Amen. As a graduate of UCLA where I first encountered Constitutional Law in an undergraduate political science course taught by Professor Douglas Hobbs, I became fascinated with and respectful of SCOTUS and its power. Thanks to him and the influence of Professor Laurence Tribe, whom I am privileged to call a friend, I applied to and attended Harvard Law School, where my Constitutional Law professor was the humane, honorable Archibald Cox, victim of the infamous “Saturday Night Massacre” during Watergate.

I have lost all respect for the six radical rightists of THIS SCOTUS, the selections of two presidents who lost the popular vote by millions of votes. While Thom is right to make them the top riority of the Harris-Walz administration, he rightly cautions that job one is to do all we can, no matter the cost to us personally, to assure that there IS a Harris-Walz administration and a Congress to support them come No em er. Everything else hinges on that. After the odious remarks of the shillbilly VP candidate on the fascist ticket yesterday, I am compelled to say go blue or go to hell. Because if you don’t vote blue tou are a traitor to this country and its values, the memories of those who gave “the last full measure of devotion” for it, and its hope for the future of women, non-whites, non-cis people, people of all religions or none, our children and generations after them. Venceremos! But only if we make that OUR number one priority in the short time remaining.

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In retrospect, the law professors sold us out. They had the gravitas to object to jerks like Rehnquist, Powell, et al who were unqualified or too heavily conflicted to sit on SCOTUS. They knew, for example that Rehnquist achieved his position keeping minorities from voting in Arizona and enforcing illegal restrictive covenants. Powell in Virginia. The voting rights act preceded their appointments.

I keep sayin' that who needs a constitution if citizens do not have a right of privacy? "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." 9th Amendment.

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The 9th Amendment Daniel, gets short shrift. We never hear of it, all we hear of is 1st and 2nd amendment. that on purpose. SCOTUS ignores the 9th .

SCOTUS has no power,none at all, Andrew Jackson said as much and ignored SCOTUS.

Gregg Abbott ignores SCOTUS,other red state governors follow, Alabama has ignored SCOTUS and yet blue states and Democrats abide the fiction.

It is incumbent on elected Democratic officials to tell SCOTUS to take a flying leap, enough of this bullet train trip to fascism.

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The British don't have a Constitution. It's my understanding that their history of court rulings guides the legal system. We copied their system of two chambers. In my opinion, we could have done better without the Senate, especially because of two from each state regardless of population. The Electoral College was a mistake. We should learn from other countries. I learned how Australia pays for higher education from Stiglitz new book. Far superior to our system.

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The first thing we must do when we take back the senate and house is to dilute the court to 13 justices and institute accountability. And the three newbies on the court lied under oath about upholding Roe v. Wade. If they had said that they would strike it down they would never have been confirmed. My blood is boiling.

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British Parliament two chambers. House of Commons, House of Lords (nobility)

Congress two chambers

House of Representatives (commons)

Senate (house of lords - nobility)

In Britain nobility is hereditary

In America it is monetary

And in America monetary is hereditary. Only the American nobility is not called to Congress like the British nobility is called to Parliament.

In America the neo nobility, buy their representatives, that sit in the Senate.

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Well said. You put into words what I was thinking about. There was always that force to protect wealth and property.

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Most of our law came from British case law. I practiced in Pennsyltucky, where we had "common law" as opposed to a statute system until about 1977. We didn't adopt the rules of practice until about then. I still remember the names of cases, like the rule in Queen Anne's case, that I used every day at trial. There is also a Statute of Anne....

When I was in law school, I worked on West's Federal Practice Manual. Any comparison between what I learned about procedure, and procedure in Pa is as they used to say in Dragnet, merely coincidental. Worse in Louisiana.

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First, I stand in all of your background. Edit “stand in awe” of your background

I am now convinced that part of the great coup was inserting Opus Dei into the SCOTUS, using Leonard Leo and the Federalist society to stealthily pipeline jurists completely sympathetic with creating a Christo Fascist state.

Your comment to this is welcome.

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A Harris/Walz administration will be as ineffective as the Biden administration UNLESS the Democrats control both the House and the Senate. Just the house will not do, because for those who have short memories when we controlled the house, everything died in the Senate because of the filibister, and in that I blame the Senate Leadership Reid and Schumer, gutless wonders. that never employed the Nuclear Option

In the United States Senate, the nuclear option is a parliamentary procedure that allows the Senate to override a standing rule by a simple majority, avoiding the two-thirds supermajority normally required to invoke cloture on a measure amending the Standing Rules. The term "nuclear option" is an analogy to nuclear weapons being the most extreme option in warfare.

