To put today's rant into a Golden Ruley frame:

The makers of the decisions with the potential to damage the environment need to understand that we-the-people may soon wake up and stop entrusting them with corporate charters, government employment/contracts, the commons, etc. if they don't at the very least decide AGAINST doing to others what they would OBVIOUSLY NOT want done to themselves. When it comes to environmental damage, the "others" to be considered are the huge numbers of our descendants yet to come (or who would otherwise come along if it weren't for the environmental damage).

Hopefully, one of the words collected at:


may help communicate the concept to the decision-makers entrusted with society's biggest decisions.

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The people who are suppose to protect us are hired toadies who only care about the fossil fuel companies. The very companies that poison our water and air and keep on walking as if this is ok. This is some very dangerous things to allow to happen to the public sphere and we don’t have any control over any of this. There has to be a way to stop all these corrupt people who don’t care about their loved ones and they certainly don’t care about ours. Thom, what’s happening in Florida is insane. The guy there just dropped something on Disney right. Just because they want to be inclusive. Thom I’m starting to believe you are right about him being the next president. This is some scary take us back to a time and place I know I and a lot of other people don’t care to go back to. I think it’s time to show up and shout back we are not going to let these people make us a oligarchy state. Let’s stand up and call this mess out like the lady in Michigan did. Mallory somebody. I loved that and so did many others. Thom, this is what you are talking about. We need to get in these peoples wheel house and let them have it. The truth which is what we need to stop the lies. Democracy never stops or sleeps my Revolutionary the Battle to save our democracy is really on. We have it in our power to begin the world again and it will be a much better world filled with love and peace for all people. I know I can see this being possible.

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EKM metering sells mini electric meters and the meters can be read digitally.

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EKM metering is a company which sells mini electric meters. Has a website, you can buy online. They have meters for 110 and 220 and maybe others.

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Thanks, Doug!

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