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I, think your scenario for what it really going on with the Politicians meddling in upcoming elections are not to far off. You have now entered the twilight zone. Imagine if you will a Jared Kushner arriving in Sadi Arabia with the thought of having a two billion dollar deal to keep the murder of a journalist who was only telling the truth about the corrupt Sadi regime and Jared is the person who will keep it hush hush for the two billion he has pocketed. Thom yes this is very troubling whatever the scenario. The thing that has to be done is weed out the corruption in order to have a fair election system. I must admit though it’s hard to compete with that kind of money whoever might be involved. I continue to believe in democracy despite all the bad dealings of the Politicians. Democracy never stops or sleeps my proven Revolutionary so we must stay awake and aware of the things they do, and we will. We have it in our power to begin the world again Batman and I’m glad we have your help to do that. Hamilton Paine Hartmann great brilliant mind’s for these increasingly complex times. Love Peace Freedom Justice ask me again I’ll tell you the same. justice Demos

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