And I get labeled with 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' by some of my Rightest friends ... who are turning into acquaintances.

Never tRump, never again anywhere near the seat of gov't. This is the only thing that matters. International affairs, economy, border, etc., all take a second seat.


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Orban will do to Hungary what Pinochet did in Chile: BOTH worked closely with Libertarian Fascists from the USA. Bannon is an idiot—he apparently doesn’t read history closely and is taking credit for a movement that he didn’t start. Bannon and tRump latched onto the Libertarian movement because it is unbridled capitalism that mercilessly exploits whole populations before absconding with all the riches.

Trump is a Russian mobster in league with “oligarchs” serving Mogilevich’s Mob.

The Libertarian Cadre (their words) are spearheaded today by Charles Koch’s Gang and their “oh-so-secret” Mt. Pelerin Society. The Cato Institute, Heritage Foundation, George Mason U, among others, are the seat of libertarian, neonazi fascism. They just happen to play well with the Russian Mob. Both use dictates from Lenin to convince/indoctrinate populations to accept policies that actual harm people.

What they have in common is Lenin and Greed.

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How much you wanna bet that Orban arrives at Mar-a-lago with a suitcase full of bearer bonds?

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Let’s REMIND everyone, that the people who worked hard to steal elections and to get ORBAN in power were hired by the RNC (Libertarians) long before tRump. Arthur Friedberg’s “kids”: Rick Gates, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone—were all operators backing Putin’s interests. They also meddled in Ukraine and it was a major victory for democracy when Yanukovych was sent packing to Moscow. The RNC works with Putin—Libertarian Fascism, in the name of “free capitalism” is just another way for oligarchs to steal wealth. They did this to Chile with Pinochet; they put Orban into power in Hungary; they are relentless, greedy fascists.

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I read this article and what I see is a Extremist, trans denomination, alliance under the banner of religion, Anchored in the west if Trump becomes President, in the East by Putin and in the Center by Orban.

Orban was elected because of Muslim immigration, he promised to build a fence and he did.

Trump has pledged to deport Muslims and revoke their citizenships.

A new crusade?

So much for the uncommitted, finger flipping, 100,000 in Michigan. Michigan could very well be the hingepin in the election. Muslims are blackmailing Biden and the Dems over HAMAS, they might very well be the reason Trump becomes 47.

And then they can blame themselves for what follows, but of course they won't, they will blame Biden.

But blame doesn't matter, not when you are being rounded up

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Yeap. Orban is no good at all. All has been corrupted. His friends and family placed in powerful position are squeezing whatever they can to accumulate more wealth. This no soft fascism at all!

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Trump is basically ignorant .

Like most men with Authoritarian fathers, he loves leaders like Putin ,Orban and other fascists.

He will do anything for approval from these monsters.

His mental illness, Malignant Narcissism allows him no concern for anyone but himself and his power.

He has been a great

Influence over other people with their own limitations regarding feeling a sense of personal power.

The past several years have carried the foreboding of fascism because the Maga cult has had Orban involved in all of the Republicans planning sessions, CPAC etc . They went to Hungary for one of these sessions , certainly not normal in a Democracy.

They went to Russia for the Fourth of July.

The desire we’ve had to not see ‘the writing on the wall ‘ has worked . Fascism has increased every year since Trump began his attempt to erode democracy.

Orban preaches against aid to Ukraine. Trump preaches against aid to Ukraine. Mike Johnson refuses to allow a vote in the House for aid to Ukraine. All lemmings who do not have the slightest care for what the people in this country the US want.

These people are not our representatives.

They are our detractors. And they should be removed from office.

Trump should never be returned to office.

Common sense and the 14 th amendment, part 3 .

But of course the Supreme Courts tendency to authoritarianism , has been fully on display in recent years.

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Interesting in that it maps out how long a war these individuals have been fighting against Enlightenment rule of law democracies. I believe it would be far more useful to Putin to allow Trump to be publicly bankrupted than pay his criminal charges as it would be a more invisible and therein effective political destabilisation of the US. Apparently Steve Bannon was on a major British radio station (LBC) earlier, singing the praises of GB’s Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer who, like previous Labour leader Tony Blair, also has Murdoch’s support. Dark days.

