Yes, this is the Turning of a new generation is happening now Thom. These young people know how all the harm the GOP has planned is enough to make them stand up and fight against it. They want to change the voting age to twenty one now well we shall see if that happens. Why is it that when people do the right thing the Republicans want to change the game plan. I have a feeling that this is a new generation of people who will not stand by and say oh well. They are going to be the difference makers for their children and grandchildren too. They did save us from a Red Wave and the future really is in their hands and seeing how much attention they are paying to all this climate disaster and the Supreme Court decision to take away rights to a women on body and health care this battle is on for them and they will not go back. I think I may not live to see the change but they will that’s for sure. There is a new day a dawning and it will probably be a better one for them too. Democracy never stops or sleeps my proven Revolutionary the next generation has this and I don’t think we need to worry if only we could live long enough to actually see that change. Thomas Paine said it, we have it in our power to begin the world over again Batman and this generation will do exactly that. Hamilton Paine Hartmann great mind’s for these complicated times. Enjoy your days off time, I will be glad when you get back though. Love Peace Freedom Justice ask me again I’ll tell you the same. Justice Demo’s No Nukes!

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I wonder whether this "turning" might turn out better if a word similar in meaning to one of those at:


caught on.

It seems like the word "empathy" has been around forever, but according to some etymologies, that word was still amazingly young and was probably still catching on during the last "4th turning".


As I've heard you say before, the predominant interpretation of the word "privacy" was very different back when the Constitution was being written. I suspect it was still evolving in the run up to the 19th century's turning oxymoronically named "civil-war". Perhaps there were other, more consciousness-raising words evolving then too.

Although the word "democracy" dates back to the Greeks, I suspect that during the intervening centuries it was seldom spoken by many people until the run up to the turning that resulted the USA.

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