What an utterly delightful read this morning! Long live the Fungi! ❤️🍄 Wishing everyone Merriness all around, and a magnificent 2023 for our beleaguered planet. Thanks again Thom!

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Nigel Peacock

I, really love the story about the Reindeer and their experience with mushrooms. I think it’s really amazing and nice to know Christmas Eve really is a great time for good tidings and a very good night, indeed. Have a great Christmas Thom , for you and yours. I will anxiously await your return.

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My two cents.

About 10,000 years ago agricultural communities developed, some believe in the fertile crescent

Farming requires the warmth of the sun, but to the eyes of the ancients the sun was a god (Egyptians called it Ra), and this life giving god had a tendency to wax and wane, to rise and fall, and tease the farmer each year that it was going to disappear forever, because after the Autumnal Equinox, the sun started to rise later and setsooner each day, until on Dec 21st (at the solsitice), it stopped its descent into the grave of the underworld, and for three days it hung motionless in it’s grave, and finally on the third day it arose from the grave, and on Dec 25th assembled crowd would gather, and you could hear ringing out alleluia (praise ye Ia), or Hallelujah. The Greek world celeberated this arsing from the grave as the Dionysia, the Romans as the Bacchanaliua (Greek Dionysos which means son of god, Roman Bachus)

Given that the Bacchanalia celeberated the resureection of the son, logically the church of Romeshould have chosen it as the passion, but they were ignorant and allergic to science, and needed something to supplant the Bacchanalia so chose the nativity of their IHSus.

IHSus, iota eta sigma in Greek, the eta (H) is both a consonant and a vowel,depending on it’s placement.

At the beginning of a word it is harsh, much like the Franco English “J”, in the middle of a word it is soft, like an “E” hence Iulius is pronounced Julius. Transliterated into Latin, the signet of Dionysos (son of god or son Zeus) IHS became Ies, to which the masculine "us" was added hence Iesus or Jesus And that is how the Hebrew Yahooshua or Joshua9which means savior)became Jesus, and the son of Zeus became the son of god, and how Christians celebrate the birth of the son of Zeus on Dec 25h.

Edit added: The Chi Rho (papal seal) was actually the signet of Astarte (aka Asherah, Istar, Astar) the fierce warrior and fertility goddess. This is the symbol that Constantine had painted on the shields of his army at the battle of the Milivian bridge, where he defeated the Eastern Roman Emperor

An employment of psychological warfare that terrified the opposing army. It does not represent the CH in Christ, as we are told. Why would they incorporate the CH into the Papal signet?

The Greeks had no word for messiah, which is what Christ is suppose to mean, but they had a word for rubbing with oil, christos, which was close enough for the purpose of "anointing with oil" which is what a Jewish messiah or holy man would be.. anointed with oil. See also Crisco.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Thom Hartmann, Nigel Peacock

Thom; thanks for the marvelous gifts you give to everyone everyday. The greatest gift of all; KNOWLEDGE." Today's gift was especially heartfelt. Happy holidays to you, Louise, and your entire family. Thanks and with love Luigi

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What I love about this is, it isn't dealing with any of the syncretic creations of the Roman Church with Pagan beliefs but is showing how these pagan beliefs continue intact in our lives and practices today! The tree and the star on top are associated with Christmas, but as far as I know were given no specific Christian interpretation, and especially Santa Claus - Odin - and the role of the reindeer are not tied into Christianity in any way. Add to that, this season was always my favorite time to use psychedelics, and there you have it! :)

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The leaders of the Roman Empire, long after Jesus of Nazareth died and who already despised the Jews and Judaism, in an effort to merge church and state to extend their control over all those living within the Empire, established the Catholic Church, and simultaneously, the Holy Roman Empire (HRE).

As the empire expanded northward and away from Rome, it merged local beliefs, rituals and folk lore into their “true church” of Christ. The HRE cared little for the true tenets, accepting idol worship and adjusting the dates of Jesus’s birth and death to suit this assimilation.

Actually, Jesus of Nazareth was a great rabbi in his time, and he and his followers created a new branch of Judaism, emphasizing love, compassion and empathy for one’s fellow man in general, all of which were ancient judaic tenets which were minimalized by the wealthy Jews in power within the faith at the time. The new branch was despised by both the powerful factions in the Jewish faith and the Roman government.

Jesus’s message of love and charity was very appealing to the large numbers of Jews struggling in poverty, and they made up the bulk of his followers. The identity of Jesus as Messiah is a topic for another discussion.

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I am finally catching up and enjoyed learning about the history of Santa!

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What this history tells me is that humans are an imaginative lot. But, it also is evidence of how myth and religion grow layer by layer. That process can result in something that makes children happy and promotes good will toward men, or it can result in the Inquisition and Q-Anon.

Another take-a-way might be just how normal it is to want to get "out of your head" and dance or to "get into your head" to see a different version of your world.

Christ was a wonderful teacher, and we should celebrate our teachers. Thanks Professor Thom---this was a very interesting class.

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Whoa Thom, how to Live, stay warm & thrive in the icy North. Gotta be alert, mark “time” & be creative . Like the liftoff of the moon rocket, there goes mystery rhyme….Ho Ho Ho !

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Did I miss it or didn't you post my favorite Christmas video, "Santa Is a Psychedelic Mushroom?": https://suespeaks.org/take-trip-santa-ride-youve-never/

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Off topic, but related to a link Thom provided earlier:

This is an extended thread of the one that Thom provided in his link on Wednesday.

It’s extended to over 30 segments from Eric Feigl-Ding.

It’s some damn scary shit we’re seeing here:


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