Thom, I didn't watch the Inauguration yesterday, for the first time in my life. I did read and listen to all the reports and was applaud, discussed and not surprised. The first thing he did was sign executive orders straight out of the project 2025 handbook. Thank You, for being our guide through this most disturbing time in American history, I appreciate you, and will reStack ASAP 🙏💯👍
Thom: in discussing the 1924 Immigration Act, you omitted mentioning the millions of Eastern European Jews who fled to America during this time to escape pogroms in Tsarist Russia and from Communist persecution. They and their descendants have made innumerable contributions to our society. Sadly one of those descendants is Stephen Miller, T's most virulent anti-immigration advisor (sure, it's ok to separate children from their parents and put them in cages. They're not human are they?). He's already been denounced by his family. If ever there was a shithole, it's him.
The Third Reich lasted 12 years. What makes us think we'll have elections in 2026 and 2028? Dictators from Day One don't allow elections.
Musk to Trump: Seig heil! "Musk did not just involuntarily raise his right arm and point his fingers to heaven. He slammed his right hand into his chest, paused for a long moment, and then thrust his arm outwards as tens of millions watched nationwide, and thousands of Trump supporters in the auditorium cheered."
And you didn't mention, Eric, that the mass migration of "refuseniks" during the Reagan Administration were entirely Russian Jews
I am pissed at Muslims because of their vote,or rather non vote, Trump is now in office, and I am pissed at Jews for kissing up to and sanctifying Trump at his inauguration.
Better, sue to recoup for the Treasury all those bribes Trump is receiving, all his merch earnings, etc, as a result of his status as president elect and as # 47.
Hi Thom, maybe you’ve mentioned this before, but have you toyed with the notion that perhaps we’re seeing the beginnings of an oligarch coalition, globally? Seems to me, the signs are there.
And now with 1,500+ pardons of "hostages" that can repopulate militias as 'heros' to their troops I'm thinking eventually we'll see roaming gangs of "American Brown Shirts/ AKA Proud Boys
et al. arbitrarily showing up to threaten, intimidate, maul & perhaps kill without fear of prosecution because they know as long as they are doing it for trump they have a permanent "Get out of jail free card at the ready"!
I saw this coming months & months ago. I've mentioned it in posts. I hope that I am wrong & that you can tell me that I am an alarmist. Please let it happen that you can tell me I'm wrong.
This is exactly what Americans voted FOR. Has anyone out there read DIEING OF WHITENESS. It explains why it happened. At least look it up. It's a hard read of why people will consistently vote AGAINST their own best interests. The justify the results.
We, as a nation, have imposed that master - serf economy on much of the Western Hemisphere. Now the corporate masters of the universe are eager to do it to us
It is no secret that I hold a brief against Muslims, because they didn't vote or voted for Trump and their vote in the Swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennyslvnia would have given Biden the electoral victory. Yeh I know about pysyops, Russian interference, and the Pennyslvania Problem, and I am aware that 90 million people didn't vote, that voted in 2020. Yet it was the Muslim vote that if they had showed up and voted for Harris, would have kept Trump out of office. and now that are regretful of their emotional stupidity, Imams actually endorsed him
And they are choking, He appointed a Zionist Witikoff, as Mid East envoy, and Mike Huckabee, who said there is no such thing as Palestine as Ambassador to Israel, he is going to OK the shipment of 2,000 lb bombs to Israel, meet with Bibi next week, and on Fox he said that Gaza is some beautiful land for condo's and most of the people that lived there are dead.
And yet they persist, I saw on Ayman Jan 20th, a parade contingent bearing hand written pink signs, and wearing pink pussy caps, with signs Palestine is feminism, and feminism is Palestine (while Palestine is as misogynistic as Iran and Saudi Arabia, where women have to wear bee keeper suits in the heat, while men wear t shirts and Jeans. Where women are relagated to the role of breed cow,nanny and domestic servant. Real feminist they are.
Worse yet, one of the protesters was a bearded, what looked like, a Jihadi wearing a pink pussy cap.
Not to be outdone, there was a parade of Jews at the inaugration with yellow scarfs, kissing the ass of the dictator. I can somewhat understand wanting your family back, but there were a hundred of them, and at most only five of the hostages are Americans, so hear we have another case of opportunists, these sanctifying and in essence blessing Trump with holy water,, but so did Biden and Obama by attending the inauguration, kudo's to Michelle for not allowing herself to be debased.