In fact these days, unless Schumer can canvas 60 votes (needed to overide a filibuster) he won't even bring a bill to the floor. In my opinion this is a ruse to protect Democrat Senators (like Menendez, Carper, Coons and Testor, to name a few) that would vote against a bill, any bill that would displease the donor class

The Republicans are not the only ones beholden to the 3%, corporations. Delaware is especially since, since the Charter Wars over 100 years ago, it is the home to over 600 Corporations, insurance and finance especially.

think part of the reason for Biden's temerity was that in the Senate and Beltway he was known as the Senator from Wall Street

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Biden has done a GREAT job, given the tilted playing field.

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I totally agree. He is not the same guy who took the oath on Jan 21st, or else he would not have appointed Garland, a decision that has bit him in the ass so to speak.

And his decision to keep hands off Garland was political in reaction to Trump and a bad one, because the AG is just another cabinet position, and cabinet positions are there to help the President executive the laws passed by congress, and that mans he does have to tell the AG what to do. Otherwise why appoint new cabinet positions, they become just another civil service job.

Aside from that, he has tried to do a lot for the country, but stymied by traitors in his own party. Not to mention the political obstructionism of McConnell and Trump.

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I got reminded on car radio today that Louis De Joy is still the Postmaster. What the HECK with that?

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I heard on a news program that Schumer's son manages a billion dollar hedge fund. That caused me not to trust him. Did I misunderstand and how could that affect his decisions?

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Go to https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2020/04/majority-of-lawmakers-millionaires/

In search type in Schumer or your choice of Politician. It is an eye opener

Schumer's family business: https://www.levernews.com/schumers-family-business/

Show me a politician whose family is not riding on their coat tails.

Here is an example Chelsea Clinton is worth $330 Million.

Chelsea Clinton earned her portion of their net worth through her career at the consulting firm McKinsey & Company and serving on various corporate boards like internet company IAC. A January 2020 SEC filing reported that Chelsea had earned $9 million in compensation from IAC during her time up to that point as a member of the company's board. She previously earned $250,000 per year to serve on the board of Expedia.


Tell me what special knowledge and expertise do these brats have that is worth millions?

Advisory and consultant positions are welfare for the wealthy, holding tanks until they are ready to enter the political arena.

Like RFK jr, nothing burgers people with no skills, no talent, nothing but rich and famous, or well connected families, and I hate to say it, because I don't want to ad grist to the right wing mill, but his father isn't running for reelection anyway, Hunter Biden,Joe of course loves his son, but his son is a jerk.

The Kennedy family is full of jerks, from Joseph Kennedy Jr to RFK jr

If we knew the truth about our elected officials they wouldn't be elected.

Well, not true with Republicans, they could care less, so long as they are right wing culture warriors.

Validate and promote their fears and bias, and they will line up to have their pockets picked.

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OMG. I had no idea it was that bad. I'll do a little more searching on "Open Secrets."

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Thom , thank you. To me this is the most egregious ongoing plan in this country to dismantle completely our Constitution and our way of life. This and Project 25. Which is a means to the end of democracy .

They have had a plan for a long time.

The reversal of elections for Gore/ Bush were part of the cheating they consider their means of Government.

They have practiced every dirty trick to turn this Country into a haven for the wealthiest( Oligarchy) and a hell for the rest of us who watch their putrid lies take shape and feel unsure of what to do before it goes further , and that happens daily.

Trump sending out his filth about Kamala Harris , that’s acceptable ?

No . But the mealy mouthed media has sold their souls to elevate the worst president in the history of this nation and to allow him to continue to be Putins puppet.

Ask Elizabeth Graham why this might be ?

Trump owes Putin, Putin wants to destroy this nation , “ from within” .

And Trump and his fooled followers have locked arms to make this happen .

If we’ve ever considered what is worth a foray into activism, on behalf of our Democracy , this is it .

The real question is can we win against Maga traitors, including the Supreme Court far right Maga judges , phonies all?

We have to .

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First order of business must be to enlarge the court and appoint six liberal justices, and reversal of their rulings repealing the 20th century. Impeachment of the insurrectionist justices who voted to create a dictatorship should follow.

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First register more Democrats -- blue tsunami.


Second. GOTV. https://democrats.org/states-gotv/

Third win big!

