We know Senator Durbin is a weak leader who will take no further action on bringing Alito up on charges. I don't believe any one of the "old-guard" Dem leadership has the guts to challenge their Republican, i.e. fascist, colleagues. Although I agree with your position that Thomas and Alito must "resign or face impeachment" I don't believe either scenario will happen. The only way we, the people, can save our democracy from falling into the abyss created by the traitors on the SC is to VOTE every Republican-fascist out of office in November. Bless former speaker Pelosi for having the guts to act swiftly and with purpose on January 6th. She, and she alone, saved our democracy.

Thom, I wish you had included the man I will always believe is responsible for the 🟠💩 win in 2016 in exposing how Republicans rigged election results through the years. James Comey knew exactly what he was doing when, a week before the election, announced another "review" of Clinton's emails. Earlier, he found nothing of concern in reviewing her emails. Yet, with so many undecided voters, voters who were leaning towards a vote for Clinton on the line, he pulled the "but her emails" line, dooming her election as the first woman president of the U.S.

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But lets not forget, despite Comey, Hilary Clinton DID win the election, if the one person:one vote ratio would have been honored. Wasn't the count 70,000+ for Clinton? The Electoral college has got to go!

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Oh my god,YES! What a stupid stupid system we have, that absolutely NO one else in the world has!

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The reat of the world did not have to appease the slaver states to approve the Constitution.

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Alas, that is true, But let's not forget the times, women were still considered property of men, the founders did not trust the demos. Thomas Jefferson attended a business meeting of a Baptist church in Pittsylvania Co, VA and came away with a sour taste in his mouth for Democratic rule.

The Constitution did not make us a democracy,i took three amendments, the 15, 17th , and 19th.

Democracy is only 105 years old, the 19th amendment was passed in 1919

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Well, yes. I've read a book or two in the past seventy-five years or so. I was referring only to the compromises made to get the Constitution ratified. The dear woman was complaining about the Electoral College. The other compromise was two Senators appionted, at first, by the states. Remember, black people were considered only 3/5ths of a white man for census perposes. I would suggest following Heather Cox Richarson, if you do not already.

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I get Heathers newsletters. To be truthful, there is very little I learn from her, mainly because I am a historical and political junkee, but on occasion she drops a pearl. I am also 85 and been enmeshed in history and books for going on 8 decades.

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And Native Americans couldn't vote till 1924 and people of color in much of the country couldn't vote till the mid-1960s. "Aspiring democracy" is more like it. And until we the people deal with the fourth and arguably most powerful branch of government -- money, aka those with economic power -- we're not going to make much headway.

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I could not agree more. I just received a fund raising letter. It seems that Trump has raised 86 million from the wealthy, including tech, $800,000 each.

Indeed we have the best government money can buy.

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With a parliamentary system, which IIRC most of the world's democracies have, there's no need for an Electoral College. The prime minister is chosen by the dominant party or coalition in parliament.

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Hillary won nation wide by three million votes

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It was 3 million, nation wide. Biden won by 7 million.

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It takes 64 senators to enforce a subpoena. Concentrate on DOJ.

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Yet Trump lost the popular vote by 2.87 million votes. the states that made him president were the Swing states, the Great Lakes Rust Belt, the states that lost jobs because her husband signed two bills that resulted in their jobs being shipped to Mexico and Asia. NAFTA and GATT

Those States were Wisconsin, 10 electoral votes, Indiana 11 votes, Michigan 16, Ohio, 18, PA 20

No doubt that Comey, Russia cost Hillary popular votes, but the elections were lost and won in Swing States, anything else is rationalization.

Winning football coaches engage in after play analysis and self evaluation, making excuses is not the way to win.

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Agree on points Clinton sold out the working class with NAFTA, etc. The aftermath was brushed into dust by a complicit media and a spectacularly silent Democratic Party. Still can't believe how elected Democrats and media wrote "three lines of 'ain't it a shame and forget it'".

All kinds of theories about the birth of MAGA, but shipping jobs out of their country made trusting DC just too much for working people to swallow. Clinton and Gore signed NAFTA in and gave birth to the beast, IMHO.

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As if the Republicans opposed it. It was their idea... Clinton acquiesced.

IMHO they were not ready for a woman. [That was a period.]

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Absolutely true. I saw that in people I know.