What ever happens next, Biden and Obama have nothing to say, and neither do the Democratic party because they have sanctified, anointed and blessed Trump with their attendance. No excuse, none whatsoever, especially when Michelle boycotted.
As for the Muslims, just deserts. As for the rest of us who will suffer because of the loyalty to the ummah, it is time to consider our options, After reviewing just his 100 executive orders, it is time to get out of town. Full list of Executive Orders
I've come to the conclusion that a lot of these raging God warriors are actually closet atheists, judging by the fact that what they say and do in the name of Christ has no relation to anything Christ taught.
Don't insult us atheists Jefffrey, we have morals and values, more than Christians, because we have no fall back like Catholics of confession or Protestants of being saved again and again and again.
The Bible is a Rohrshacht test, in it you can find anything that you need to justify your needs and assuage your fears.
The Jesus of Matthew 25 is offset by Luke 19. and Lukke 22
Love your fellow man, and sell your cloak and buy a sword or bring before me, he who would not have me reign over them and slay them before me
Leviticus 25: Distinguishes between Israelites and foreign slaves, with Israelites being indentured temporarily and foreigners being enslaved permanently
Year of Jubilee: A time when those who were enslaved were set free
Punishments for slave masters: Slave masters were punished for beating slaves to death, destroying a slave's eye or tooth, forcing a slave to work on the Sabbath, and slandering a slave
Treatment of slaves and masters
Ephesians 6: Slaves were to obey their masters with respect, fear, and sincerity of heart
Colossians 4: Slave masters were to treat their slaves justly and fairly
1 Peter 2: Slaves were to be subject to their masters with reverence, even to those who were perverse
Wealth: The poor were told to be happy with their life, not to foster discontent, because the rich would not go to paradise. Accept your fate because the rich has as much chance of going to heaven as does a camel going through the eye of a needle. You will get your reward after you die, so don't envy or pester the wealthy they will get punished after they die., by the way pay your taxes dude.
Please don't include the raging god warriors in the atheist camp. Most atheists I know, & I'm one of them do not hang out in closets. We may not say much out of deference to the beliefs of others but my guess is most of us don't hide our belief system either. Most of us just don't force it down other's throats!
I realized after I sent that comment that i was impugning the integrity of atheists, of which i am one. But in conservative circles, not being "churched" is socially unacceptable. i suspect the MAGA God warriors are putting on a show of faith to disguise the fact that they don't believe in God, or anything else. At least atheists, by and large, have an ethic of goodwill to humanity, as Christ preached.
I also feel there are many ministers (too many!) who make bank telling people what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear.
Aren’t Elon’s kids then bound to lose their birthright citizenship? He was an illegal immigrant, and really should be deported. Melania’s anchor baby? Or is this only for brown & black kids - and Democrats?
My wife is from China and our daughter married an Hispanic. What does that make us? We are all American Citizens.
If Trump and Co. do anything unconstitutional, illegal, or immoral, such as "taking bribes," expose it! I do not believe the American people will put up with it any longer!
I am not interested in seeing the public practice of "queer sex," especially if I am not allowed to express my "Bible-Based" opinion of its 'Immorality," nor do I want its practice being TAUGHT to my children and grandchildren. "Respect" must go both ways! Truth and Love will prevail.
The Billionaires are not going to get us out of this mess! Trump is not going to "Make America Great Again!" BTW, Reagan said that first.
An important Fact of History seems to have been forgotten: Almost all of the "Rich White Men" who signed our Declaration of Independence, LOST EVEVYTHING they owned the the process. We owe them so much!
Hey Tim. There has never been any constraint on your ability to express your opinion and distaste about anything including "queer sex"
Queer sex is not "taught" in schools. What is taught is acceptance. You claim to be a Christian, well we are all gods children, queer and straight alike, and we are all born with the same inalienable right to live and love as we choose, without fear or favor.
You would restrict that right to what you approve.
You say truth and love will prevail, but what you really mean is your truth and your love
Then why do you call me a "homophobe?" Acceptance, approval, and "tolerance" are not the same. The Bible agrees with you in the sense that you determine your own Destiny -- it is your Choice! Truth is Eternal and has no need to change. Every human being must accept it, while they still can.
Did I call you a homophobe in my comment above? Hmm, I just read it and no I didn't. So, evidently the shoe fits and you put it on.
