civil and criminal court systems. Without a socialistic entity as is "government," who needs a court system? After all, aren't we considered the most advanced and civilized nation of the Earth? Who cares that the U.S. has the highest incarceration rate, per capita, of any of the "civilized" nations? Plus, since one of the GQPTP's mantras is its solid belief in "individualism," each and every person in there country has the right and ability to take care of themself without help or interference from anyone else.

Let's eliminate the USPS. After all, since Trump appointed Louis DeJoy as the US Postmaster General, he's done a fine job of making it much harder for postal employees to sort an deliver our mail on time by having perfectly good spring machines removed from sorting centers all across the country, eliminating most special delivery mail, cutting overtime and cutting the replacement of retiring workers and equipment.

Let's eliminate all of the government-owned (local, state and federal) utilities. This includes the multiple methods used in the generation of electric power and the systems used to clean our drinking water and dispose of our wastewater. Who needs clean water and what harm will a little bit of sewage do to people?

Above are just the low-hanging fruits the GQPTPers can go after in their sacred quest to sanitize our nation of any and all vestiges of the evils of socialism. Never mind what the Preamble to the US Constitution says, "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." It reads away too much like it was written by some long-haired, hippy, communist, socialist, pinko-radical. If Trumpet gets re-elected, and he still wants to re-write the Constitution, he should leave this piece of socialistic garbage out!

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