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A few years ago I visited my relatives and Hungary. All in all it was an interesting experience. Capitalism is alive and hungry but it's dying off. When I ask my relatives about Orban they told mean that they weren't really that happy with their government. But when I press them on it they said they really don't want to talk about it. When I asked why they said they didn't want any trouble from the government, didn't want a visit from the police or have to go to court for anything because they knew that the courts really did not work in favor of the citizens of Hungary. After that they just shut up. They refuse to speak about Orban for fear that they would get in serious trouble and even be arrested or even jailed. It was notable that they had nothing good to say about Orban and feared saying anything that the government could take as a crime against them. What a world to live in. I wonder if Americans really knew about that world if they would really want it.

We went back to enjoying Hungarian culture and visiting famous places where no one spoke about the government at all. I am totally certain there are Hungarian fascists and they're also a majority Hungarian citizens living in fear of those fascists. And that's really become a nation of fear and nation of threats and suppression.

I enjoyed visiting my relatives but was quite happy to escape to Austria on my way back to England and then the US where I felt fairly secure until the Rump came along. You know the rest.

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And the only strategy that matters is that the Dem party have a low information Dem voter base issues that get them out to vote which is 3 or 4 economic issues like healthcare, housing, education, etc... AND daily repeating them as the first issues out of their mouth by all Dem politicians and liberal radio hosts and news organizations. All other actions do not matter as much as that voter base strategy. You can be absolutely certain the Repubs will be doing so as they always do because it works.

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

The Nazi-Foxian-Right is too stupid to come up with an original blueprint for a fascist outcome.

So, in the same way the LAPD's unoriginal bust of Mickey Cohen in 1951, had to mirror the Feds who, 2 decades earlier, busted Al Capone on a tax beef, Trumpist have to follow the lead of a once brilliant, Hungarian student (Orban) who succumbed to his disgusting, gangster, Freudian-Id.

I feel sorry for any nation that succumbs to Orban's self-indulgent madness.

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It’s all about the money. Follow the money trail. Look at Chile in the 70’s —the exact, same Libertarians that cannibalized Chile are at work in eastern Europe, except they also are aligned with Putin. SAME NAMES AND FACES. And they are entrenched in the US—the Cato Institute , the Heritage Foundation, the George Mason U. Law and economics departments. All stem back to Buchanan, Milton Friedman, Charles Koch & Gang.

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Trump has colossal Daddy issues.

But he's looking for Fred in ALL the wrong places: Russia, N. Korea, Hungary.

Maybe he wants Orban to tuck him in tonight ; the way Fred never did.

Wakeup, Donald. Freddie's dead.

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Morning, I thought US citizens were barred from having private conversations with other governments? Is that not a thing?

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Ending human suffering is how to serve God! The gop's economic policies does just the opposite. Victor Orban's economy has been shrinking and so has Putin's. The fascists exist to exploit the poor as much as possible.

The fascist promote religion because they know that they will raise a bunch of useful idiots or dunderheads. All while, torturing and exterminating, honest, Godly and sane humans.

Victor Orban's Hungary has a socialist tax structure for the poor and a capitalist tax structure for the rich just like America currently does.

Hungary rewards people for having babies and punishes people for not having babies that will grow up to be used and abused. If they turn to crime they will probably just be disappeared somewhere. Instead of humanely treating people, the fascists will just exterminate everyone they don't like. Honest people especially. The mentally ill and physically disabled and the old people and all the other so-called, undesirables.

With the invention of electronic surveillance, a right wing Utopia is now possible, until they destroy the Earth. 60 years ago the capitalists could see this day coming and have been making plans in my opinion to take advantage of the more Godly, regardless of religion or lack of religion.

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I am a retired psychiatrist of Hungarian descent and sympathetic to the Hungarian worldview, particularly the invasion of migrants up the Danube from the Middle East and for many centuries, not unlike our current crisis at our southern border. Human overpopulation is the key problem here and elsewhere. As for the constant beating of the "fascist" drum, I've yet to see any commentator who understands the definition of a "fascist" government: authoritarian, combining many or all of the wealthy/powerful elements of a society, uniformitarian, celebrating strength, and harkening back to the Roman "fasces", a bundle of sticks with an axe, which could be administered by a Roman magistrate either to chastise or execute a defendant. Our dear Abe Lincoln has one under each hand in his famous seated statue, and the symbol is on our money. I must ask our dear Thom to focus on the US, rather than stick his nose into the affairs of other nations and their often unique problems, although I ask the same of Viktor Orban as well, or Putin, Xi, etc. Our Mad King (wannabe) Donald is an American problem and must be dealt with by American means, whether by sticks or axe. America teeters on the verge of a fascist government, with or without Mr. Trump.

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