The following is the 'letter to the editor' I submitted to the local Las Vegas Sun newspaper late last night. They publish most of my letters but it may be a week or two before it appears in the paper. I believe it is on point for this rant. I made a couple of last minute changes which I cannot recall exactly, since I was working from a draft.

Democrats and the Harris campaign have seized upon a new meme to attach to Trump, Vance, and the MAGA Republicans. They are calling them weird. Weird is an accurate descriptor for the behavior of the Republicans, and Trump has always behaved in ways which could only be considered abnormal, very peculiar, and pathological. However, the word “weird” should be given a rest now.

It is of urgent importance that no one be allowed to forget that Trump and the Republicans are obsessed with controlling others, violence, and new ways to gain and abuse power. The way they must be described and the words which should be repeated for the next three months are extreme, dangerous, anti-democratic, and un-American. They seek opportunities to punish those with whom they disagree and they entertain fantasies of torture, mayhem, and destruction. Trump’s sadistic tendencies and his worship of totalitarian power are not weird. They are very familiar to those who have lived in countries where freedom, liberty, and justice are only vague, dim, and distant memories. Weird is living in a house filled with stacks of old newspapers or believing that you are receiving messages via your mirror.

Trump and his cult members are not weird. They are weak-minded, amoral brutes and bullies. They are mean-spirited, cruel, and petty. They are power-hungry and duplicitous. We have had the words to identify their sick obsessions all along, and we should use them every chance we get.

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People like you make me embarrased to say I'm a Democrat. Go jump in your Volvo and drive off a cliff, please.

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Sorry to irritate you. I drive a 2009 Nissan Versa with 150,000 miles on it and several mechanical issues that will probably result in my dumping it soon and no longer driving because I can't afford the repairs or insurance. Stereotyped much lately?

I've actually had second thoughts about my position because for many people the idea that someone is weird is all that is needed to send them in another direction. You are probably offended that I have stereotyped MAGA and the R's. I stand by the characterizations of the cult members and the MAGA fanatics waiting to roll out Project 2025. But if you want to trust them and give them a chance to prove their metal and their high character, I wish you well. Are you sure you are a Democrat?

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Robert B. Elliott: I found your letter to the editor totally on-point, and I hope it gets posted and read by non-judgmental peeps

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You must be a troll. He is exactly right. Weird is a fun word, but it is way too benign to describe the dangers of MAGA.

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I read your take on this on your Substack just now. I do not disagree with anything you say, although I do not quite get the connection to Volvos. Both positions are completely valid, as you confirm. But I have two close family members who are MAGA or even deeper off the edge than that and I believe that they need to hear the facts about how dangerous, scary, and insane their ideas and their heroes truly are. I believe Trump will lose in Nov. and there will be no civil war. But some of the cult members are prone to violence and I have been terrified of what could happen, especially if too many people seriously believe the 2024 election was stolen. I am on record in many places criticizing Trump and proudly announcing that I am one of his enemies. The plan is to imprison or execute his enemies, and as weird as that may seem, they will be happy to do the dirty work for Dear Leader. It is crucial to follow up the weird meme every time with the facts.

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In counseling, this is called a "negative being stroke,: meaning it has no facts but is just a mean, brutal put-down. It has no place in civilized conversation.

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Mr. TCinLA: since this is the only somewhat hostile post of yours that I’ve read, I think someone is using your “handle”. I spend a lot of time on Substack and besides one other from a gal in CA, the high level of civility is so appreciated because it doesn’t get in the way of the valuable and informative content by both the writers and commenters. Maybe SubStack should allow users to filter out replies from, say, people who drive certain kinds of cars or are (or are not) registered in a specific political party, are of a certain gender or age bracket.

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TC can be abrasive sometimes, and paradoxically achingly on point. He’s only human. I took him to task some months ago for some extremely violent ideology in a comment on a Substack about MLK Jr. TC’s comment stood in stark contrast to the non-violent message of MLK Jr. If I remember correctly, TC apologized. I cut him slack now, and just today subscribed to his Substack. We live; we learn.

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Thank you Derek. My problem is a subterranean pain threshold for idiots.

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Loyalty to Trump is their ruse. What do they really care about Trump other than being a convenient tool to mobilize the masses to enable them to dismantle the administrative state. Just look at who is funding the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, etc. They want no taxes, no regulations, no unions, and no interference from the government which they intend to control. For them, the government's purpose is to protect their wealth and punish or eliminate those that get in their way!

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How long will it take us to reject this new McCarthy Era? Some of us have been rejecting it for decades, but there's a sucker born every minute.

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Unless WE do something, it will happen. Register more Democrats to save us from them.


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I admire your persistence! 🫵✊️👍

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I was just a kid in the 40s - 50s, but I think I can say that this is worse. The old-time red-baiters didn't have social media; they didn't have bottomless pools of money; and their legions of brainless acolytes weren't armed with caches of near (or outright) military grade firearms.

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Omg! Same here (kid in the 50s & 60s, living in the LA area of Calif, BUT as a young girl, I took a secretarial job in the Journalism Dept of a large state university, and the horrors of McCarthyism was a very big deal there

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Thanks, Thom for continuing to remind us here of the German horrors of the 20th Century.