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MAGA is the result of evolution. In my voting time, it started with Goldwater, when he lost, Bill Buckley Jr, was the intellectual god head of the Conservative movement, with Nixon and his southern strategy it evolved some more, with Reagan capitalizing on Nixon, and adding anti union, and the agenda of Jerry Falwell and his ImMOral majority,, it picked up steam with Newt Gingrich and the Tea Party, then the Freedom Caucus, and by the time Trump, who had been a racist Democrat, was solicited to run for President. His unleashed racism. broke the cultural dam, and all of the pent up hate, fear, angst of white nationalist, theocratic patriotism came busting forth in the form of MAGA, it has always been there, but lacked an organizing principle and a name, and and was tamped down by a civil society. That no longer exists.

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Yes. The pro fascist movement has been pounding on our doors, trying to get in for decades. They succeeded in getting recent footholds with Nixon and Reagan, who seeded the courts with right wingers. Trump was the bull who broke down the door completely, with the money hungry press acting as his cheerleaders.

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The shipping of our jobs overseas began when Reagan changed our economy from one based on business, over to one that was totally financial. The bottom line profit numbers became more important than investment in business and producing a better product/service. Wall Street became master. Short term, immediate gains supplanted long term growth.

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Pennsylvania gave trump the 20 votes for one reason: Jill stein. She got about 40,000 protest votes from democrats who were sure that Hillary was going to win anyway, so they could remain their infantile, pure progressive selves, and cast a vote against her knowing that “ trump could never win!” He took Pennsylvania by only 20,000 votes.

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Thank you I totally agree. The same happened in Michigan and other rust belt states.

The problem is with the DNC,it's criteria for Presidential Candidate, and even gubernatorial candidate, for example the loser Terry McAuliffe who lost to GlenYoungkin in Virginia;

The DNC rewards the faithful, the old tired race horses, that have been trotting around the paddock accumulating credentials, of which the most important to the DNC has been foreign service credentials, mainly because their major donors are international finance. Bill Clinton in 21 Speechs, praised international financial institutions, and when he left the White House (broke by the way) they rewarded him with his own non profit, the Clinton Global Initiative, which provided him a steady income.

Hillary ran against Obama in the primary and lost because of the black vote (which the Republicans have taken notice of). Obama won the General, again because of the black and white liberal vote, perhaps the first time the black population was really motivated to vote.

The Republicans picked up on that and have fronted their own black candidates, the Stephens (Django unchained) are legion, except for President, no white racist will ever vote for a black President or VP.

When Hillary lost to Obama, and Obama won the General, the DNC had Obama appoint Hillary as Secretary of State to burnish what they thought were the all important Foreign Service Credentials, the people in the vital swings states could have cared less, what they saw was Clinton and their jobs being shipped to Mexico and Asia.

The DNC, it's backers, analysts, advisors and Hillary herself, can not accept facts and reality, anymore than Trump and his cult can, that the people rejected her, like the people rejected Trump. They had to come up with excuses rather than admit that they had nominated a flawed candidate.

If they admit to a flawed candidate, then that means they have to change their criteria.

This election we have two aged candidates, one, Trump, suffering from dementia, as well as other health problems,like being unable to control his bowels,and a candidate that is showing signs of old age. I'm 85 and have difficulty verbally expressing myself as well, he also suffers the disability of being politically raised to be "bipartisan" and is now forced to act contrary to his nature, where as Trump has been pugilistic all of his life.

The DNC, because of it's decades long policies and priorities has not developed young blood and the young blood that has been transfused, like the Progressive Caucus, is like transfusing A Negative into a B Positive blood stream..

The only candidates the Democrats have in their stable, are the old tired race horses that have been trodding around the paddock, picking up credentials, biding their time till hauled to the starting gate. They had a chance after the last election to change that but they keep selecting old school loyalists.

The problem is not just the DNC but the DCCC and DSCC, Pelosi absolutely hates progressives and the Freedom caucus, and backed a Demopub, Joseph Kennedy Jr, in his run for Senator against a tried and true progressive Sen Markey of Mass, and lost. She also backed a radical catholic anti Obama care, anti Choice homophobe , who against aMarie Newman, endorsed by the likes of Emily's list and the HRC in a run for Congress. She backed 7 term anti abortion, homophobic Dan Lipinski of Illinois against a pro choice, gay friendly

Lipinski had routinely voted against Pelosi as minority leader.

Pelosi is typical of professional Democrats she has no principles, party is all. She is also the 4th wealthiest Democratic Representative and the 7th Wealthiest Representative

here is a list of the wealthiest, it will amaze you and explain why we are in deep shit


Bottom line, the old guard, the equivocating, bipartisan professionals are terrified of new blood, new blood has taken over the Republican party with the ascent of the Trump cult, but there is no countervailing force its equal in the Democratic party, and thus the fascists are running roughshod over Democracy.