Nobody is asking for your approval, just live and let live, let queers enjoy the same rights as you, including having books and lessons taught in school about their lifestyle choices, and religion is a lifestyle choice. Your beliefs and what they do to others are even more offensive than that of queers, yet you seem to think that you have a right that queers don't have. That makes you a homophobe Tim.
As regards Truth,Tim: Whose truth, your truth. What makes you the arbiter of truth? Are you god? Question was rhertorical for all believers play at god.
You see, god is ineffable, no mere mortal can plumb the mind of god, no mere mortal can know what god thinks or feels, they don't even know if god as a penis, a vagina or is even a humanoid and has sex organs.
You see men are really solipsistic, they are their own god, themselves, but they create an external god, unreachable, unseeable, unproveable, to use as a sock puppet into whose mouth that put words that will fulfilll their needs and assuage their fears.
When a believer tells me what their god says, wants, they are really telling me what they want.
Just watched an excellent show on HBO, by Andrew Rossi. It is called " After truth-disinformation & the cost of fake news" It is a few years old, but shows how lies become so widespread that they become truth & without truth, compromise becomes impossible. Trump is a master grifter & has convinced many that he is their best hope for a better life. Things are worse today, with Musk owning the former Twitter. The most feeble guardrails are gone. One example was- in the future if you research Sandy Hook, the lies about crisis actors may be the first to show up.
Thom, I didn't watch the Inauguration yesterday, for the first time in my life. I did read and listen to all the reports and was applaud, discussed and not surprised. The first thing he did was sign executive orders straight out of the project 2025 handbook. Thank You, for being our guide through this most disturbing time in American history, I appreciate you, and will reStack ASAP 🙏💯👍
Thom: in discussing the 1924 Immigration Act, you omitted mentioning the millions of Eastern European Jews who fled to America during this time to escape pogroms in Tsarist Russia and from Communist persecution. They and their descendants have made innumerable contributions to our society. Sadly one of those descendants is Stephen Miller, T's most virulent anti-immigration advisor (sure, it's ok to separate children from their parents and put them in cages. They're not human are they?). He's already been denounced by his family. If ever there was a shithole, it's him.
The Third Reich lasted 12 years. What makes us think we'll have elections in 2026 and 2028? Dictators from Day One don't allow elections.
The margin of defeat in many states was less than 2%.
Musk to Trump: Seig heil! "Musk did not just involuntarily raise his right arm and point his fingers to heaven. He slammed his right hand into his chest, paused for a long moment, and then thrust his arm outwards as tens of millions watched nationwide, and thousands of Trump supporters in the auditorium cheered."
Every statement is a confession. He stole it plain and simple.
And you didn't mention, Eric, that the mass migration of "refuseniks" during the Reagan Administration were entirely Russian Jews
I am pissed at Muslims because of their vote,or rather non vote, Trump is now in office, and I am pissed at Jews for kissing up to and sanctifying Trump at his inauguration.
Don't give up! Watch your back, however because the bastards really are after us.
Better, sue to recoup for the Treasury all those bribes Trump is receiving, all his merch earnings, etc, as a result of his status as president elect and as # 47.
Hi Thom, maybe you’ve mentioned this before, but have you toyed with the notion that perhaps we’re seeing the beginnings of an oligarch coalition, globally? Seems to me, the signs are there.
And now with 1,500+ pardons of "hostages" that can repopulate militias as 'heros' to their troops I'm thinking eventually we'll see roaming gangs of "American Brown Shirts/ AKA Proud Boys
et al. arbitrarily showing up to threaten, intimidate, maul & perhaps kill without fear of prosecution because they know as long as they are doing it for trump they have a permanent "Get out of jail free card at the ready"!
I saw this coming months & months ago. I've mentioned it in posts. I hope that I am wrong & that you can tell me that I am an alarmist. Please let it happen that you can tell me I'm wrong.
Your book link goes directly to Amazon. I’ll try to get it from my local East City Books instead.
This is exactly what Americans voted FOR. Has anyone out there read DIEING OF WHITENESS. It explains why it happened. At least look it up. It's a hard read of why people will consistently vote AGAINST their own best interests. The justify the results.
Thank you for these comparisons. I have called Republicans politics — plantation politics,- for some time. You just gave great examples.
Anyone who is observant and grew up in Jim Crow south would easily recognize all the Republican maneuvers and also their black helpers. Nothing new.
Glad I found your post.
Thank you.