Steve Schmidt is doing the same today, describing the Lebensborn program:

https://open.substack.com/pub/steveschmidt/p/jd-vances-war-on-women?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=12wtkp .

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What do you think should be done to stop the MAGA/GOP from impeding the election and installing Trump via other means, as indicated by his comments about not needing votes, as pointed out by Rachel Maddow? I always look for your insightful perspective.

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Personally I don't think trump cares about votes. I'm pretty sure he is going to rely on the election officials put in place to not certify the election in their jurisdictions. Enough of these instances will occur & the republicans will demand that the election go to the house where the republicans have the majority. Or maybe on to the Supreme Court & we all know what that means.

It's going to be a confusing, most likely violent time. I hope we're ready for it!

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I think most people know what the mechanism is in this scenario, but what does it mean to be "ready"?

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Know what's coming. We should have known Jan 6th was coming but we ignored the warning signs. I knew something was going to happen then though I wasn't sure what. I was angry/ upset about what happened but I wasn't surprised. We shouldn't be surprised by what might happen during election days both early voting & how long it takes after & what will be done if/when election officials won't certify the votes. Have a plan about what to do in that scenario. Have a plan for intimidation at polling places, have a plan for violence if/when it breaks out. That's what I mean by "be ready".

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Ok, those are short term Election Day types of considerations, but what if they succeed in disrupting the normal election process? What if the Speaker of the House appoints Trump president? Should we all get MAGA hats and hide? I don't want to live in a fascist country and I don't want to move.

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No, I will never play along. My guess is if he takes over I'll be one of those that will be retaliated against. I've read enough about what the Nazis did after Hitler came to power to know what most likely will happen to folks like me.

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Once the Nazis took over the German government, there was no government agency to defend people from Nazi aggression. Now is the time for our government to protect us from fascism. If it all comes down to just the actions of individuals, it will get ugly.

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Worry not… Our Dark Brandon now has the time and energy, plus the deep deep knowledge of where the most effective levers are, to do an end run on the Satan Sect. I suspect that Biden is now in a position to check mate the SCOTUS via the immunity ruling meant to give Trump his Get Out Of Jail card, not realizing that could come back and bite them in the butt

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Let's hope it won't come to that.

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While people argue about the MAGA coup, the MAGA coup pushes forward relentlessly in its agenda. One is just alarmist talk, the other a long-game, well coordinated plan to establish a fascist machine, oblivious to the talk, as long as the talk is just talk. Once established, fascist domination will prevail. Talking at that point will only serve to invite harsh punishment. Talk is not effort. A tangible miracle has now interrupted the game on the court--Kamala Harris. If she is backed with effort, she/we will win.

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The House Un-American Activities Committee of Congress acted in the public realm the way this little fascist group operates today in private. I don't know which is worse, but the most confounding thing to me is why the right wing persists in this paranoia about the loyalty of civil servants.

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Because the fascist MAGAts have so coarsened our political life, they’spd best be careful what they wish for. This isn’t the 1959’s. They aren’t the only ones who know how to use the Internet. If they win in November and begin their little project, they would do well to remember two other things they seem to love. The first? Don’t get mad, get even, The other? The Second Amendment is sacred. Just connect the dots…

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Sorry for the typos. Bad eyes and clumsy fingers. Need to edit better before posting.

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Being as old as I am, and the son of a government employee who was targeted during McCarthyism (a winger running for congress was given a copy of a police report of my father having landed in a storm with an airplane full of Springfield rifles he was flying to Mexico for further shipment to the Spanish Republicans - his "crime" was "premature anti-fascism" and for the pro-Franco McCarthyites it was proof he was a commie) I well remember Tailgunner Joe. It's why I have been an enemy of the GOP ever since.

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Lordy TC, you do have roots. Your dad must have been something, an original derring do barn burner.

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Yeah, I think it's in the blood. One of my ancestors arrived here "a skip and a jump ahead of Lord Corwallis' rope" as a failed Irish revolutionary from "The '99". Another arrived 50 years later with a Prussian price on his head for having been a member of the Congress of Frankfurt in the 1848 revolution. We tend to be fierce about democracy.

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May the Good Lord continue to clear you a path and provide speedy footwear.

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I laughed out loud. :-)

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“The Lives of Others” is chilling and has come to mind often in the past few years, especially after reading through Project 2025, and schedule F.

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Trumpism like any negative ideology offers the angry voter the chance to inflict Trump on society. The damage the Repubs wish to inflict on everybody is their enjoyment. These people are fully aware of how things are and what they are doing. The only way is for the Dem party to win is offer low information Dem voters 3 or 4 economic issues like single payer health care. Otherwise, these voters will not bother to vote as they do not believe in the narrative true or not.

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I'm not a low-information democratic voter, but I am considering not voting since I found out yesterday that Harris no longer supports Medicare for All. I won't care if we lose the democracy we probably already lost if I am dead or a close family member dies who should be saved with a decent healthcare system like most other countries take for granted. The ACA protection of prior condition clause does not apply to over 65. Supplemental insurance is necessary if you own property or medical bills may take it. Even worse, you can be denied healthcare if you can't afford to pay for it. This has been the case for many years. You will initially receive care if you are bleeding to death, but don't count on any other care if you can't pay.