I maintain there are leftist fascists and rightist fascists, but all we have ever seen on the political scene is right wing fascists, Hitler, Mussolini, William Jennings Bryan, Huey Long, Father Coughlin, Pat Buchanan, Trump

The only left wing populist who has run for President is Bernie Sanders, but there has been a successful effort to smear all populism with the same brush, when the only populism that has succeed is right wing populism.

If interested there are articles on wikipedia about Left Wing Populism and Right Wing Populism, but I don't agree with them entirely. I know how wikipedia is edited and bias does show up.

As an example wikipedia styles the Sandinistas as left wing populism,, and they aren't as Daniel Ortega has subsequently proven.

The article on Right Wing populism claims that a quality is economic nationalism, and that is false, the left wants to keep investments and jobs in America, that is nationalism, while the right is globalist and financially backed by globalists.

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Good points. However, this time around, Biden HAD to announce two years ago that he was running again. If he hadn't, he'd have been treated like a 'lame duck' for the second half of his term. He had no choice. And I'd bet he'd prefer to not be running again, too!

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He could have changed his mind after he announced.

But the problem is that the DNC has not groomed anyone for the job,and are afraid to, those that have a chance of beating the Republicans are those popular with the people and have no baggage, and those types scare the donors who are a primary source of funds for the Democratic Party.

Look at how the DNC screwed up the Governorship of Virginia. Terry McAuliffe is one of the old tired race horses, waiting for his time to be called to the starting post, completely out of touch with the electorate and the popular mood. He said that teachers should have the right and say as to what is taught, and the mood in conservative areas especially, is that parents have that right. Result: Youngkin, who pretended to be reasonable, won and proved himself a MAGAt after taking office.

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I'm also pretty old; and I am quite sure that the times are finally changing. This election will be the last with the old guard running things. I'm eagerly waiting for the progressives to get a bigger voice.

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Good grief!! What's it going to TAKE?!! Where is the outrage this Monday morning?!! Seems like it's Business as usual in Washington. Makes me sick!!!

Thank you Thom for always speaking out against this horrific corruption. Alito and Thomas must go. Although I doubt they will. We must stop Trump at the Ballot box and reform the Court. That seems to be our only hope at this point.

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It takes a criminal investigation re bribery and perjury.

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Isn't that Garland's responsibility? And why hasn't Biden fired Garland?

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Because that would admit error, the media would claim that it was because of Hunter, and two Biden is not really in charge, no president is, even a Trump 47 will not be in charge, especially with dementia. The forces behind the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society will be ruining this country (not a misspelling)

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You're right too.

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That's a damn good question Bob!! Wish I knew the answer to that!!

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Political observers and reporters writing about the ongoing movements of our government must stop referring to Republicans as only controlling the House of Representatives. In effect, they control the Supreme Court even when people want to believe it is still an independent branch. Legislating from the bench was the goal as the nation changed demographically and as plutocratic policies proved ineffective and/or harmful.

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In addition to the upside down American flag, Alito also made questionable Bud Light stock sales during the Anti-LGBTQ boycott of Bud Light. Will Alito recuse himself from the Supreme Court case which will decide LGBTQ rights? Follow the timeline of Alito's stock sales.


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Takes a motion from a party. From this weekend. I still can't get over the fact that nobody asked in oral argument in the immunity cases why Thomas and Alito (and maybe Roberts) were participating since they should be disqualified after the November 13, 2023 ethics order. https://www.scotusblog.com/2023/11/the-new-scotus-code-of-conduct/

28 U.S. Code § 455 - Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge

(a)Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.

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It seems that the members of the court have pledged to stick together and defend the honor of the court, even when they all know that their bucket full of honor empty. That have been caught betraying their oath to the Constitution.

Almost all of them should resign.

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I agree. Thomas and Alito go first. At common law, could "challenge the array" for conspiracy. I realize there is no federal common law, but the appearance of impropriety is a low bar.

IMHO the allegations of bribery, perjury could be crimes and a grand jury should immediately seek the evidence. Takes DOJ to act. Roberts supposedly has sent the Thomas bribery allegations to the Judicial Conference for review. But that doesn't preclude a criminal investigation. Time is "of the essence." Democracy is at stake. The allegations of a national security breach in the Mar a Lago case should require a speedy trial. SCOTUS may be complicit.

