Sometimes I hear the reason given for people not voting is "it doesn't matter, nothing ever changes." I hope people will print this column and carry it with them. If/when you hear someone say something like voting doesn't change anything, whip this out and remind them that many of the things that impact us the most in our daily life are …
Sometimes I hear the reason given for people not voting is "it doesn't matter, nothing ever changes." I hope people will print this column and carry it with them. If/when you hear someone say something like voting doesn't change anything, whip this out and remind them that many of the things that impact us the most in our daily life are the result of state legislatures. Turn those state legislatures BLUE, and you can expect to see improvements. Tell 'em as long as the Rs control those state legislatures, yeah, your life will remain tough and slave labor used by the prison-industrial complex will continue.
And..... if enough people vote Blue for their state representatives, they should vote Blue up and down the ticket. If enough people. Imagine turning some of those red states purple or blue. Imagine a Dem president who has more that 66 Dems in the Senate (veto-proof!) and a Blue House of Representatives. Just imagine the changes we would see!!! That's partly why the Poor Peoples Campaign is working so hard in Southern states. The power is there, in the vote, if only people mobilize send those Rs packing!!!
Sometimes I hear the reason given for people not voting is "it doesn't matter, nothing ever changes." I hope people will print this column and carry it with them. If/when you hear someone say something like voting doesn't change anything, whip this out and remind them that many of the things that impact us the most in our daily life are the result of state legislatures. Turn those state legislatures BLUE, and you can expect to see improvements. Tell 'em as long as the Rs control those state legislatures, yeah, your life will remain tough and slave labor used by the prison-industrial complex will continue.
And..... if enough people vote Blue for their state representatives, they should vote Blue up and down the ticket. If enough people. Imagine turning some of those red states purple or blue. Imagine a Dem president who has more that 66 Dems in the Senate (veto-proof!) and a Blue House of Representatives. Just imagine the changes we would see!!! That's partly why the Poor Peoples Campaign is working so hard in Southern states. The power is there, in the vote, if only people mobilize send those Rs packing!!!
Good point, Roland!