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The, GOP stands for nothing and nobody. I call them the they don’t wanna because they never want to do anything for anybody but themselves. Thom, Reagan gutted the Middle Class and it’s still being gutted today by the don’t wanna do anything for anybody Party. I just see it that way. Thom, with all the in our face racism I don’t know what to think anymore about what might really happen November 8th. I am going to try and remain optimistic despite the train coming at a high rate of speed down the track. I believe in democracy and I know the majority of the people believe in democracy too. Democracy never stops or sleeps my proven Revolutionary, we have only just begun too fight. In, the words of Thomas Paine we ave it in our power to begin the world again and those are words I believe to be true Batman. The world is waiting for us to make that change so what are we waiting on. Time truly is of the essence. Hamilton Paine Hartmann three great mind’s we need in these pivotal times. Love Peace Freedom Justice ask me again I’ll tell you the same. Justice Demos

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