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7/22/24, Arizona changed its voter registration laws. Can you research that a little Daniel. Now I believe they want everyone to show their birth certificates when they vote? It is very hard to understand what they are doing and I think that's part of the plot to confuse the voters, they're doing a good job of confusing me and I am in Arizona voter.

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Last week, SCOTUS ruled that some of the restrictions are constitutional. https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/08/justices-allow-arizona-to-enforce-proof-of-citizenship-law-for-2024-voter-registration/

"A divided Supreme Court on Thursday afternoon granted a request from the Republican National Committee and the Republican leaders of Arizona’s legislature to reinstate a state law that requires residents to provide proof of citizenship to register to vote using a form provided by the state. The court turned down a request, however, to reinstate the portion of the same law that would bar voters who register using a standard federal form from voting for president or by mail unless they provide proof of citizenship.

The vote was 5-4. In a brief unsigned order, three of the court’s conservative justices – Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch – indicated that they would have granted the RNC’s application to fully reinstate the law.

Four other justices – Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Amy Coney Barrett, and Ketanji Brown Jackson – indicated that they would have denied the RNC’s request in its entirety, keeping in place a ruling by a federal district court in Arizona blocking the state from enforcing the law.

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh did not publicly signal how they voted, but they must have provided the two remaining votes necessary to revive the portion of the law dealing with the state form.

The RNC and the legislative officials had asked the justices to act by Aug. 22, to give the state enough time to print ballots before the election.

The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 requires states to “accept and use” a standard form to register voters for federal elections. That federal form requires would-be voters to swear, under penalty of perjury, that they are U.S. citizens, but they are not required to provide proof of citizenship.

The Arizona law at the center of the dispute is known as H.B. 2492. Enacted in 2022, it directs county officials to attempt to verify the U.S. citizenship of anyone who attempts to register using the federal form. If the officials cannot do so – for example, because they do not have access to databases that would provide information about citizenship – the applicant must submit proof of citizenship (such as a passport or birth certificate) to vote for president or by mail. In a separate provision, the law also requires anyone who registers using Arizona’s state form to submit proof of citizenship.

Soon after the law was enacted, the federal government and a group of private plaintiffs, including voting-rights groups and Democrats, went to federal court in Arizona to challenge H.B. 2492. They argued that the NVRA supersedes Arizona’s requirement to submit proof of citizenship to vote for president or by mail.

The private plaintiffs also contended that a 2018 consent decree barred the state from enforcing the requirement to provide proof of citizenship to register using state forms.

Last year a federal district court in Arizona agreed with the United States and the private plaintiffs that the NVRA trumps the federal-form provisions, and that the consent decree barred Arizona from enforcing the state-form provision. In a final order entered in May of this year, the district court prohibited the state from enforcing any of the provisions.

The Republican National Committee and Republican leaders of the state senate and house joined the case to defend the law. On July 18, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit granted their request to put the portion of the district court’s order dealing with the consent decree and the state-form provision on hold. But the court of appeals left in place the part of the order holding that the NVRA supersedes the federal-form provisions.

On Aug. 1, a different three-judge panel reinstated the district court’s order, prompting the RNC and legislative leaders to come to the Supreme Court on Aug. 8, asking the justices to put the district court’s order on hold “to the extent it requires Arizona to (1) accept state-form voter registration applications lacking documentary proof of citizenship and (2) allow voters who have not provided documentary proof of citizenship to cast ballots for president or by mail.”

Pointing to what it characterized as the 9th Circuit’s “disruptive displacement of election rules enacted by the Arizona Legislature in 2022,” the RNC contended that the Purcell principle – the idea that courts should not change election rules during the period of time just prior to an election – warranted the Supreme Court’s intervention.

The RNC also criticized the district court’s order as an “unqualified abrogation of the Arizona legislature’s sovereign authority to determine the qualifications of voters and structure participation in its elections.”

First, it contended, by pointing to the 2018 consent decree as a reason to prohibit the state from enforcing the proof-of-citizenship requirement for its own voter registration forms, the court of appeals “ignored the established rule that a consent decree generally yields to a change in the law, including a change in statutory law.” The 9th Circuit’s reasoning, the RNC suggested, “presents significant separation-of-powers concerns” because it “would mean that a judgment entered unilaterally by an executive branch officer indefinitely displaced the Legislature’s power.”

