So we know this is happening, but what do we do about? We can wring our hands and cry all is lost or we might take a page from how Joe Biden handled Putin’s war against Ukraine. Weeks before the actual attack, US intelligence learned that Russia was planning a “false flag” operation to have an excuse to invade. By exposing that plan, the US and our allies, we prepared and blunted the attack. We need to spread the news of Republican dirty tricks and get voters incensed enough to vote in numbers that will overcome their purges. Letters to the editors, demanding that the paper cover these stories will only work if enough people write and then themselves post their letters on their social media accounts. We need to appeal to our fellow American’s sense of fair play, something many people don’t believe still exists

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Jerry, In my view, you nailed it when you wrote, “We need to…get voters incensed enough to vote in numbers that will overcome their purges.” That statement brought to mind the metaphor of the irreparable hole in the boat, wherein we have to bail water out faster than it’s coming in.

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I see that you subscribe to Jessica Craven. Good start.

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The whole Hartmann point is, get ahead of the purge! It's not enough for the ones who were left after the purge was done, to go. Somehow, significant numbers have to re-register, and Thom reminds us to re-check polling location. Practice your own signature, don't flub it! Make a good pee before you go get in the selectively longer line!

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No I did not know that Roberts, Barrett and Kavanaugh were the lawyers for Bush in Bush v Gore. Guess the Supreme Court was their reward. You left out the quote from Paul Weyrick. Republicans lie, cheat and steal in everything they do.

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The late Paul Weyrich was also the guy who stated that when voter turnout was lower, his side did better. They know what they’re doing.

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Yes, this is the apotheosis of Weyrich.

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I'm on it Thom.

I live in the Fascist state of Florida, where voter preclusion, purging of names through "caging" and other ruses have been going on for a long time.

I've connected to the Florida Democratic Party that has a group working on it. I've advocated that every spring graduate get congratulations, advising them to register and vote. I send this info to our local candidates but all I hear so far are crickets.

I've also been a donor and have been active in Field Team 6. In 2022 they identified 900,000 unregistered women in Florida, 70% who trend heavily Democratic. They target selected swing states and districts. https://www.fieldteam6.org/

I'm also involved with Swing Left.

I have a conflict tonight or I would link to a local Letters to Voters link.

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Republicans corruption has infiltrated every are of our lives for years and every year it gets uglier and more sinister.

The Supreme Court is flagrantly corrupt and day by day venturing into areas where they can direct the ability to vote to white Republicans , who in their own right are corrupt by default ( going along with the plan).

Now this is the story , and it has been for years.

What I want to know is what are Democrats doing about it?

What methodical plan / resources do we have to oppose this?

Forget the Supreme Court they’ve done nothing but cover the asses of these filthy lying Republicans, by their own obtuse lies.

Look at Amy Comey Barrette scolding the other three female Justices for their stridency on inputting some truthful

observation about how this decision

( Trump off of the ballot, because he is guilty of insurrection and the 14 th Amendment is absolutely clear about the remedy in part 3 . )

They are brazen in their opposition to obvious truth in our Constitution.

It isn’t the first time .

The list gets longer and bolder everyday. Roe v Wade, settled law for fifty years gets overturned.

Let’s let ten yr old girls carry their babies of rape till term or maybe till when the ten yr old “ mother” dies.

Why? Because some moron somewhere has indicated this is “Gods will”.

Bullshit. God weeps over that blasphemy.

So back to the part about what are we going to do about this?

There should have been long ago a commission to look into this corrupt purging of voters.

It’s not too late.

The brick walls built up to protect the criminality of the people doing this , can be torn down .

It’s not going to be easy because the brutality of the Republican plan has been well constructed.

What amazes me is , there are that many twisted, depraved and morally bankrupt individuals who carry out these open attacks on voters in this country.

And those in authority condone it .

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The SCOTUS is supposed to consider the Constitution in deciding, not the temperature of the people as Barrett believes.

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Going point by point: 1) Republican corruption: (check) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cs698AbM-bc a reminder today! 2) Amy ..Barrett scolding: How dared fellow justices acknowledge the factual finding of the lower court based on full due process evidentiary hearing? Check. 3) ...should long ago have been (something done!) about corrupt purging of voters. Yeah, Palast and Hartmann have been on this for years! We the People knew about it in Ohio and Florida going back to Bush v. Gore. What are Democrats doing about it? Are there just too many fires to put out? There is that old saying: "Nice guys finish last." I think Trump's sabotage of the last census (a ten-year curse) needs to be recalled.

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We need someone in the upper echelon of the Democratic Party to stir things up unfortunately they are all bought it seems.

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Follow the roles that John Roberts, Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh played in getting George W. Bush during the Florida recount, and how they are now helping Trump.

"Supreme Court History Replay: The same folks who made Bush President now tip the scales for Trump"


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Republicans have damn near made a mockery out of voting, and have gotten away with it, and nothing is done, not to the Republicans.

Well you can't expect a Republican president and Congress to police themselves.

But you can expect a Democratic president and Congress to police the criminals. So why don't they?

A constitution and a law without enforcement or consequences is a joke, like a law against spitting on the sidewalk.

Democrats when they are in power, do nothing to right the ship that the Republicans capsized and I really want to know WTF is going on.

In 2022 the Democrats had a short window, about 21 says in which they controlled the House,Senate and Executive. They could have used that time to pass all kind of legislation, including protection of women's rights, but didn't.

They did pass the Respect for Marriage Act, but not a Respect for Women's Rights act,and I am left to wondering why. What comes to mind is that there were some Democratic Representatives and Senators, maybe even Catholic Joe, himself that are also vehemently anti abortion, after all the Catholic Church and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has made outlawing and criminalizing abortion a top priority.

