...Interesting that Carter objected to Bayh-Dole, what with Emory University being in his own backyard... hmmm. Even 'Saint Carter' wasn't above the corruption of Big Pharma. Then we have the Sackler Family; we forget that they started with Valium, manufactured it and sold it to an entire generation of women who were told to take as many as they wanted. The Sacklers, who contributed to campaigns, put their name up on just about everything and even after 100,000's of thousands of drug-related deaths, still manufacture opioids; they just do it in countries that are happy to have them. This is a tsunami of corruption and greed. Funny thing, if we keep this up, a bunch of real tsunamis will probably kill us. Big Pharma, just like the Industrial Military Complex, is a huge polluter and we're all on too many drugs to know it! Anyone done a deep dive on 'Prozac Nation' lately?

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This is another example of Corporate terrorism by unethical and corrupt people who have only disdain for the American citizen.

Add to that the criminal representatives in our government and come up with a scam as corrupt as Putins attack on Ukraine.

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They need to be held accountable and continuously exposed for their treachery . Corporations and their Republican supporters along with the Supreme Court who ushered in the ability of these corporations to hold us hostage.

Biden et al needs to find someone to take this trash on and make some changes. Serious changes.

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I read an extended editorial/report about a common (COMMON) side effect of Paxlovid of a very unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth that many can't tolerate. So, great; the bug kills your taste and smell, and/or you get the Paxlovid attack. My experience, I think especially as female, as a patient, leads me to be pretty cynical about my hopes to get a doctor to come through with (intravenous) remdesivir or the molnupiravir Thom is referencing here. I guess I have given up on masking, but I try to keep some social distancing, got my bivalent and otherwise pretty solitary lifestyle. Still feels like an inevitable, pending doom, odds running out....

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My experience with Paxlovid last summer was very positive, symptoms greatly reduced with no side effects then or now.

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Sinema is much beloved by at least 11 other Democratic Senators as is Manchin. They have provided cover for the corporate owned senators who would, otherwise have to vote no on bills that upset their donors. One in particular is Mendenez D of NJ. he should wear a PhRMA patch on the breast pocket of his suit.

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Human nature always likes to blame someone else for our problems. In this case, blame the corporations for doing what corporations do -- greedily exploit people's vulnerabilities. It comes down to individual lifestyle choices. For me, that means choosing a healthy lifestyle, and blocking my hearing when it comes to the fear-mongering big Pharma promotes. I grew up in a poor family where running to the doctor for every ache and pain wasn't allowed. Sadly many of my contemporaries never learned that lesson, and their days are filled with doctors appt's, and their medicine chest with pharmaceuticals. Mine? -- haven't been to a doctor in 30+ years, and the medicine chest is empty. Hard for me to relate to the whining I'm hearing. When VEEP was given the "weight-control task force", her solution was simple -- "Shut the f'ing pie hole". So, when it comes to health care, be your own guide, and it'll be amazing how quickly your medicine chest will empty itself of its contents, not to be replenished.

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