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DOJ is Marrick Garland Daniel, and we know that he ir compromised and/or complicit.

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Please say more about that William.

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Here goes Eadie.

1. He was vetted to Obama, who wanted a win, to be able to claim that he appointed a Justice on the Supreme Court, by Orrin Hatch R UT who at the time was the most openly right wing Senator.

2. He worked for the Federalist Society as a moderator, ten times.

3. He wasn't going to investigate, much less prosecute Trump until forced into it by his peers, esteemed jurists who wrote an open letter, and the media, Then he appointed Jack Smith, whom I am beginning to have my own suspicions.

4. He has only prosecuted the cannon fodder of Jan 6th, and most he let off with a slap on the wrist, misdemeanors and not the felony for an insurrection and assaulting the capitol, The only ones that received a real sentence, were the ring leaders of the cannon fodder.

5. He never prosecuted the ring leaders and planners in Congress, nor in the administration. The only prosecutor who has brought charges is a state prosecutor in Georgia, not a federal prosecutor.

6. Although the documents crime was committed in D.C., when Waltine Nauta moved the boxes from the White Houe to a Van, and then to the Airport and loaded on a plane, Garland had the case to be tried in Trumps turf in Florida, by a craven lackey judge that he appointed, using the excuse (a lie) that that is where the crime occurred

7. He appointed Aileen Cannon, whose only experience was a magistrate judge, and who is a Trump loyalist as the presiding judge.

Again he used a fallacious excuse that she was selected by chance.

Supposedly the selection of federal judges in the past was by what they cal lthe wheel, so named for the wheel of fortune, but they no longer use the "wheel"

It is evident to all but the wilfully blind, that Garland under false pretenses moved the documents trial to the Southern District of Florida, and then choose a Trump lackey to preside.

It is also fitting that West Palm Beach, (Mar a Lago) is only 33 minutes/17 miles from Jupiter, Fl, which is the historic winter home of traveling circuses.

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Knowing all that and doing still nothing means that those dems are just supporting von trump. Grow a pair and fight! Mama mia

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What I’m beginning to find totally bewildering is how little stomach Democrats have to pursue the Ginni/Clarence Thomas grifting and the support Alito has given to the traitors of January 6th. Meanwhile the Fascist Republicans continue their Benghazi style Kangaroo Court hearings for months predicated on nothing; no evidence whatsoever.

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I don't understand why she is not a defendant in the Arizona fake elector state case. Waiting for a similar case in Wisconsin. At a minimum, she is a material witness against Thomas' former law clerk, Eastman, who is a defendant in GA and AZ.

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Dan, you bring up a great point in the AZ fake elector case. I’ve also come to believe that the cabal of McConnell, Leonard Leo, and the Federalist Society facilitated a much broader and deeper court packing, handing Fascist loving judges gavels in Federal Circuit courts and even state courts.

We have falsely come to rely on the Court system as a “check” to legislative and executive excesses. Now they serve to override settled law, and to gin up BS far right right interpretations of what the Founders must have been thinking back in in 1787 and introducing bizarre “common law” that wasn’t the least bit common.

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May 20Liked by Thom Hartmann

Here's a piece by Thom Hartmann that should be read by every single human being in the United States - preferably before November.

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Senator Dip Durbin needs to hear from us NOW!

(202) 224-2152

Call to tell him to get off his ass and perhaps do the work we are paying him for. Get the god damned resignation or impeachment hearings going NOW!

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They’ve got the #Trumpster “dead to rights” if all Twelve (12) brave jurors in Manhattan vote to convict the #Orange-McMuffin for withholding key info prior to his original year 2016 election “steal”.

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May 20·edited May 20

Let us hope that the one juror who gets all his news from Truth Social can be impartial and believe facts. That one might have been over the limit to excuse.

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That #Kleptokratic, #Facist, #Racist, #Trump ain't never gonna allow a "colored" person to run again in a general election let alone win a general election if he gets elected again. Light's out for that!

So, how many "colored" folk do you see over at the #Kremlin?

Respuesta: "Zip, Zero, Nada!" C=> https://vonschitzenpants.store #ThinkAndGrowRich!

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Maggie Reed over at Tikity-Tok did a skit and coined Michael Cohen's "shout out" ... Apparently, the #Trumpster is not able to make the head in time opting not for the throne, but for while he's snoozing at his legal desk in front of the judge up in Manhattan!