We, as a nation, have imposed that master - serf economy on much of the Western Hemisphere. Now the corporate masters of the universe are eager to do it to us
It is no secret that I hold a brief against Muslims, because they didn't vote or voted for Trump and their vote in the Swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennyslvnia would have given Biden the electoral victory. Yeh I know about pysyops, Russian interference, and the Pennyslvania Problem, and I am aware that 90 million people didn't vote, that voted in 2020. Yet it was the Muslim vote that if they had showed up and voted for Harris, would have kept Trump out of office. and now that are regretful of their emotional stupidity, Imams actually endorsed him
And they are choking, He appointed a Zionist Witikoff, as Mid East envoy, and Mike Huckabee, who said there is no such thing as Palestine as Ambassador to Israel, he is going to OK the shipment of 2,000 lb bombs to Israel, meet with Bibi next week, and on Fox he said that Gaza is some beautiful land for condo's and most of the people that lived there are dead.
And yet they persist, I saw on Ayman Jan 20th, a parade contingent bearing hand written pink signs, and wearing pink pussy caps, with signs Palestine is feminism, and feminism is Palestine (while Palestine is as misogynistic as Iran and Saudi Arabia, where women have to wear bee keeper suits in the heat, while men wear t shirts and Jeans. Where women are relagated to the role of breed cow,nanny and domestic servant. Real feminist they are.
Worse yet, one of the protesters was a bearded, what looked like, a Jihadi wearing a pink pussy cap.
Not to be outdone, there was a parade of Jews at the inaugration with yellow scarfs, kissing the ass of the dictator. I can somewhat understand wanting your family back, but there were a hundred of them, and at most only five of the hostages are Americans, so hear we have another case of opportunists, these sanctifying and in essence blessing Trump with holy water,, but so did Biden and Obama by attending the inauguration, kudo's to Michelle for not allowing herself to be debased.
What ever happens next, Biden and Obama have nothing to say, and neither do the Democratic party because they have sanctified, anointed and blessed Trump with their attendance. No excuse, none whatsoever, especially when Michelle boycotted.
As for the Muslims, just deserts. As for the rest of us who will suffer because of the loyalty to the ummah, it is time to consider our options, After reviewing just his 100 executive orders, it is time to get out of town. Full list of Executive Orders
It's Like He's Going on Zionist Overdrive' |
Trump's pro-Israel Cabinet Picks Upset Muslims Who Voted for Him
'Trump won because of us,' said one of the founders of Muslims for Trump, 'and we're not happy with his Secretary of State pick and others'
Male Whites have absolutely "NO" excuses for their failures, now. Or, for any "Lesser" outcomes.
Nothing but green lights and overt Female and Minority suppression.
So, No excuses are available. Nary a one.
What the hell, maybe the NFL & NBA can become Lilly White, once again.
But, hold up!! I'm afraid not . . . some (many?) Male Whites will fail, abysmally washout.
More than a few outcomes will be staggeringly poor. Some may be worse than poor.
As a result, we can reasonably expect a tragic increase in Male White: Suicides, Domestic Homicides, and Racialist Homicides. Just what Putin needs.
Win some. Lose some.
I've come to the conclusion that a lot of these raging God warriors are actually closet atheists, judging by the fact that what they say and do in the name of Christ has no relation to anything Christ taught.
Don't insult us atheists Jefffrey, we have morals and values, more than Christians, because we have no fall back like Catholics of confession or Protestants of being saved again and again and again.
The Bible is a Rohrshacht test, in it you can find anything that you need to justify your needs and assuage your fears.
The Jesus of Matthew 25 is offset by Luke 19. and Lukke 22
Love your fellow man, and sell your cloak and buy a sword or bring before me, he who would not have me reign over them and slay them before me
The handmaid tale, Republic of Gilead, justified in Misogyny in the Bible:
Slavery in the Bible
Leviticus 25: Distinguishes between Israelites and foreign slaves, with Israelites being indentured temporarily and foreigners being enslaved permanently
Year of Jubilee: A time when those who were enslaved were set free
Punishments for slave masters: Slave masters were punished for beating slaves to death, destroying a slave's eye or tooth, forcing a slave to work on the Sabbath, and slandering a slave
Treatment of slaves and masters
Ephesians 6: Slaves were to obey their masters with respect, fear, and sincerity of heart
Colossians 4: Slave masters were to treat their slaves justly and fairly
1 Peter 2: Slaves were to be subject to their masters with reverence, even to those who were perverse
Wealth: The poor were told to be happy with their life, not to foster discontent, because the rich would not go to paradise. Accept your fate because the rich has as much chance of going to heaven as does a camel going through the eye of a needle. You will get your reward after you die, so don't envy or pester the wealthy they will get punished after they die., by the way pay your taxes dude.
