This is a beautiful piece. Every guy aspiring "to be a man" should understand what's in this writing. And practice it.

Empathy, compassion, and humility take courage - and actual courage in action and word define individual strength.

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You don't have to be Jewish. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mensch

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Thom’s article today touchs on the most basic issue. A “real man” like Fred Trump passing on to his son Donald the sickness of fear, brutality, racism, bigotry, violence and ignorance. End result is a child man who never matured past 5 years old. Donald took his privilege and cleverly leveraged it to build his world of lies, bullying and fraud. He is the most toxic role model our young generation could have.

The coronavirus was a warning of how devastating the MAGA Trump virus could be. We need to stamp it out in November. The health of our country depends on it.

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Check your registration! Thom and Palast on YouTube but here's closest i can get: https://alternativetentacles.com/blogs/news/watch-greg-palasts-new-film-vigilantes-inc

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The vast divide between the two sides has never been clearer. I'll side with compassion and empathy (and guys who fix their own cars) over anyone on the other side. Soul wins every time. And so many republicans seem to have lost theirs.

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"When Republican President Dwight Eisenhower deported just short of a million “illegal immigrants” in the 1950s in his infamous Operation Wetback, an estimated 20,000 American citizens were swept up and deported to Mexico along with non-citizens."

The Trump administration toyed with de-naturalization. "The Trump Administration’s Plan to Strip Citizenship from Thousands of Americans The Trump Administration has launched a denaturalization operation—a project to strip a large number of Americans of their citizenship. Denaturalization is a drastic measure that should only be taken in the most extreme circumstances. But the administration is dramatically expanding denaturalization, using questionable standards and proceedings. As with many other components of its agenda, the Trump administration is discarding longstanding legal norms and protections by adding U.S citizens to its list of targeted individuals, and thereby sending the message that no one is safe in the United States of America. These efforts to strip citizenship from Americans are systemic and chilling. They have made U.S. citizens fearful that mistakes made years ago on their past applications could be used to target them, take away their citizenship, and destroy their lives. The Trump administration’s denaturalization efforts have made lawful permanent residents scared to pursue citizenship and fully engage civically. What was once a celebratory moment recognizing an immigrant’s integration into American life now comes with an undercurrent of fear and suspicion. The Trump administration yet again uses draconian and constitutionally questionable tactics in pursuit of its nationalist vision of who belongs in the United States."

Trump threatens his political opponents.


The 2025 Project would expand it. Some of the threats sound like that people who actively oppose Trump could be targets.

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I posted a blog recently on Substack titled "Freedom Blog—Man Up." In it I confessed to not being a fan of my gender, saying: "The first and simplest reason is world history, with men in charge. The second reason is toxic masculinity which manifests itself in too many ways to get into in this blog." Later in the blog I wrote: "Our reality is sickening, the majority of us white males share the MAGA Party’s values: misogyny, narcissism, racism, toxic masculinity, Christian Nationalism, and anti-Democracy beliefs." The point of my blog was to say that real men will vote for Harris/Walz. Real men need to re-claim our gender. Walz and Emhoff (there are many others) are great models. Spot on, Thom.

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Can't like, so like: "Feminism" was not about beating men up for being men! Old Green "Post-patriarchal Values" was not an attack on men! Believe me, women mother the SYSTEM! I used laundromats for some years, and was struck by mothers who would bring, say, a little boy and a little girl in, and little girl would help momma with the laundry while little boy would bounce off the walls, while momma talked a litany of what a slob daddy was, had to pick all his stuff up off the floor.... But wait! Right now? Is there a sleeping "constituency" of men who used to have "a good time" and whoops, and suddenly he can't give her a few bucks and a ride, no hard feelins darlin'.... All we hear about is her choice.

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Thank you, Thom. Your description of Trump, Vance, and their ilk as “pre—adolescent“ is spot on. All of them seem to be stuck at the phase of development where boys are attracted to girls, but still think they have cooties. The video you mention of Tim fixing his car is the polar opposite of all this, and so refreshing and welcome. More of this – – much more – – is necessary for our society.

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In this toxic political climate, it doesn't take a genius to understand why women said they'd choose the bear.

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In a society with a pop culture obsessed with super heroes and super villains, what is it that distinguishes between the two types? Isn’t it compassion, the capacity for love, and what we used to call common decency (combined with some extraordinary power to act for good)? What is so hard about applying these obvious tests to our candidates for political leadership? We all still possess one super power…the vote.