Second, the RNC continued, requiring proof of citizenship for voters who want to register using the federal form and then vote by mail provision protects against fraud. But the district court’s ruling “expands a statute focused on voter registration to require Arizona to expand mail-in voting,” the RNC complained. And the NVRA does not preempt state law with regard to voting for president, the RNC added, because the Constitution only gives Congress limited power over the selection of presidential electors. “That authority does not permit Congress to displace state rules for registering to vote in presidential elections.”

Represented by U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar, the Biden administration had urged the justices to turn down the RNC’s request “to the extent it seeks a stay of the portion of the injunction based on the United States’ NVRA claim.” The RNC’s “cursory discussion of the relevant issues provides no sound basis for a stay,” Prelogar insisted, particularly when it is seeking relief based on the premise that a federal law is unconstitutional.

More specifically, Prelogar continued, the Supreme Court in 2013 ruled – in a case involving Arizona – that states violate the NVRA if they reject a federal form based on the voter’s failure to provide proof of citizenship. States cannot require a voter to provide any additional information beyond what the federal form requires, she wrote. The NVRA therefore supersedes “Arizona’s requirement that voters who register with the federal form submit documentary proof in order to vote for President or vote by mail.”

Arizona, represented by Attorney General Kris Mayes, opposed the RNC’s request. Mayes acknowledged the state’s interest in defending and enforcing the law, but she countered that the “State also has an interest in smoothly administering its laws, especially for elections.” Indeed, she wrote, “putting the district court’s injunction on hold now” would be “destabilizing,” because the state has not been enforcing the provisions at the center of the dispute.

The Democratic National Committee and the Arizona Democratic Party echoed this sentiment in their brief, observing that the relief sought by RNC and Republican legislators would also “mean people who voted for a presidential candidate or by mail earlier this year — including in the July 30 primary just two weeks ago — would suddenly be unable to do so.”

This article was originally published at Howe on the Court.

Posted in Featured, Emergency appeals and applications

Cases: Republican National Committee v. Mi Familia Vota

Recommended Citation: Amy Howe, Justices allow Arizona to enforce proof-of-citizenship law for 2024 voter registration, SCOTUSblog (Aug. 22, 2024, 4:23 PM), https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/08/justices-allow-arizona-to-enforce-proof-of-citizenship-law-for-2024-voter-registration/

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"They can then make small changes like enshrining the right of billionaires and corporations to bribe judges and politicians...." Only in times gone as mad as ours could that be considered small change.

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Why rewrite the Constitution when you can just pull a few strings and get the existing text reinterpreted? Although I do believe the Constitution is in sore need of an overhaul, I don't want to do so as long as these corporate ghouls can insert themselves in any way in the process. For one thing, the Constitution needs to specifically deny human rights to corporations. Without that, nothing else, as we are seeing, can stand for long.

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Jeffrey, it may be possible for a Constitutional Amendment to deny personhood to corporations. The left should be ready with a revised Constitutional plan in case the far right somehow does force a Constitutional Convention.

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Next year could be bring the end of the Supreme Court as we know it. If they continue their mission to reshape American society into a hyper-capitalistic Christian nation they will become irrelevant, as people will find ways to ignore their rulings --except in the very red states. Those places will lose all of their doctors, and other educated people as living there will become unbearable.

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Life in the entire United States will become unbearable, and we will be reduced to third World status with a corrupt dictator and all.

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Great point; we will just have to suck-up the bribery issue. Nothing stopping us from reporting and embarrassing the hell out of them in the meantime, though. AND the "doctor flight" that already started has been widely reported.

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Great article Thom.

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This Supreme Court has fulfilled Republicans' RADICAL agenda beyond their wildest dreams.

You are so right about the silence on a "con-con", Thom. On the other hand, they published Project 2025 and THAT was a major mistake. Add what SCOTUS has done to women's health care, what states are doing to voting rights, and Republicans handing their party over to that psychopath Trump and his MAGA cult, and they may have just f-uped for all time.

Educating We the People was not on their agenda, but they have and they gave us the opportunity to do that as well. President Harris will weigh the consequences and have the background and education needed to explain the process, IF she has a Congress to help her. That damn filibuster has to go along with the corrupt members of SCOTUS. We need the House and a Speaker Jefferies (he's got a JD too) more than ever.

This "dream-team" will be able to EXPLAIN what they are doing while they do it. Keeping cool and being joyous in the meantime is strategic.

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You touch on what has surprised me: I would not have expected such widespread awareness of the twin dragons of Project 2025 and J.D. Vance. Do you have any insight into how a significant public "gets" how awful Vance and The Project are, or are we Liberals blowing smoke inside our own bubble, under an illusion that a wide populace has taken notice?

