Mr. Shults, though I do not, as a Black Man in the United States, share your political partisanship (which would be illogical given history) on either side of the duopoly, I am deeply moved by your candor and intellectual honesty.
Mr. Shults, though I do not, as a Black Man in the United States, share your political partisanship (which would be illogical given history) on either side of the duopoly, I am deeply moved by your candor and intellectual honesty.
Tell me Rohn, on whose side of the political equation do you fall in 2024. There are only two sides, Trump or Biden, A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump and I do not think that Trump has the best interests or any interests at all in the black community, just the opposite as do his MAGA cult. Is that what you want. This could lead to a race war if Trump wins,in that case you are out numbered and out gunned.
I see no alternative but to hold one's nose and vote Blue, as I will do, the alternative is unthinkable.
Your racist ass has to be kidding me. It, despite your ignorance, has always been a "race war." This so-called "nation" that you call yours is a DIRECT result of "race war" from my Alkebulanian to Choctaw ancestors. And each and every time you pine for my attention with your ignorant pontifications and overall racist bullshit, I am going to light your sorry butt up.
You Europeans are in trouble and you have one, and only one, sliver of hope and that is to learn to play nice.
Which, from where I sit, seems to be impossible (perhaps it is your genetics/eugenics).
Relinquish your veiled threats to me, because you have yet to understand you are not only outmanned (globally) you are soon to be outgunned (globally). Of course, being a hundred years old, you will probably not witness the justice that you have coming.
1 in 10 cannot, possibly, "exterminate" the other nine without destroying himself and the world's majority is, slowly but surely, understanding this and the MINORITY is about to catch hell, Jack. Because the world's majority has, finally, understood that force must be met with force. I can tell you, as a man that has been through many a kinetic engagement, no matter how much of a badass you are (or perceive yourself as) no one man can whip three...let alone nine.
Not just a race war Okie, though that is the plot in the Turner's Diaries. (I have read it), but war against atheist, liberals, anyone who is not a white Christian nationalist.
Mr. Shults, though I do not, as a Black Man in the United States, share your political partisanship (which would be illogical given history) on either side of the duopoly, I am deeply moved by your candor and intellectual honesty.
Tell me Rohn, on whose side of the political equation do you fall in 2024. There are only two sides, Trump or Biden, A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump and I do not think that Trump has the best interests or any interests at all in the black community, just the opposite as do his MAGA cult. Is that what you want. This could lead to a race war if Trump wins,in that case you are out numbered and out gunned.
I see no alternative but to hold one's nose and vote Blue, as I will do, the alternative is unthinkable.
"Race War?"
Your racist ass has to be kidding me. It, despite your ignorance, has always been a "race war." This so-called "nation" that you call yours is a DIRECT result of "race war" from my Alkebulanian to Choctaw ancestors. And each and every time you pine for my attention with your ignorant pontifications and overall racist bullshit, I am going to light your sorry butt up.
You Europeans are in trouble and you have one, and only one, sliver of hope and that is to learn to play nice.
Which, from where I sit, seems to be impossible (perhaps it is your genetics/eugenics).
Relinquish your veiled threats to me, because you have yet to understand you are not only outmanned (globally) you are soon to be outgunned (globally). Of course, being a hundred years old, you will probably not witness the justice that you have coming.
"... you are out numbered and out gunned."
True. Hence, so-called "Race War" is always, but Always, a euphemism for Racial Extermination, aka Black (Brown, Red, Yellow) Genocide.
Uh, can you say m-a-t-h?
1 in 10 cannot, possibly, "exterminate" the other nine without destroying himself and the world's majority is, slowly but surely, understanding this and the MINORITY is about to catch hell, Jack. Because the world's majority has, finally, understood that force must be met with force. I can tell you, as a man that has been through many a kinetic engagement, no matter how much of a badass you are (or perceive yourself as) no one man can whip three...let alone nine.
Not just a race war Okie, though that is the plot in the Turner's Diaries. (I have read it), but war against atheist, liberals, anyone who is not a white Christian nationalist.
Well, well, well. Klansman BillyBob has read "The Turner Diaries." Like Trump and Mein Kamph. No shit?
I bet BillyBob keeps it on its nightstand before it goes to bed each night and has the temerity to brag about it. What an effing surprise.