Please don't include the raging god warriors in the atheist camp. Most atheists I know, & I'm one of them do not hang out in closets. We may not say much out of deference to the beliefs of others but my guess is most of us don't hide our belief system either. Most of us just don't force it down other's throats!
I realized after I sent that comment that i was impugning the integrity of atheists, of which i am one. But in conservative circles, not being "churched" is socially unacceptable. i suspect the MAGA God warriors are putting on a show of faith to disguise the fact that they don't believe in God, or anything else. At least atheists, by and large, have an ethic of goodwill to humanity, as Christ preached.
I also feel there are many ministers (too many!) who make bank telling people what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear.
Except for Ron Reagan. President Reagan's son. At least he is a clever and enthusiastic speaker despite his intellectually short-shrift argument.
Of whom do you speak when you say intellectually short shrift aguement, and what intellecually short shrift argument would that be.>
Aren’t Elon’s kids then bound to lose their birthright citizenship? He was an illegal immigrant, and really should be deported. Melania’s anchor baby? Or is this only for brown & black kids - and Democrats?
Great article as usual............Bravo.
My wife is from China and our daughter married an Hispanic. What does that make us? We are all American Citizens.
If Trump and Co. do anything unconstitutional, illegal, or immoral, such as "taking bribes," expose it! I do not believe the American people will put up with it any longer!
I am not interested in seeing the public practice of "queer sex," especially if I am not allowed to express my "Bible-Based" opinion of its 'Immorality," nor do I want its practice being TAUGHT to my children and grandchildren. "Respect" must go both ways! Truth and Love will prevail.
The Billionaires are not going to get us out of this mess! Trump is not going to "Make America Great Again!" BTW, Reagan said that first.
An important Fact of History seems to have been forgotten: Almost all of the "Rich White Men" who signed our Declaration of Independence, LOST EVEVYTHING they owned the the process. We owe them so much!
And WHO is going to PAY OUR National DEBT?
Hey Tim. There has never been any constraint on your ability to express your opinion and distaste about anything including "queer sex"
Queer sex is not "taught" in schools. What is taught is acceptance. You claim to be a Christian, well we are all gods children, queer and straight alike, and we are all born with the same inalienable right to live and love as we choose, without fear or favor.
You would restrict that right to what you approve.
You say truth and love will prevail, but what you really mean is your truth and your love
Then why do you call me a "homophobe?" Acceptance, approval, and "tolerance" are not the same. The Bible agrees with you in the sense that you determine your own Destiny -- it is your Choice! Truth is Eternal and has no need to change. Every human being must accept it, while they still can.
Did I call you a homophobe in my comment above? Hmm, I just read it and no I didn't. So, evidently the shoe fits and you put it on.
Nobody is asking for your approval, just live and let live, let queers enjoy the same rights as you, including having books and lessons taught in school about their lifestyle choices, and religion is a lifestyle choice. Your beliefs and what they do to others are even more offensive than that of queers, yet you seem to think that you have a right that queers don't have. That makes you a homophobe Tim.
As regards Truth,Tim: Whose truth, your truth. What makes you the arbiter of truth? Are you god? Question was rhertorical for all believers play at god.
You see, god is ineffable, no mere mortal can plumb the mind of god, no mere mortal can know what god thinks or feels, they don't even know if god as a penis, a vagina or is even a humanoid and has sex organs.
You see men are really solipsistic, they are their own god, themselves, but they create an external god, unreachable, unseeable, unproveable, to use as a sock puppet into whose mouth that put words that will fulfilll their needs and assuage their fears.
When a believer tells me what their god says, wants, they are really telling me what they want.
Just watched an excellent show on HBO, by Andrew Rossi. It is called " After truth-disinformation & the cost of fake news" It is a few years old, but shows how lies become so widespread that they become truth & without truth, compromise becomes impossible. Trump is a master grifter & has convinced many that he is their best hope for a better life. Things are worse today, with Musk owning the former Twitter. The most feeble guardrails are gone. One example was- in the future if you research Sandy Hook, the lies about crisis actors may be the first to show up.