Does this mean that no legislation or government action will ever be taken up to protect women and their sovereignty over themselves?

I think so, Just like Roe relief had to come from the courts, because politicians are dyed in the wool cowards.

And who controls the Federal courts for the next 30 or 40 years, if we make it that far? The Christian Right.

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Re: 2022: How could the Dems foresee that Roe was actually going to be nullified? Regardless of individual inclinations, they had Roe to hide behind. (p.s. I don't forgive Joe for leading the stifling of Anita Hill. He was part of the fix in for Clarence Thomas, some nasty irony there.) Other than that, you and I are old enough to remember a forever emblem of how rules are only for Democrats; don't apply to Repubs, when Gingrich dragged Clinton over the coals for infidelity while schpunking an intern not his (cancer hospitalized) wife. Subsequently becoming a "conservative" icon. Then there's the sweet soft landing of Oliver North. Oh, wait, how about Congressman "Walking the Appalachian Trail?" Former "family values" governor flew the taxpayer ticket to arms of his mistress in Argentina. (Just to remind any youngsters here.) As with all Prohibitions, abortion Prohibition won't trouble rich and privileged much....

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Mmerose you have just dredged up some old bad memories.

Politics is not about principle, it is about winning at all costs.

Why do they need to win,? Because it is profitable.

I share your sentiments about Biden and Clarence.

Assuming good faith, Biden voted for Clarence because Clarence is black and Biden didn't want to appear racist. At that time, sexual harassment was de jure, virtually no man got punished for anything short of rape, and even then, remember, unless it was a black man, it was almost always the woman's fault, she asked for it was the defense.

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Time for the DOJ to investigate the actors of these election fraud and when found to be moving out those that have a right to vote to put them in jail. When will the rights of the people be upheld?

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Thom, you continue to educate us and your constant informing and dot connecting should be the lead story on every news program. It may be the corporate media not wanting to talk about these things, but the Democratic Party should be constantly talking about the issues that you write about. As I said, you educate us, but we need so many more people to be educated. If I go out and try to share many of these topics, I will sound like a conspiracy nut, and no one will take me seriously.

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As I read this one thing is clear, it all comes down to the Supreme Court and how it needs to be changed, they have become a political instument of the oligarchs and they are winning. I am hoping a large turnout of younger voters (Swifties?) will help. I've lived in CA at the same place for 20 years, for some reason I did not receive a ballot this year and had to go to the polling station to vote. Attaching a piece from Elie Mystal entitled 'The Supreme Court Must Be Stopped'.


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Hopefully the Swifties are mutually educating about registration I.D. In Texas (of course) they need to go get a gun license; their College I.D. won't do it. I seem to remember a number of the usual States are presumptively disqualifying students from out-of-state. etc. etc. Too late to worry about the Supreme Ct.

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Should there be any rules for voting? What should they be?

If there should be rules for managing or administering elections, what should those be?

Seems like needed public conversations that we’re not having. (Maybe I’m just missing them?)

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Silly. There have been plenty of rules for a long time working just fine until LOSERS started wailing, and Vlad Putin saw his opening.

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Maybe silly, but I would aim for about 80-85% consensus that the 15% - 20% "LOSERS" on BOTH ends of the spectrum were just stuck living with. They'd be stuck with it because the other 80-85% of us were in substantial agreement. I don't see a discussion that acknowledges the need for this kind of a consensus, or how one might be reached. I doubt that it's rocket science. At least not until politics convolutes it.

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"Double-check your voter registration every month or two at Vote.org, and be sure to double-check it in the weeks just before the deadline for registration, as Republican Secretaries of State prefer to purge people in this window so by the time people discovered they’re purged it’s too late to re-register. And let your friends, relatives, co-workers, and neighbors know that they need to do the same." Yes! Yes! it's too late to go vote, and whaddyaknow, you aren't on the list, sucker!

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If you are a vet or have a service member in your life you have an opportunity to remind people that blood has been spilled over voting. The same is true for people that put their lives on the line for human rights of all kinds.

Next time someone thanks you for your service or work in those areas, be sure to tell them you did what you felt was your duty. Then let them know they can honor everyone's service by voting and keeping their registration up to date.

I'd love to see an ad by Adam Driver that explains this concept. Anyone know him? Rob Riggle? Morgan Freeman? How about getting some vets from Congress---Senator Duckworth?

Voting and working for voting rights truly is the best way to honor someone's service.

Thank you Thom.

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Yup! Bring on the "surrogates!" Let the Foxes wail about "liberal" celebrities! There was a quibble on MSNBC today about how Biden needs to get out there, some shade on "surrogates." Good response: all of the above! Duckworth is present because of personal experience re: IVF. It's tricky with the vets. My guy, who was in-country with the Marines in Korea, was appalled when we were in a VFW post for a meeting, and pictures of Jane Fonda were set up as "targets" in the men's urinals. VFW not his peer group! I spend a lot of time on bases, and it's hard not to see the volunteers as less-educated, highly impressionable. It's the officers who count. Scary who-knows?

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The game is rigged for a long time and almost nobody reacts seriously. This a scandal! Fuck GOP

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I think it is safe and reasonable to say that without cheating and voter fraud, we would not have had a Republicant president since GHWB. We wouldn't have had the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, probably not 9/11, not the financial crash of 2008, not the massive tax cuts for billionaires that have put us in immense debt, probably a half million or more Americans would still be alive.

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This is so frightening! Our country is in peril!

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Sickening. It’s sickening how our Republic is being pulled out from under us.

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