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JD wrote a forward for Heritage Pres Robert's new book and that is widely mentioned. So people know that there is no distance between Trump/Vance and the major authors of Project 2025. Roberts is listed as president of Heritage and Project 2025.

From an article in The Hill published 8/8/24.......

Trump and Roberts took a flight in 2022 together: "During his speech to the conference, Trump hinted at Heritage’s upcoming project. “They’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do,” he said.

Roberts quote: “We are now all realizing that it’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets. In the fights that lay ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon.”

Project 2025 is a "weapon". Kinda wish Thom would write about that.

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Thomas Jefferson recommended a Constitutional convention every 17 years. If we had followed that advice we might be in a better place. Now, it's just to late.

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It takes 3/5th's of the state to approve an amendment and new constitution. It can start i the senate of as you say in a convention.

Can you imagine what a new constitution would look like, when the majority of the states are dominated by proto or neo fascists.

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Thom, do you link what I perceive to be a coup d'etat at the Supreme Court and the Republican Party to the Heritage Foundation and the Republican Party? Is the openly declared (bloodless if the left will it it be so) Second Revolution and the carefully worded Supreme Court language designed to be mutually counter supportive, smoothing the way for the end of America as we have known it?

I feel like a paranoid for even thinking it, but such is America in 2024. I feel very much as if those who COULD fight this are not willing to be as aggressive as it would require. It would require a A LOT, if I am right. And like I said, it could just be conspiracy theory syndrome. But I see all this stuff happening, and I can't let it go. I feel like we've been out played.

Try as I do do be level headed, I am very, very nervous. Making business decisions beyond two months feels insane.

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Your eyeball is perfect for this post. Remember: It's not paranoia if they are really out to get you.

A Harris/Walz administration will want to keep bringing us back into balance after the pandemic. Best of luck with your business, Peter.

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Yes....and this result is a 50/50 odds outcome. It is not the scenario one hopes for. Thanks for the comment.

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We almost had the chance in 2022 to become an effective gov't. In 2020, no thanks to Manch-enema, our holding the House and Senate was highly inefficient.

In 2022, had we held just a handful more Representatives, our trifecta would've made a great difference. As it turned out, the microscopic GOP lead gave control of the US Gov't to a handful of extremists such as Johnson, MTG, Gaetz and others.

This is why we need to make sure Democrats not rolloff the ballot in '24, as we are prone to do.


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The Republican takeover of the house was made possible by Merrick Garland who has not been fired yet for being incompetent. Thank Joe Biden.

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Thom Hartmann - right on. Exactly right on.

We can certainly learn a lot more by examining the negative spaces of an image rather than the subject intended to capture our attention. It's imperative to ponder an entire composition, because often it is what is not said or portrayed that is the most telling.

The very real and very successful coup of our Supreme Court is the taproot of present day far right invasions of hallowed democratic territories - literally and figuratively.

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IF we give Harris/Walz a Democratic majority in congress, then great and necessary things can be done for our country.

But I'm concerned that their Reid/Schumer-Styled Timidity will blunt the legislative force America needs to rescue Democracy and the nation from the abyss we are in.

I used my own "Timidity Detector" on current published Senate and House bills for SCOTUS changes, and I'm really concerned. I'd hope the current bills are simply "starting points for negotiations" intended to not stir up too much immediate opposition. But the "bills as is" are defective.

Democracy could perish at the hands of SCOTUS before the laws go into effect!

1. Senator Whitehouse's S.B. 3096* for "Supreme Court Biennial Appointments and Term Limits Act of 2023s" would not go into effect until the NEXT presidential term AFTER it is passed (See Section C!!). We should NOT have to wait until 2028 at the soonest to change SCOTUS and give America IMMEDIATE relief from their hyper partisan rulings.

2. Representative Rokanna's H.B. 4423* for "Supreme Court Term Limits and Regular Appointments Act of 2023" does not affect ANY of the justices appointed to SCOTUS before this bill is passed.

(See article 8.C.) Thus we could have to wait Decades before Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Roberts, Alito, etc., to decide when they will resign, and replaced! Consider how many decades will pass before Barrett steps down. Can they continue to behave like O'Connor and only step down under a Republican president? Let's not allow such "Bad Behaviour" anymore.

3. So consider a Blue Wave as a MANDATE for swift and far reaching change!

For ALL of the many bold and necessary legislation coming in the beginning of the Harris/Walz term, I want to see immediate and decisive changes taking place.

