Keep cool Thom!

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One of the best ways to make this country great again is to invest in this country’s future, by educating this country’s children without having them go into debt, for the ones who can qualify for higher education. We should return this country back before Reagan the destroyer of working families, bring back unions that sets the standard for training, a livable wage and retirement. One of the scariest things that the Republicans are doing now is restricting the vote As Thom Hartmann stated in his book The Hidden History of the War on Voting that has Thomas Paine said,” The right of voting representatives is the primary right by which other rights or protected. Take away that right is to reduce a man to slavery”. Let’s Return this country back to We The People instead of the 1%.

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The sick irrational Republicans are killing people by telling them not to get vaccinated or wear a mask. This is pure evil. Florida Governor DeSantis is using people as guinea pigs.

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