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This is obviously sedition. It was all spelled out in Eastman’s plan, which he knew was illegal. But the court made sure no one will go to trial for any of that because they are part of it. Really, if Merrick Garland had the nerve he would have 4 of them arrested. They are part of the insurrection.

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Thom, your thoughts on what should be done are on the mark but will never happen. The long game of the morbidly rich has succeeded. Our legislators and courts are bought and paid for in sufficient numbers to deny any prospect of preserving our country under the rule of law. I may stop commenting, as I fear we are checkmated. Oh, I will still do all that I can to help bring out the biggest blue vote possible in November. When we lose, as a relatively privileged white person, my family and I will only suffer whatever vindictive measures tfg and his cultists can inflict on we Californians, whom he hates.

But I say to everyone progressive, healthier and younger, to borrow from tfg in part, be prepared. Exercise those Second Amendment rights more sacred to the right-wingers than the right to vote. Because they are showing us another sad truth, born out by history, one that is a logical evolution of their own perverse position. If money is speech, then, I would argue, so are bullets. They may become the primary form of speech after November. So be prepared. Stand up, but stand by. An evil wind is blowing, sown by the morbidly, what was the GOP before it became the cult of tfg, and the parasitical media that serves them. We are all going to reap the whirlwind. I am not a person angry by nature, generally stoic to a fault. But I am angry that I have lived to witness what I believe is the end of what was good in this country, and that I ever had the misfortune of hearing, seeing, or reading about the flatulent faux orange hemorrhoid known as tfg. Were it not for my family, my friends, my newly-found but deep religious faith, I would leap gladly into the grave. May God have mercy on us all.

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That is the only way to describe what is happening an ongoing, slow moving coup.

IMO there are three forces at work.

1. The complicit judiciary

2. A complicit or frightened prosecutors. I just read that the prosecutors in the NY trial could have filed a motion with Merchan, to have Trump jailed for violating the gag order. Regardless Merchan is obviously intimidated. It is becoming apparent that Jack Smith is also intimidated, as he could have and should have had Aileen Cannon removed from the case. It is my opinion that we are being Muellerized again. The Mueller investigation was a nothing burger, Jack Smith will be one as well.

3. A complicit and corrupt media. Beholden to advertisers and board of directors, or owned by ideologically/financially tainted persons (the media is interested only in self preservation.

When faced with two opposing forces, one of which is vengeful, the other of which is magnanimous, and the vengeful appears more powerful which side do you think the profit motive media comes down on the side of.?

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Just make the rules of the lower courts what the Supreme court must abide by. By executive order if need be.

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Supposedly done on November 13, 2023. Statement of the Court Regarding the Code of Conduct https://www.supremecourt.gov › about › Code-of-...

PDF https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/Code-of-Conduct-for-Justices_November_13_2023.pdf

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Well here we are back at the crossroads of what is technically legal and what is unethical. What looks improper and smacks of bribery and bias may not be that easy to to prove. Going to court or the Congress to rid us of these judicial jerks isn't that easy.

The real problem is Thomas and Alito do not CARE what they look like. They are at the pinnacle of the court system; they already agree with the billionaires, so why not take the RV and the fishing trips. Hanging a flag upside down? Lying to get confirmed? Prove what is truly in my mind you silly people with ethics and standards!

Dick Durbin is a lawyer. The appearance of bias is very plain to most people. These Senators are not most people, and an impeachment requires two thirds of them to agree. The Constitution says they "....shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour." Well hell people, what's the problem? That's not vague at all!

Just saying Senator Durbin must be thinking about winning a conviction and what losing will mean as well. Hard times for people who have to deal with those judges and justices that could care less how their "behaviour" appears.

Bias and deceit have become the Republican platform. They made it official by backing that psychopath Trump when they could have convicted him in the Senate.

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May 20·edited May 20

I can find nothing in our Constitution or laws, that provide for the removal of Supreme Court Justices, therefore it seems to me that he who giveth, can also taketh away.

Supreme court Justices are seated after approval by the U.S. Senate, not the House, just the Senate, thus it follows that all it takes is a majority of the Senate to remove him, not two thirds, not three/fifths, but the same number that seated them in the first place.

All it takes now, is a Democratic party with cajones, Fallopian Tubes, a spine, intestinal fortitude.

Qualities I have not yet enountered/

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Ya well, the President is put into office by a simple majority of electors.

I just think it's time to stop expecting miracles from the Dems to clean-up after these damn rotten Republicans, especially when we don't have the House and we barely have a majority in the Senate.