Think of it this way. This IS an opportunity to do the things the Founders should have done in the beginning of this nation. During their time, they were NOT conciliatory to those opposed to Democracy and Independence.

BUT, if the Founders had the same spineless timidity we frequently see from the Democrats, they very likely would have done what I'll describe here, which BTW makes me LOL.

ANY deference or weakness for Republicans is the equivalent of this Founders Folly hypothetical:

Imagine, if the Founders' "Declaration of Independence" included a clause that says, "Our Independence does NOT GO INTO EFFECT Until King George III's reign as KING ends." "Because, we, as a courtesy and with respect, meekly cowering before his highness, do graciously allow him to continue his reign over us, since he was in power before we decided to make these changes."

Same for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights - "They don't go into effect until King George III has left The Throne!!!"

That's just what these 2 SCOTUS bills in current form do - they wait - before implementing necessary changes. This can't wait, because the enemy is ON THE BENCH!

SCOTUS must be fixed NOW, and we should move swiftly to make those and additional changes...

We need to do many more things to immediately strengthen our Democracy including:

1. End the senate filibuster

2. Pass For the People Act

3. Pass John Lewis Voting Rights Act

4. Statehood for Washington DC and Puerto Rico

5. Electoral College neutering - multi-pronged approach, something has got to work - National Popular Vote (which needs "court stripping" from SCOTUS), Expand the House by 2x or more (2x would have kept Bush 2 out of the White House!), and a Constitutional Amendment.

6. Expand SCOTUS by at least 4 seats

7. SCOTUS Term Limits and Biennial Appointments Immediately.

8. Binding Ethics Code for SCOTUS with powerful consequences if a judge is in violation.

9. Reverse or nullify many SCOTUS rulings including those equating money and speech, validating corporate personhood and giving them the rights of real persons, most 2nd amendment rulings ...

10. Use Section 3.2.2, the Exceptions Clause to strip SCOTUS of jurisdiction as needed for ANY legislation. Put SCOTUS back in their "own lane."

There is another broad category of legislation needed to bring sanity and solid ground upon which people can build and live their lives. This includes national legalized abortion, universal medical care, permanently strengthen Social Security, building various programs to support childbirth and raising children, funding for public education at all levels, banning civilian purchase of military grade weapons, immigration reform - these are what first comes to mind, there are many more. I see Americans need "Solid Ground" upon which to run our lives, so let's dump the notion of a "Safety Net." America isn't a circus carnival freak show!

I anticipate Republicans and the MSM will "lose their stuff" at changes to SCOTUS, Voting Rights, etc. But that can be mitigated or deflected by Democrats pushing and pounding hype and headlines of the reforms that affect people can see in their daily lives - universal healthcare for all, Social Security, etc...

Oh, and at least one more thing...We need to get out of the business of taxpayer funding of religious entities and their infection of our government and education systems.

* A. Senate Bill


** B. House Bill


Okay - there's a lot of work to do, and it starts with a massive Blue Wave.

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As we the goodly, get wrapped up in the spider's web, we progressives simply will wait until the spider is eating us before we take drastic actions!

Please kind spider, don't eat us, "that is what spiders do, same as snakes", replies the spider.

The right wingers are morally equivalent to insects is the moral of that story.

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Pass universal rights to vote, healthcare, childcare, education, living income, food and shelter. Voting rights is the first thing of order. Rank choice voting, multiple parties, and issues that the people support at or over 60% be addressed and voted on every session until passed to the satisfaction of the people. The court has to be cut down on its power which can be done by Congress as given in the Constitution.

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I'm a recovering idealistic Green, and I no longer can see rank-choice voting or more parties as workable. If most folks have very little idea who's who and what's what now, where is the hope that they suddenly are going to wake up to more options?

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I hope Biden will continue to do everything within his power between now and January 20 to curtail SCOTUS. The only info I ever hear about the push for a constitutional convention is from the progressive group Common Cause; I would bet that 80% of Americans have no idea that this is underway.

Now I'm even more alarmed as Thom has pointed out that many of the backers of a constitutional convention have simply switched their tactics and gotten SCOTUS to do away with the parts they don't like; and Project 2025 (if we don't stop MAGA) will finish the job. The stakes for democracy couldn't be higher.

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I don't see how that can happen as long as Dick Durbin is the Chair of the Judiciary Committee in the Senate. I don't know how we go about changing that as long as his bro Schumer is the leader. These guys are feckless non-fighters.

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I think your’e right

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