The term “neoliberalism” hides more than it illuminates. It’s just your standard free market economics ala’ the textbooks … markets, left to themselves, always & everywhere settle at an equilibrium where sellers can sell all they want at the equilibrium price & buyers can buy all they want at the equilibrium price.
The term “neoliberalism” hides more than it illuminates. It’s just your standard free market economics ala’ the textbooks … markets, left to themselves, always & everywhere settle at an equilibrium where sellers can sell all they want at the equilibrium price & buyers can buy all they want at the equilibrium price.
It’s 19th century Social Darwinism dressed up in math.
Before it was neoliberalism we in the States called it Chicago Economics. This in turn is just the same old same old textbook micro economics.
The assumptions needed for this model to “work” are utterly absurd. Perfect competition in all industries (no oligopolies no monopolies), everyone has “perfect knowledge,” (that’s a howler), no buyer or seller is large enough to affect the market outcome (tell that to Muskrat), and there is no product differentiation (a shoe is a shoe is a shoe … Manola Whatever’s don’t exist … neither do converse sketchers or Steve Madden).
So basically if you assume away the real world you can construct a model that “proves” markets are the best best bestest way to organize the economy. Horse poop.
Despite its gross inadequacies this is what economics has on offer. Applied oligarchy?
Anyway … the economists failed us way before the legacy media did.
Susan we are beyond neo liberalism and as I told another on Robert Reich we are beyond neo Conservatism.
This is pure libertarian anti government. Steve Bannon's wet dream of dismantling the administrative state, and replacing it with a a 4th Reich of the rich.
BTW have you noticed, I have, that the Putinesque trolls have in the main dropped the Genocide Joe act, and now are concentrating their comments on Ukraine and how we are Warpigs and responsible for that war.
I called them out long ago, but not that it is no longer a liberal President, but a Right wing (supposedly) Government, that will be immune to entreaties and demonstrations from the left, the focus is now on "Warpigs" and Ukraine.
When Ukraine is forced into submission, all of this talk of War Pigs willl disappear.
Just like the RFK jr and Jill Stein trolls disappeared, as I predicted, on November 6th, only to reappear in different screen names as "peaceniks"
Our neoliberalism and free markets a lie for they’ve been laced with corrupt pay-to-play actors and systems affirming same, a deeply dysfunctional Congress not legislating for decades, a runaway right wingnut SCOTUS bench-legislating us into authoritarianism, epic drip-drip wealth shifts unnoticed by the people and wildly out of control industrial strength media lie machines unchecked unregulated and enabled by a hang-your-spine-at-the-door & visionless congress.
Neo liberalism and free markets are not a lie Nicole, they are functioning perfectly, what is a lie is how they defined them to us, the gullible, the ignorant.
The Christian Jesus said, "come unto me as a child", meaning vapid, stupid, a blank slate. Ignatius Loyala, founder of the Order of Jesus, Jesuits, said give me a lad by the age of 8, and I will own him the rest of his life.
Education works the same way. We enter the hallowed halls, and are empty vessels, only to have them filled with approved ideas and concepts, what is not taught however is critical thinking. Those who go onto study science, believe that they are taught critical thing, but they are kept within confined parameters, like peer review, falsification and inductive reasoning is elvevate to a sacred sacrament.
If you want to pass, especially with Honors or Highest Honors, and want a job post grad, then you had best kneel on the hassock.
And kneeling on the hassock, initiates cognitive dissonance, that uncomfortable physical state when the mind and the mouth are discordant. To overcome this uncomfortable state one then convinces them-self that they are true disciples, and the most adamant of disciples.
In the Sectarian world, you can see cognitive dissonance at work in the fanatic behavior of converts. Their fanaticism is the ego convince the id, that they are genuine.
Hmm, I suppose I can agree with some of your thoughts though failures in the current clusterfuck called America attributable to the bible and religiosity well beyond my assessment.
I feel it is simply a failure of American systems of government to manage natural evil inclinations of men - most, not all.
Founding fathers’ document possessed reasonable checks and balances to manage corrupt actors in new freely elected democratic republic. The extremely dishonorable, they knew, could destroy. Remember, “…a democracy if you can keep it…?”
Laws protecting from a few powerful pigs feeding in the trough at the expense of society have failed.
Our founding fathers document is a lawyers dream, enough holes to drive a truck through and they have done it, except where it suits their purpose.
Take the 2nd Amendment , “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”.
That was then, when the founders feared an army, because in Europe the army was used to oust the regime.
1789 and the French Revolution is a prime example.
The need of the 2nd Amendment is obsolete. We not only have a regulate militia called the National Guard, but we have one hell of an Army, Navy and Air Force to protect us, but the Supreme Court bows to gun manufacturers and the paranoid fascistic right.
We may be a nation of laws, but the laws are made by men.
Nothing is attributable to the bible, the bible is nothing but a book of myths, made up shit,, mixed in with a little jumbled history, and again it is a product of men. Men with their own motives and agenda.
