I’m convinced that the simpler things are , the more Republicans fight them . Their game is chaos with complications.

It’s so apparent , that if something is easy to accomplish they spend time finding ways to make these actions complicated.

It’s one more way of being dishonest .

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It is so amazing how long they have fought and how hard they fight over one person one vote .. their need to dominate us is freaky .. I’m hoping this is a wake up call for people to realize that we have the power to make good changes .. we simply need to unite against the greedy billionaires and corrupt politicians

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But … because of where I live MY vote only counts sometimes or not at all.

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This isn’t right is it ?

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It’s time for democrats to tap in to the 100M eligible, non-voters and win big in 2026 and 2028.


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In Brazil voting is mandatory, it is always on the second Sunday in November. You can do whatever with your vote leave blank (blank votes are counted) or write something in.

Also nowadays your voter registration card is the size of a credit card and every election is electronically recorded (not for whom you voted, simply if you voted!)

One year many moons ago the rhinoceros from the Sao Paulo won the election!!!!!Cannot remember what actually happened afterwards!!!!!!

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President Biden and vice president Harris needs to surprise Trump they should declare the state is in a national emergency and stop the transfer of power until Trump has been tried for all charges including the ones the Supreme Court said he wasn't accountable for once Trump has control of the military it's over there's not going to be a presidential election in the future near future wear a wannabe dictator is just going to step down and say well we'll go back to following the rules of constitution they've broken every rule for the last 40 plus years people have no say there's nothing left to the Constitution except what they give the president and with those powers they could save our country

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Of course, it didn't pass. Each state sets its own rules for voting, including registration deadlines, voter ID laws, poll opening and closing times, conditions for early and absentee voting, and disenfranchisement of felons.

Currently, parties in power have an incentive to create state rules meant to skew the relative turnout for each party in their favor, by, for example, making voting more difficult for groups that tend to vote against them.

Where I live, Baghdad By the Sea, approximately 20 % of our population does not want ANYONE to vote -- even themselves. They want a caudillo -- a dictator like the late Franscico Franco, in Spain, to rule. When JEB Bush was governor, he, in effect ensured that his brother would become president, using caging, purging of the rolls, voter intimidation, etc. When he and his daddy were president, at least 2 members of the cabinet were born in Havana, represented corporate interests and were apparently like minded. After 2022, approximatly 1 million Democrats were dropped from the rolls. https://www.wmnf.org/almost-1-million-florida-voters-declared-inactive-after-law-purging-voter-lists/

Although our polls showed that Democrats had a chance, Republicans swept the election despite inconsistencies like a plurality favored abortion and marijuana reform. Fascist voting provides a veneer of freedom, useful for getting foreign loans and, in the case of Hungary's Viktor Orbán, European Union benefits and funds. Plebiscites and referendums are also used by leaders to normalize seizures of foreign territory—no matter that voters may cast their ballots under duress, as reportedly happened to some Russians who “approved” Russian President Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Luhansk and other occupied Ukrainian territories.

Unfortuantely, tomorrow, Trump may bring the Fascist deam to fruition by announcing a national emergency.

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I, love your analysis on this voter thing they come up with to hurt and stop people from voting. Captain my Captain they really have always set it up this way, their way by not wanting certain people not to vote. We should really understand all this by now. Voting should work as simple as you said Captain my Captain but it isn’t. The cheaters and liars want to keep it that way too. We the people have the power and they know that, the cheaters and liars they are in the first place. Thank you Thom. Someday,somewhere, someday! Believe.

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Although I have bought your books and have learned much. This feels like reading about the Rise and fall of the Roman Empire.. This is all ancient history, the old rules, the old order no longer applies. The constitution I am sorry to say, is a museum piece, meant to guide and protect us, the new regime has clearly stated it no longer applies.

The problem at hand is how do we survive Hope is an anesthetic We can only save ourselves via action.

United action is impossible. I saw images of the groups gathering to protest in DC.

I was watching Velshi. One of the groups held up pink hand crafted signs, Palestine is feminist. Many were eaaring pink pussy caps, one of them was, what appeared to be, a rough tough full bearded Jihadi, with a pussy cap on his head.

These assholes are trying to insinuate their own agenda into the feminist agenda, what craven action and given the gullibility of the left, they will probably get away with it, thus diluting and redicteding their own cause.

Just the whole idea of Palstine is a feminist issue is an isult to intelligence. Palestinians are Muslims, and though the root of the Abrahamic faiths are patriarchal and thus misogynistic.

Islam is the paragon of misogyny and patriarchal ism.

In Islam women are little more than breed cows, domestic servants and nanny's, in some countries, and in Palestine, women have to hide under laysers of clothing or bee keeper suits (the abyaya, niqab) while the men run around comfortably dressed in western clothing and T Shirts.

Palestine is a feminist issue, if what is meant is to liberate Palestinian women from oppression by religious authoritieis and men.

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THANK YOU for posting these chapters!

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It has always been that both sides of politics paid little attention to downside elections. But with the rise of the Tea Party and increasingly since, operatives on the Right educated and enlightened the previously unaware how to run and enter into school boards, county offices, etc. On the right, this happened, on the left, not so much at all, in fact, little to nothing. Once again, the Right worked hard on real and pertinent involvement, while the Left lavished in the bathwaters of their assumed elitist moral suppurlatives. In assessing the history of recent politics in America, care should given to the simple assessment of who rolled up their sleeves, and who simply strutted and fucked off.

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Unless Biden does what is necessary he's basically rolling over and spreading to the enemy that is not the American way they need to fight like hell to save our democracy he needs to use his presidential powers to declare that National Emergency stop the transition of power and hold Trump accountable for all charges it took World War II to get rid of Hitler we don't need a second Civil War the first Civil War we had Abraham Lincoln whose goal was to save the nation unite the Nation free the slaves if Trump was in charge of Union then he would be for dividing the nation even more between the middle class in the ultra rich he believes in cheap labor so he probably be the largest slave owner in the country the nation would not stand we wouldn't be the great country that we are now unless Biden or vice president Harris takes bold steps the time is now surprise Trump tomorrow stop the transition of power or the good people of America

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