I have kept myself informed about our crappy healthcare system for many years and still learned more about it from Thom Hartmann's book, "The Hidden History of the American Healthcare System: Why Sickness Bankrupts You and Makes Others Insanely Rich," but I also purchased the audiobook for under $10 this morning to listen to on my walks. I highly recommend it and will do what I can to have Harris at least promise to fight for Medicare for All, including those of us on Medicare with supplemental or forced into Medicare Advantage plans.

If I sound angry, I am. I'm with Bernie, "It's ok to be angry about Capitalism."

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Get it all out, Gloria. Our health care systems are disgraceful. But, Bernie, was in Portland, ME two days ago urging everyone to vote for Kamala. We can move her and he knows that.

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She needs to move before the election or I'm staying home. And the DNC can give the money back that I donated toward a Medicare for All campaign.

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Cut out your eye to spite you face? Shoot yourself in the eye?

Eye on the ball. If she has a bill, she'll sign it.

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Harris should be bold at the convention and say that if we want Medicare for All we should vote a straight Democratic so she will get the bill. She ran on single payer before. Did big donors turn her head the same way they did Obama? Dems need to stand out ground this time and stay home on election day if Harris chickens out on this life and death issue. Obviously, you're doing well health insurance wise. Please care about others. It's time the unions quit using healthcare benefits as an organizing tool. Talk about cutting off your nose th spite your face. US companies with the cost of healthcare benefits built into the expense of their products can't compete with corporations in countries with single payer universal healthcare. Unions should support Medicare for All.

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I agree 110% Gloria. Food, clothes, shelter, medicine, all need to be socialized. I think it would be cost-effective to provide basic necessities for life if you want to call yourself pro-life anyway. Prisons cost more money than it does to house the mentally ill in small concrete studio apartments. Concrete doesn't allow bugs to live in the wall and is soundproof and fireproof. And you can't easily punch holes in the wall!

There are no bathrooms for the homeless and the homeless will run off tourists...

The healthcare in America is atrocious, I'm sad to hear that Kamala doesn't support Medicare for all. I guess we still have to vote for her or we will get the sadistical liars and winner's of capitalism.

The same people that support capitalism, religion and unlimited greed and who call themselves pro-life, actually oppose poor people's right to live. They are the ones that created this sick society and have no sense of responsibility!

Don't dare stumble in a capitalist society. Without support you may not be able to pick yourself up again and you could keep burying yourself deeper into drug addiction, and insanity. A vicious cycle.

It is sad seniors must sell their house before the hospitals can claim it. If they own it in the first place and not the bank.

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This election, either Harris or the unthinkable Trump feels like extortion to me.

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Establishment Dems have a miserable history of fighting infernos with squirt guns, avoiding confrontation so as not to be seen as unpleasant. Dolt 45, the current Supreme Court, MAGA, etc., etc., are direct results. We need to abandon compulsive retreat.

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Ah yes, I remember it well having grown up in that error when people whispered the walls have ears. So this is not new. My then boy beard boyfriend enrolled me in the young communist party. I had always wondered what I would do if the FBI came knocking at my door. Then they did. Woke I was working for racial equality and no nukes as well as abortion rights since a couple friends had illegal back alley abortions they almost died from so I was no strange torebellion. But I was not ajoiner and had never signed up to be in the young communist party. Nonetheless, they demanded my address book and contacted my friends. So I know what to expect if the new nightmare McCarthy era happens. The resistance will be savvy, determined and will overturn then, albeit with casualties along the way. I am still hoping we have learned a few things from the past that we can arm younger critical-thinking generations with.

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Growing up in Wisconsin, I actually saw

Joseph McCarthy pass by on his motorcade.

At that age I had no idea just how insidious

the specter of McCarthyism was and how many lives were shattered by his evil deeds.

Until recently, I had no idea how highly he was revered by so many people- not just

people in Wisconsin.

Clearly the agenda Trump and his followers

would be happy to implement has the echo of tail gunner Joe written all over it . So -

we survived the onslaught in the 1950’s -

are we really prepared to face McCarthy

2.0 again?

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When children run out of arguments, they resort to SHUT UP! Republicans are determined to show the left how they are going to shut us up. G-d bullies, exactly like Joe McCarthy. Brains addled with conspiracy theories about how others are going to take what they deem to be theirs. They will never figure out they haven't lost anything, because they never had it.

Putting a stranglehold on this country is not going to work. That beautiful rainbow of people and other minorities have found their stride. They will never shut up; they will multiply, and they will gather their allies along the way.

Wanting to go back to 1954 is weird. They ARE weird. McCarthy-ism failed. He failed. He died at the age of 48 in 1957. Booze and stress will kill ya.

My response to shut up---better people than you have tried to shut me up..

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The next general election? It's an IQ test, folks.

An IQ test, but mixed in with a Loyalty Oath.

A Pledge of Allegiance to America; or to a divisive, cognitively-impaired traitor..

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