If there was ever a time to be realistic, it is when your opponents are living in an alternate reality.

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I do not disagree, I do not expect anything of the Democratic party, but I know one thing they aren't Trump and MAGAts, and that is the best I can hope for, and probably what they are depending on.

Once again I will be voting against and not for.

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I heartily agree. Impeach them both and expand the court. It’s just too infuriating! Do we have to obey such corrupt people?

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I almost forgot. Thank you Thom for the well laid down take down, again.

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It feels like 24 A D. It is hard to believe any American would vote for an autocracy. They are not going to like one, especially if they do not make a million dollars a year.

Religion, the family unit and unlimited greed stopped the evolution of the human race.

The right wingers actually want paid for overthrowing our government, and turning America into a third world house of horrors, and they have been paid well by the taxpayers and the foreign and domestic billionaires.

You can never trust a right-winger, even when they wear suits! Especially then.

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It has been said, that SETI is pointing their telescopes in the wrong direction, instead of towards the stars, they should be pointed to the earth.

Humanity is narcissistic and arrogant, it thinks that it is the center of the universe and everything revolves around them.

Despite talks of the future, posterity, what they think of is the moment. People, including billionaires, take the future for granted and believe that the future will be the same as the present, only better if they can affect the changes they desire.

If the billionaires funding Trump win, the America that emerges at the other end of the tunnel will be much different than today, a third wold country. Production and consumption drop off in some areas,. The price of vegetable, chicken and pork will escalate.

Immigration restrictions and enforcement

will cut off the supply of cheap labor, and red states, which are agrarian, will lower the child labor laws, like Arkansas already has.

I can see productivity falling off in the blue states,

The demand for cheap processed foods will accelerate, especially in red state, as will rates of obesity and diabetes.

The liberal middle and upper class will find themselves under assault, and that will affect consumer demand and productivity,, and as a consequence tax revenue.

If Trump follows through, and I am sure that he will or at least try, to round up immigrants, and even 1st generation Americans., maybe even 2nd Gen if Islamic. He will have to defend the Pentagon, again, to build the concentration camps.

It can't be done, yous say, all he has to do is use a pretext, like demonstrations against him, with violence initiated by inserted provocateurs to declare a national emergency and invoke martial law, then it's Katie bar the gates.. cause all hell wil break loose.

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I almost totally agree with you. I don't think he will send back young healthy productive immigrants, the right wingers will send only the criminals and elderly and disabled mentally or physically back to their countries of origin if they don't get sent to the work camps to never be seen again! I see no minimum wage or social security in about 2 or 3 years after dONALD'S anointment. The rich do not want to feed a bunch of unproductive American citizens, old people or disabled people or criminals of all races, they will be sent off to work camps where they will never be seen again, about 40 million in my opinion. There won't be enough jobs to go around and the poor will play musical chairs to get the jobs and the losers will get sent to those work camps. The law will be used to punish the intellectuals until the whole nation eventually crumbles to a third world status and the rich move to Greenland. This could all be in the next 50 years. That is my male intuition!

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Trump has already said that he will deport Muslims. As regards Latino's, who knows. I do know that there are those like Mayra Flores of Texas 18 district, that though a naturalized immigrant herself, wants to close the door and deport those that came through after her.

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The billionaires who gave us immigration will not send back cheap labor healthy immigrants! They would much rather dispose of the useless eater American citizens first. You can't believe anything a republican says especially Donald. I have been burnt out on immigrants of all races for 40 years.

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As am I. However business thrives on and needs them to increase profitability, and liberals, bless their bleeding hearts, want them all, even at the cost of the demise of not only their culture but of democracy itself.

You would think that immigrants and their children and grandchildren would be the strongest advocates of the freedoms and opportunity that democracy offers, but no. Some are most certainly, but then there are the Mayra Flores, 18 District Texas, Vivak Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley's and the millions of Republican and Trump voters.

And the problems in Europe,with the rise of the right and fascism is in response to the flood of immigrants from the Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, and Africa, bringing with them the oppressive culture that they flee for the liberty of democracy, only to turn the open democratic culture that they welcome into a carbon copy of the oppressive culture that they fled.

That is what people do, in fact that is what Americans have done

The pilgrims fled what they consider an oppressive regime, only to create an even more oppressive regime. There are political regimes and culture and cultural regimes, cultural regimes always "Trump" political regimes, and cultural regimes become the political regime, witness Islamic countries. where religion rules the masses..

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