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Exactly - you hit on it. The super heroes exhibit compassion. The super villains don’t. Even in action movies where the protagonist is a little “messy”, the heroes are still the ones who exhibit compassion.

There is NO Captain America, No Dominic Toretto in Trump’s version of America. Trump wants the scumbags they kill off to run the country.

Why do these movies make money internationally? Because people want heroes! They are sick and tired of the narcissists running the world.

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Ms. G, perhaps you are too young to remember the 1950's Senate hearings about the relationship between Superman comic books and juvenile delinquency. The publisher of the comic was subpoenaed and he testified before the senate subcommittee. The publisher claimed that Superman was not a bad or inappropriate model for youth. But instead a good model because he punished the criminals in society with his unmatched strength.

The committee chair pointed out that in those comics, Superman " took the law into his own hands" and meted out "justice" as he saw fit. Illegally abrogating the laws of society and demonstrating to the young readers that "might makes right." This is clearly not the correct, healthy message to send to America's youth. I agree whole-heartedly with the

committee's assessment. The committee was claiming that such superhero comics contributed to juvenile delinquency. I do not argue with the committee's claim. But I do not believe in the extreme claim that such comics "cause" delinquency. After studying and teaching Criminology for four decades I have come to the conclusion that such claims are oversimplified nonsense.

Please think again about the worth of an actual "superhero." Possibly a better message to send our youth is that our legal institutions should be designed in such a way as to deal in a just fashion with all of us. The young, and all of us, should be informed that in our criminal courts the accused is assumed to be without guilt until the government proves otherwise.

The proper response to social problems is to organize the community and come to an agreement upon the best way to deal with the problems. We do this in the US. It is called Democracy. We do not rely upon "Strong Men" or "Super Heroes." That is the way of the dictator.

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Sir we are being presented with the choice of Democracy OR a Dictatorship. That is precisely my point! Our justice system has failed the population miserably. Justice delayed is justice denied. The system appears to be broken. The Republican Party is pushing “toxic masculinity”. Might makes right. That concept is anathema to the modern superhero concept. They may have flaws, but overall they are compassionate and protect the vulnerable. It’s not reality but it’s not the toxic masculinity boys and young women are being presented with either. I wasn’t a big comics buff. I like the action movies.

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Look out for Republican Kryptonite on your "superpower!" I can't find Thom and Palast on YouTube, but here's this: https://alternativetentacles.com/blogs/news/watch-greg-palasts-new-film-vigilantes-inc You think you are registered to vote? Guess again!

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Quotable quote for the 21st Century Thom:

"Man-as-predator-and-dominator must be replaced with man-as-partner-and-cooperator if the young men in our society are to progress and grow beyond Trump’s emotionally stunted preadolescent stage of development."

Where would that leave Football, Ice Hockey, wresting, marital arts, boxing.It sure would cut down on crime. Not to worry about national defense, basic military training will take care of that, just as did in WWI and WWII.

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When we were kids, every male faced the military draft. "Gym" was largely preparation for combat. I had mandatory ROTC.

These days, sports like soccer, which can be played by everyone, are ascendant.

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For Ted Cruz: "SMARMY!" Ah, the mot juste from our rich, deep English, the monster dumpster of all languages, if you talk English with a good mimicry of French, or any "foreign" phonetics, by golly you're going to hit on some words. It bespeaks confidence in your crowd to unleash "scabrous." Haven't run into that one since don't remember. But I've been describing Cruz as "smarmy" to my cat (!) for years. Yay, Thom!

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Republicans advocate the "manhood" of the He-man Woman-haters Club. Zero-sum thinking; being fair to women means being unfair to men. So they compensate their wounded pride with big noisy stuff like guns, chainsaws, and pickup trucks.

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I enjoy these articles from Hartman and support them in every way possible. However, I find myself having to "Jump Ship" quite often. Maybe I just don't like labels or maybe I have such a "radical left" life experience that my perceptions vary widely from the current levels of masculine common denominators. In any case, like any man with quality, I will speak my truth: Based on my life experiences, real men are able to manage their physical health as well as their spiritual health. When you become aware of and in touch with your spirit essence, positive morality is simply a given and not a platform for one's attempts to justify one's existence. When you master the dream and seek to manifest your Personal, Sacred, and Collective dream in cooperation with your spirit, your life takes on a wider and deeper purpose than those who seek to yell louder than the other "guy". All of this posturing and combative comparisons become lame excuses for the basic fact that you are a lost soul and need some sense of justification for being. You think that if you can command some acceptable level of attention, you will somehow be justified in your choices. Herding with morons does not make you a genius. There is a revolution of consciousness occurring on the planet and real men or "radical leftist" understand this fully and they welcome it. They also understand that the clowns need to have their time before they are forced to exit the stage permanently and the main act births onto the stage.