The term “neoliberalism” hides more than it illuminates. It’s just your standard free market economics ala’ the textbooks … markets, left to themselves, always & everywhere settle at an equilibrium where sellers can sell all they want at the equilibrium price & buyers can buy all they want at the equilibrium price.
It’s 19th century Social Darwinism dressed up in math.
Before it was neoliberalism we in the States called it Chicago Economics. This in turn is just the same old same old textbook micro economics.
The assumptions needed for this model to “work” are utterly absurd. Perfect competition in all industries (no oligopolies no monopolies), everyone has “perfect knowledge,” (that’s a howler), no buyer or seller is large enough to affect the market outcome (tell that to Muskrat), and there is no product differentiation (a shoe is a shoe is a shoe … Manola Whatever’s don’t exist … neither do converse sketchers or Steve Madden).
So basically if you assume away the real world you can construct a model that “proves” markets are the best best bestest way to organize the economy. Horse poop.
Despite its gross inadequacies this is what economics has on offer. Applied oligarchy?
Anyway … the economists failed us way before the legacy media did.
Susan we are beyond neo liberalism and as I told another on Robert Reich we are beyond neo Conservatism.
This is pure libertarian anti government. Steve Bannon's wet dream of dismantling the administrative state, and replacing it with a a 4th Reich of the rich.
Ask her who she supported.......
Ask who Daniel?
Susan.... sounds like she helped elect Trump......
Yeh, I got that Daniel.
BTW have you noticed, I have, that the Putinesque trolls have in the main dropped the Genocide Joe act, and now are concentrating their comments on Ukraine and how we are Warpigs and responsible for that war.
I called them out long ago, but not that it is no longer a liberal President, but a Right wing (supposedly) Government, that will be immune to entreaties and demonstrations from the left, the focus is now on "Warpigs" and Ukraine.
When Ukraine is forced into submission, all of this talk of War Pigs willl disappear.
Just like the RFK jr and Jill Stein trolls disappeared, as I predicted, on November 6th, only to reappear in different screen names as "peaceniks"
A new screen name is Rick Sender.
Our neoliberalism and free markets a lie for they’ve been laced with corrupt pay-to-play actors and systems affirming same, a deeply dysfunctional Congress not legislating for decades, a runaway right wingnut SCOTUS bench-legislating us into authoritarianism, epic drip-drip wealth shifts unnoticed by the people and wildly out of control industrial strength media lie machines unchecked unregulated and enabled by a hang-your-spine-at-the-door & visionless congress.
Neo liberalism and free markets are not a lie Nicole, they are functioning perfectly, what is a lie is how they defined them to us, the gullible, the ignorant.
The Christian Jesus said, "come unto me as a child", meaning vapid, stupid, a blank slate. Ignatius Loyala, founder of the Order of Jesus, Jesuits, said give me a lad by the age of 8, and I will own him the rest of his life.
Education works the same way. We enter the hallowed halls, and are empty vessels, only to have them filled with approved ideas and concepts, what is not taught however is critical thinking. Those who go onto study science, believe that they are taught critical thing, but they are kept within confined parameters, like peer review, falsification and inductive reasoning is elvevate to a sacred sacrament.
If you want to pass, especially with Honors or Highest Honors, and want a job post grad, then you had best kneel on the hassock.
And kneeling on the hassock, initiates cognitive dissonance, that uncomfortable physical state when the mind and the mouth are discordant. To overcome this uncomfortable state one then convinces them-self that they are true disciples, and the most adamant of disciples.
In the Sectarian world, you can see cognitive dissonance at work in the fanatic behavior of converts. Their fanaticism is the ego convince the id, that they are genuine.
Hmm, I suppose I can agree with some of your thoughts though failures in the current clusterfuck called America attributable to the bible and religiosity well beyond my assessment.
I feel it is simply a failure of American systems of government to manage natural evil inclinations of men - most, not all.
Founding fathers’ document possessed reasonable checks and balances to manage corrupt actors in new freely elected democratic republic. The extremely dishonorable, they knew, could destroy. Remember, “…a democracy if you can keep it…?”
Laws protecting from a few powerful pigs feeding in the trough at the expense of society have failed.
Slipping over the edge…
Our founding fathers document is a lawyers dream, enough holes to drive a truck through and they have done it, except where it suits their purpose.
Take the 2nd Amendment , “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”.
That was then, when the founders feared an army, because in Europe the army was used to oust the regime.
1789 and the French Revolution is a prime example.
The need of the 2nd Amendment is obsolete. We not only have a regulate militia called the National Guard, but we have one hell of an Army, Navy and Air Force to protect us, but the Supreme Court bows to gun manufacturers and the paranoid fascistic right.
We may be a nation of laws, but the laws are made by men.
Nothing is attributable to the bible, the bible is nothing but a book of myths, made up shit,, mixed in with a little jumbled history, and again it is a product of men. Men with their own motives and agenda.