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Hormones are a bitch to deal with from "female hysteria" to "toxic masculinity".

We are in the middle of a gender revolution, it's being televised, and that's freaking-out people that are "sold" on traditional roles.of men and women.

Those roles eroded away in America as women stepped-up to complete the work force for war and to support their children after divorce or by choosing not to marry. Amen.

Some guys (and some gals too) just refuse to see women as anything but objects---some have reduced that further to just body parts. Those folks have work to do on their mental health. AND maybe psychopathy is on a scale.

Real PEOPLE protect children and they try to help not hurt. We need to use those hormones to do some good in the world. 

Viva la Difference still applies---it's just not binary.

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So, like. The sexual ownership of females seems so inevitable. In the white military conquest of the West, it's reported that there was preference given to recruit the ugliest females to serve as washerwomen in the forts, but they were all "married" off right away anyway. I shared Sonia Johnston's revelation of the true labor of the pioneer women: "From Housewife to Heretic." The frontier women rose before the men to feed them, and labored after the men went to rest. I guess I can only hope the revolution is here.

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Mr. Hartmann, thank you for expanding my vocabulary again. I had to dig out my old O.E.D. from the bottom shelf to find "scabrosity" apparently first used in 1657. Obviously, you read widely.

I grew up in Detroit in the 1950s. It was a place with streets full of "tough guys," in the physical sense: real "tough guys," who often ended up in prison for their violent, illegal behavior." I knew many such men; some went to prison, some avoided it. It makes me almost physically ill when I think of all the time wasted on such BS; and all the lives destroyed by that toxic masculinity.

I never fell for that incorrect notion that "tough guys" were "actually" cowards. They most certainly were not. Some of them suffered for their behavior. But this was no deterrent for them. Violent criminals are not deterred by the threat or fear of the police or prison. They wore the scrapes with police or prison as a badge of honor. I knew guys who loved nothing more than to show their scars from fighting, in or out of prison. They talked frequently about firearms, fighting and violence, generally. Make no mistake about it; there are real "tough guys" out there and some of them are truly dangerous because they are seriously damaged human beings. I taught in a prison for three years and met many more such men. Our best response is to treat them as an ichthyologist treats a dangerous shark, orca or blowfish: without fear or contempt; but with a sense of curiosity about how such creatures come to be among us. Only then, shall we be able to do something to protect our community from them.

People like Ted Cruz, Josh Holley and others of their type assume the mantel of "tough guys" of a sort. But they are not like the truly "tough guys:" Senators Tammy Duckworth, John McCain or President John Kennedy. Cruz and Holley's hypocritical and lick-spittle action around Trump demonstrate how phony they are. If they are in any way, truly threatened, their first response is fear, cowering, and obedience to the master. Unfortunately, there are many more of such in the Congress.

In the end, we are all victimized by the culture of toxic masculinity in the US. I am only amazed that people like Duckworth, McCain and JFK walk this earth.

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To that young dude who thinks whacking off to gay and trans porn, and then inventing fascist versions of themselves to get attention, is what real men do, you should point out this blurb I just picked up:

Just five pages into the foreword by the president of the far-right Heritage Foundation think tank, (Project 2025) stakes out an uncompromising position that porn should be banned, porn producers and distributors should be sent to prison, and tech companies that circulate it should be shut down.

So, real man dude, what you're doing will be criminal, and Stinky will put you in jail, and your man Robinson will be a post facto criminal, if not a continuing one.

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The family unit almost always raises these narcissistic lunatics, who can't stand happy people! The cult would prefer Armageddon. That is what too much negativity will do to a person who is constantly berated by their parent or parents and taught emotional thinking by their parent and church. Not rational or realistic thinking.

Males are different from females. Females can handle emotional thinking a lot better than males. When a male starts believing things that feel good that can't be proven, they go completely crazy and become violent, whereas women can bounce back.

The cult are transforming America into another failed third world nation. The few civilized Nations on this planet must protect their borders and keep all Americans and immigrants out!

Only raising all the children together from conception can we end drug babies, all child abuse, racism, emotional thinking for males, religious hatred, childhood poverty... And have affordable daycare!

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These so called “men” are the opposite of strong and masculine. They are weak, fearful cowards who can only build themselves up by putting others down. They know they’re losers and that’s what makes them so mean.

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